Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 205 Whoever is my enemy, kill, kill, kill

Chapter 205 Whoever is my enemy, kill, kill, kill
Two terrifying sword intents broke through the sky, changing the color of the situation.

The Grandmaster who was present yesterday was already mentally prepared, and his expression was quite calm.

Those masters who just arrived today were shocked when they saw the two sword intents.

Only now did I believe that these two peerless evildoers could really rival the mid-innate masters.

On the high platform, there are very few masters in the late Xiantian stage, most of them are only the early and middle Xiantian masters.

These two sword intents already made them feel the threat of death.

They all have a sense of sadness in their hearts that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.

What kind of horror will it be if these two break through to the Innate Grandmaster?
Especially Xiao Qingchen, who is only 20 years old, how far she can go in the way of kendo in the future is beyond their guess.

Many ancient warriors on the audience stage looked at the two monsters on the martial arts stage, but they could no longer see their figures clearly, only saw two sword intents that made their hair stand on end.

The master on the high platform can still see their figures clearly through the sword intent.

Xiao Qingchen was like a god of killing from hell, the fierce killing intent on his body made people feel terrified.

Jiang Yunxiao is like a goddess in the ice and snow, the cold sword intent on her body can freeze thousands of miles.

"Create your own sword style, please teach me, Miss Jiang."

Xiao Qingchen's cold voice came out from the killing sword intent, resounding throughout the martial arts arena.

"Sword Style" is the name of her own sword technique.

The name is simple, and the moves are even simpler.

Sword one, sword two, sword three...

It is this simple sword style, each of which represents one of her comprehensions, and each represents the footprints she left on the way of the sword.

Jiang Yunxiao said in an open-minded voice, "Your killing swordsmanship is too fast and hasty. If you can't stick to your heart, you will become a killing god who only knows killing in the future."

"I hold the sword in my hand and kill all enemies in the world." Xiao Qingchen said in a cold voice with boundless killing intent, "Those who are my enemies, kill them."

Three kill words in a row, the killing intent on her body reached its peak, almost condensed into shape.

Her words spread to the ears of everyone in the Martial Arts Arena, and the ancient warriors below the mid-innate stage were all trembling with fear of her killing intent, and there was only one thought in their hearts - not to be an enemy.

In the middle Xiantian stage, even the masters in the late Xiantian stage looked at Xiao Qingchen with fear, it was too terrifying to be an enemy of such a murderous god.

Tantai Mieshen and Yamano Soffo looked at Xiao Qingchen with serious expressions, if such an enemy cannot be eliminated early, the blood alliance and Ying Wuzhai will die without a place to die in the future.

They all secretly decided that after the end of the martial arts tournament, they would kill Xiao Qingchen no matter what.

Jiang Yunxiao looked at the god-killing Xiao Qingchen, and asked, "What is the enemy?"

Her voice is ethereal and melodious, straight to the heart.

Xiao Qingchen said in a voice as cold as ice, "Anyone who goes against my will is an enemy."

Her domineering voice echoed in the arena for a long time.

Ji Ran, Lu Xiaoke, and Luo Xiaoying couldn't help but shuddered. Xiao Qingchen at this moment was too terrifying, completely different from the cold and watery girl they usually came into contact with.

Jiang Yunxiao sighed, "You are possessed."

The blood-colored long sword shone on her skin, revealing a pale pink light.

The long hair fluttered in the wind, fluttering behind him.

The killing intent on his body enveloped every corner of the martial arts arena.

At this time, Xiao Qingchen really looked like a female devil that everyone feared.

She looked up at Jiang Yunxiao slightly, and said proudly, "I am me, not a demon, not a god, my name is Xiao Qingchen."

A flash of surprise flashed in Jiang Yunxiao's eyes, and he said in a stern voice, "If you beat me, I won't stop you from becoming a demon. If you can't, today I will - exterminate the demon."

She paused, her tone was somewhat decisive.


