Chapter 195
Ming Sha's weapon is the long sword on his back, but no one questioned his fingering strength.

In yesterday's martial arts competition, every finger of his pierced through Lin Su'er's body-protecting Qi, and directly pierced a few blood holes on her body.

At this moment, Killer Ming nodded, but he didn't send out such a strong finger like yesterday.

Ordinary ancient warriors couldn't understand what Mingsha was doing. Many grandmasters on the high platform just felt that the innate qi on the martial arts platform was condensed and fluctuated abnormally.

After Ming Yuexi backed away, she felt a numb pain in her right calf, she lightly touched the ground with her toes, and shook it to relieve the pain.

She looked at Ming Sha with apprehension, the opponent was much stronger than she imagined.

No wonder Huang Xing would remind himself repeatedly.

However, she believes that with her body skills, she can be invincible.

"It seems that we can only use it."

Ming Yuexi saw Mingsha Void pointing, looked at him defensively, and decided to use her own weapons to resolve the battle.

She doesn't like to use her own weapon, because it is too powerful, and it feels like playing a game, which is meaningless at all.


Ming Yue hopes to hear the loud shouting of the elders of Jiaozhong Han and Huang Xing.

She also felt a terrifying and dangerous aura in an instant, making the hairs on her whole body stand on end.

Many masters on the high platform also reacted one after another.



Sikongshang and Tantai Mieshen shouted out at the same time, and they ran towards the Yanwu stage together.

Xiao Qingchen saw Tantai Mieshen heading towards Yanwutai, so he also got up and chased after Lu Xing.

Tantai Mieshen was already scolding his mother in his heart at this time, he told Ming Sha yesterday that Xiao Qingchen and Ming Yuexi should not act rashly during the martial arts competition.

The other evildoers will be killed if they are killed during the martial arts competition, and the blood alliance can bear it.

Every generation of the major forces has an endless stream of evildoers, and if one or two were killed during the competition, they would not die endlessly with the blood alliance.

But Xiao Qingchen is different from Ming Yuexi.

Xiao Qingchen is the phoenix blood sword master of the sword sect, and the same sect master, as long as she doesn't attack the blood alliance first, they don't want to take the initiative to attack her.

Ming Yuexi is the young leader of the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect, the next leader, and his status is next to the current leader of the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect.

In this martial arts competition, the other sects only came with the grandmasters of the seventh or eighth level of innateness, and only the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect had the grandmaster of the ninth level of innateness, Han Xiangyang.

It can be seen how much the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect attaches great importance to Mingyue Xi. If she dies, the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect will definitely go to war against the Blood Alliance regardless of everything.

"A lunar eclipse."

Sensing the danger, Ming Yuexi let out a coquettish cry, and a crescent-shaped weapon flew out of her body.

At the same time, the innate qi on the martial arts stage condensed in an instant, and one after another of dead fingers pierced through the air from all directions towards Ming Yuexi.


Ming Yuexi disappeared in place in an instant, and the ground was pierced with circular holes.

The finger force passed through Ming Yuexi like a shadow, as if it had eyes, and the moon eclipse protecting her turned into moon shadows, blocking the finger force coming through the air, and making loud "boom boom boom" noises.

When Ming Sha saw the lunar eclipse flying out of Ming Yuexi, a strange light flashed in his eyes.


Han Xiangyang had already arrived at the martial arts stage, and stood in front of Ming Yuexi. He waved his sleeves to block the rest of his fingers, and stared at Ming Sha with a murderous expression.

The Silver Dragon Spear also pierced through the air, piercing through the phantom formation in front of Ming Sha.

Fingers are formed into an array, and the stars are densely covered.

One person and one finger can form a group.

Mingsha saw the silver dragon gun passing through the phantom formation, looked at Huang Xing who was flying towards him, and grinned strangely at him.

Lu Xing, Sikong Shang, and Tantai Mieshen landed on the martial arts stage almost at the same time.

He stretched out his hand, and the silver dragon gun was folded back into his hand.

Xiao Qingchen also followed and landed beside Huang Xing.

All this happened in an instant.

The silent fingers just now made one's hair stand on end, and many ancient warriors in the audience were stunned.

They watched the diamond on the ground of the Yanwu platform being pierced into thousands of holes, and they were terrified.

There are also some strong people with late-stage Huajin and half-step geniuses on the audience stage, but they only realized after watching these monstrous martial arts competitions today that they can be so tyrannical under Heaven, and I'm afraid I can't even take one or two moves from them live.

On the martial arts stage, several people stood facing each other.

Han Xiangyang looked at Tantai Mieshen and Ming Sha, and asked in a deep voice, "Tantai Mieshen, what do you mean by blood alliance?"

Tantai Mieshen asked with a calm expression, "A martial arts competition, each depends on its own ability. Is it possible that you Moon Worshiping Demon Sect can't afford to lose?"

Mingyuexi is fine, the Moon Worship Demon Sect has no reason to start war against the blood alliance, so naturally he will not weaken the momentum of the blood alliance.

Han Xiangyang didn't want to tear himself apart with the blood alliance either, so he just snorted coldly and warned, "Don't think that a fox can do whatever he wants by pretending to be a tiger, and be careful that one day he will be burned."

Then he said to Ming Yuexi, "Young Master, let's go."

Although Ming Yuexi was not injured, she still had lingering fears. If it wasn't for the protection of the lunar eclipse and their timely rescue, she might have lost her life.

In the past, she thought that with her body skills and weapons, she was invincible among her peers, so she didn't care about cultivation and dealt with it casually.

This disastrous defeat let her know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people, which aroused her desire to practice.

She looked at Huang Xing and said gratefully, "Thank you, little brother."

Then he looked at Tantai Mieshen and Ming Sha who were confronting him, and said worriedly to Han Xiangyang, "Elder Han, Lu Chen..."

Han Xiangyang said, "Master Young Master, this is their business, let's not meddle in our own business."

Ming Yuexi said dissatisfiedly, "Lu Xing rescued me just now, how can I stand by and watch?"

Han Xiangyang glanced at Huang Xing, and said calmly, "The old man has already made a move just now, even if he doesn't make a move, the Young Master will be fine."

"I don't care." Ming Yuexi said domineeringly, "He came to help me out of loyalty, how can I, the president, leave without showing loyalty?"

"Young Master, offended."

With a flick of Han Xiangyang's sleeves, Mingyue Xitakong left with his innate qi wrapped around him.

"Let go of me." Ming Yuexi shouted struggling, "You let me go."

But she couldn't break free from the innate qi of the Ninth Level Master, leaving only a distraught voice, "Blood Alliance, listen to my mother, if there is something wrong with my younger brother, when my mother takes over as the sect leader, I will wash your blood alliance with blood."

Ming Yuexi's voice echoed in the martial arts arena, Tantai Mieshen frowned, and didn't take her threat to heart.

When she takes over as the leader, I don't know when.

There are too many things to consider for the master of one religion, how can he be so willful as he is now.

He turned to Huang Xing who was standing opposite him, and said with a gloomy smile, "Junior, do you want to court death right now?"

Lu Chen turned the point of his spear, pointed at Tantai Mieshen, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "It's not certain who will die and who will live."


The entire martial arts arena fell into dead silence in an instant.

Huang Xing dared to point a gun at his master, and he was also a master of the eighth level of congenital.

 There is another chapter around 12 o'clock in the evening

(End of this chapter)

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