Chapter 204
Huang Xing brought the four girls to the martial arts arena, and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Regardless of their identities, wherever they go with the beauty of the four women, they will become the focus.

Ji Ran, Xiao Qingchen, and Lu Xiaoke have all used the marrow-washing pill, and their skin has reached the most perfect state. They can't find any blemishes from a distance, and the more they look, the more charming they are.

Luo Xiaoying was wearing a mask, still holding a pipa to half cover her face, which made people daydream even more.

Spring orchid and autumn chrysanthemum, each has its own merits.

Except for Lu Xiaoke, Huang Xing's younger sister, the other three girls have an ambiguous relationship with him.

Those with good intentions use the rumors they heard to embellish and arrange various versions of the affair.

The younger generation are all envious and jealous of Huang Xing's beauty.

Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen walked into the ancient pavilion, but they didn't see Ye Shisan.

The two of them came late every time, and Shisan arrived earlier than them in the previous two days.

The corner of Huang Xing's mouth twitched, Ye Shisan wouldn't be too scared to show up this time, right?

He looked up from the ancient pavilion to the high platform, and there were already hundreds of masters from all major forces.

It can be said that almost one-tenth of the masters in the Chinese martial arts world gather here.

These masters are usually high above the top, and the martial arts contest with the cultivation of strength did not catch their eyes.

What about evildoers?
Can become a master, which one is not the arrogant and evildoer of their era?

But they received news yesterday that the strength of this generation of monsters is simply terrifying.

The strength of Lu Xing, Xiao Qingchen, and Jiang Yunxiao is comparable to that of the mid-innate masters. Even in the thousands of years of history in the martial arts world, there are only a handful of such evildoers, and now there are three at once.

That's why they couldn't wait to come to the world of Confucianism overnight, wanting to see the rumored three great monsters.

This martial arts competition is forbidden to take pictures and videos. The rules of the martial arts world are stricter than those of the secular world. No ancient warrior dares to take risks and secretly take pictures and videos.

Yesterday's competition was only word of mouth, and these new Grandmasters still had some doubts about their strength and wanted to witness it with their own eyes.

Time passed minute by minute, and when the contest started, Ye Shisan still hadn't appeared.

Everyone in the audience was also talking about it.

"Blood League Ye Shisan won't be afraid to come, will he?"

"It's possible that Huang Xing's strength is too perverted. Yesterday, I heard the speculation from the master and elder that even in the mid-innate stage, he might not be able to block his three fingers. When Ye Shisan comes, he will die."

"Hmph, so what about being evil? He is facing the entire Blood Alliance and Yingwuzhai. Among the seven great masters present, there are two eighth-level masters. Can he still be stronger than the eighth-level masters?"

"I also heard that Blood Shura, the leader of the blood alliance, will also visit the Confucian sect in the afternoon. That is an invincible existence at the peak of innateness."

Everyone gasped when they heard the name of Blood Shura.

There are only legends above innate, even the ordinary disciples of the Four Saints and Nine Sects don't know that there are elders above innate in their sect.

The innate peak master is already the strongest in the martial arts world in their knowledge.

The contest was not postponed because of Ye Shisan's absence, the contest between him and Huang Xing was the last one, if he didn't arrive by then, he would consider abstaining from the contest.

The contest of the loser group started first, and the strength of all the evildoers was remarkable, far surpassing those in the same realm, but they hadn't moved the great masters yet.

The strength of these evildoers still belongs to the category of strength cultivation, and the strongest Su Mubai can only fight against the master of the early innate stage at best.

The grand masters who just came to watch the battle today are waiting for the last two contests, wanting to see if the three great monsters are comparable to the mid-innate in the rumors.

Several matches in the lower bracket ended soon, and the long-awaited semi-finals were about to begin.

Xiao Qingchen and Jiang Yunxiao sat next to Huang Xing, one on the left and one on the right. They stood up at the same time, glanced at each other, and flew over the stage together.

Although the two of them sat together, they basically had no communication.

Apart from talking and laughing with the other three girls beside Huang Chen, Xiao Qingchen was as cold as ice to outsiders, and just sat quietly beside Huang Chen.

On the contrary, Huang Xing and Jiang Yunxiao would chat about the martial arts competitions in the martial arts arena from time to time, exchanging their views and opinions.

Xiao Qingchen and Jiang Yunxiao landed on the martial arts arena.

Both of them are peerless beauties with unparalleled beauty, with long swords tied on their backs, they are aloof and elegant, and they are both peerless and peerless swordsmen.

Xiao Qingchen didn't bring an ordinary long sword today, facing Jiang Yunxiao, she wanted to fight with all her strength with the Phoenix Blood Sword.

There was a harrowing silence in the martial arts arena, and the masters on the high platform held their breaths in anticipation of the unparalleled battle between the two great kendo monsters.

Huang Chen also looked at the martial arts stage intently, wanting to see how far Xiao Qingchen could go in the way of swordsmanship, and how much strength she could force Jiang Yunxiao out of.

The two peerless swordsmen stood facing each other more than ten meters apart, tall and straight like swords.

The air seemed to condense, making it suffocating.

The aura of swordsmanship on both of them didn't come out, and people couldn't feel the slightest sword intent.

But even without the slightest sword intent, the second daughter looks like two peerless swords that hide their sharpness.

Just waiting for the moment to get out of the sheath.

Wind blows.

Blowing the hem and black hair of the second daughter.

They stared at each other motionlessly.

Sword intent everywhere.

The sword energy soared.

The martial arts platform suddenly condensed sword qi, criss-crossing and colliding violently, sending out deafening roars.

The roaring storm of sword intent seemed to drown the two peerless beauties.

They stood in the center of the storm, still motionless.

Like Samuume, stand proudly.

The sudden competition of sword intent made everyone in the audience hooked.

Many masters on the high platform were also amazed.

This is the purest sword intent, without any distracting thoughts.

Many sword masters among them are ashamed of themselves.

Looking at Xiao Qingchen in the storm of sword intent, Feng Bupo felt emotional.

This kind of evildoer in the way of swords is the only one in the thousands of years of history of Jianzong.

Wind breath.

The sword intent all over the sky disappeared without a trace.

The two peerless beauties did not touch their clothes, and the first swordsmanship competition was evenly divided.

In the silence, the long swords on their backs were unsheathed at the same time, floating quietly above their heads.

The sabers of the two peerless swordsmen were the first to be unsheathed because of their opponents in the competition.

Only they themselves are worthy of the opponent's sword.

Xiao Qingchen's phoenix blood sword is blood red all over, like a blood phoenix hovering, spreading its wings to fly.

Jiang Yunxiao's long sword exuded a faint blue cold light, like the breath of an ice phoenix, icy cold to the bone.


Two peerless divine swords flew out and collided in the void between them.

The waves of sword energy spread out in all directions, covering the entire martial arts arena.

After the two peerless swords collided, they quickly separated, each floating in front of its master.

Xiao Qingchen and Jiang Yunxiao stretched out their jade hands to grab the hilt of the sword at the same time.

Start with the Excalibur.


Two terrifying sword intents soared into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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