Jiang Yunxiao's resolute words were definitely not a joke, she actually wanted to kill Xiao Qingchen as a demon.

During the period of the martial arts competition, Jiang Yunxiao and his wife often walked with Lu Xing and the others, and they also sat with Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen in the ancient pavilion.

At this time, she actually wanted to kill Xiao Qingchen?
"Jia Jing, why did Sister Jiang kill Sister Xiao? Stop her quickly." Lu Xiaoke nervously shouted to Jia Jing who was beside her.

She had heard from Huang Xing in the morning that Jiang Yunxiao's true strength was unstoppable.

Jia Jing said excitedly, "I'm crazy to stop that stinky bitch."

After he finished speaking, he quickly covered his mouth, as if he was afraid that Jiang Yunxiao would hear him scolding her as a bitch.

Lu Xiaoke saw Jia Jing like this, and knew that it was hopeless to rely on him.

Today, his personality is inner fear, seeing Jiang Yunxiao is like a mouse meeting a cat.

"Sister Xiaoying." Lu Xiaoke winked at Luo Xiaoying.

Luo Xiaoying nodded, she understood what Lu Xiaoke meant, she could only use Jianwan at the critical moment.

To them, Xiao Qingchen is their own person and Jiang Yunxiao is a friend.

If they could only choose one, they would definitely choose Xiao Qingchen.

Moreover, Huang Xing admitted that he was not Jiang Yunxiao's opponent, and the sword pill in his hand would definitely not be able to kill her, it was only used to prevent her from killing Xiao Qingchen.

Hearing Jiang Yunxiao's words, Huang Chen stood up from the stone chair, raised his gun and looked at the two peerless beauties on the martial arts stage.

As long as Xiao Qingchen is in danger, he will immediately use the Good Fortune Pill to break through to the early Xiantian stage, and then practice level 9 Tianluo Spear Domain.

Even if he is against Jiang Yunxiao, he still has to protect Xiao Qingchen.

Whether she becomes a demon or a god, she is still Xiao Qingchen.

As she said, Huang Xing's business is my business.

For him, Xiao Qingchen's affairs are also his affairs.

This turn of events caught everyone by surprise.

Feng Bupo was also ready to make a move.

Jiang Yunxiao's strength made him puzzled, if Xiao Qingchen was in danger, he would immediately rescue him.

On the martial arts stage, the two sword intents made people feel more and more palpitating.

Holding the Phoenix Blood Sword in Xiao Qingchen's hand, she looked like a god of hell, her eyes were full of indifference.

The killing intent became more and more solid, as if it was about to turn into scarlet blood.

"Sword Three."

Xiao Qingchen was as graceful as a frightened bird, graceful as a swimming dragon, and slashed at Jiang Yunxiao with a single sword.

Boundless killing intent condensed on the Phoenix Blood Sword.

The blood phoenix soars, breaking through the cage of heaven and earth.

The long sword in Jiang Yunxiao's hand shone with a cold blue light, and he slashed out.

The ice phoenix circled, freezing thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.


The sound of Fengming resounded in the martial arts arena.

The phoenix is ​​flying, and it is singing and clanging.

The blood phoenix and the ice phoenix screamed together.

The killing sword intent and the freezing sword intent collided.

The situation is changing, and the sky and the earth are eclipsed.

The long swords of all kendo fighters began to tremble, as if they were afraid of fear.

The sword masters all let go of their sword intent one after another, and only then did their sabers quiet down.


Xiao Qingchen was sent flying by the shock, and after landing on the ground, he took three steps back to stabilize his figure.

Blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, and the Phoenix Blood Sword was pointing obliquely on the ground, her face became even colder.

The power of a sword is so terrifying.

Everyone looked at Jiang Yunxiao in horror.

In the midst of such a terrifying clash of sword intent, she only took a step back lightly.

The first confrontation between the two peerless swordsmen.

Xiao Qingchen——

Completely defeated.

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(End of this chapter)

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