Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 206 Nine swords come out together

Chapter 206 Three Swords Unleashed
Strong, too strong.

The masters on the high platform all showed horror at Jiang Yunxiao.

If Shi Hao is not strong enough to test her true strength.

So Xiao Qingchen is strong enough, right?
Like a god of killing, it is enough to rival the innate middle stage.

Her hasty strike at Shiting yesterday made Tantai Mieshen, who was born at the eighth level, dare not resist.

With the sword just now, Xiao Qingchen's killing sword intent had been condensed to the extreme, it was countless times stronger than yesterday's sword, it only made Jiang Yunxiao take a step back, but she herself was blown away and vomited blood.

Luo Xiaoying's nerves were tense, and Jianwan was ready to go.

She herself is a half-step innate evildoer, so she can understand Jiang Yunxiao's horror better.

If Xiao Qingchen's sword was aimed at her, she would definitely be unable to resist it.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke were also very nervous, Jiang Yunxiao is so powerful, how could Xiao Qingchen win?
Huang Xing frowned and looked at Jiang Yunxiao, paying attention to her cultivation all the time.

Just now when the sword collided, her cultivation was still half a step innate.

He didn't rush to make a move, because Xiao Qingchen said that if Jiang Yunxiao only used half a step of her innate strength, she could win.

He has full confidence in Xiao Qingchen.

The Xiantian Grandmaster on the high platform recovered from the shock and fell into deep thought.

Walk out of your own way in half a step, and you can break through the innate master.

This Jiang Yunxiao's Frozen Sword Art is so terrifying, why hasn't he broken through to the Xiantian Grandmaster?

"It seems that the old man is a bit late."

Hearty laughter suddenly came from the silent martial arts arena, and an old man in blue with a long sword on his back came walking through the air.

He is as straight as a sword, with a restrained posture, holding two sword cases in his hands.

Many masters were moved when they saw the old man in blue walking towards him.

This is the figure of Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world, the peak innate master, the master of the sword sect, Si Liancheng.

Both Tantai Mieshen and Yamano Zaofu showed fear, if he intervened in Xiao Qingchen's affairs, it would be almost impossible to kill her.

But Si Liancheng said beforehand that this matter is Xiao Qingchen's private matter, and Jianzong will not participate.

Given his status, it should be impossible to backtrack on what he said.

Seeing Jiang Yunxiao's strength, they were looking forward to Xiao Qingchen's death in the ring, but when Si Liancheng came, their wish might come true.

Jiang Yunxiao looked up at Si Liancheng, his face still indifferent.

If she wanted to kill Xiao Qingchen, no one would be able to save her.

Her only chance of survival is to defeat her half-innate self.

"Sword Master Xiao, I brought your sword for you."

Si Liancheng threw the two sword boxes in his hands to Xiao Qingchen.

In his tone, he did not regard Xiao Qingchen as a junior, but treated him as an equal.

The two sword boxes landed beside Xiao Qingchen, she thanked Si Liancheng, "Thank you, Sect Master."

Seeing Si Liancheng present, Feng Bupo was delighted.

In his opinion, with Si Liancheng present, Jiang Yunxiao couldn't kill Xiao Qingchen.

"Sect Master Si." Si Kongshang didn't dare to neglect, and walked over to say hello.

"Elder Sikong." Si Liancheng bowed back and said with a faint smile, "I just came here to deliver the sword to Sword Master Xiao. The sword has already been delivered. I'm going to find Master Kou first."

He also just arrived in the world of Confucianism, felt the soaring sword intent here, knew that Xiao Qingchen had encountered a strong enemy, so he sent her the sword first.

After he bid farewell to Sikong Shang, he turned around and left the martial arts arena.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Si Liancheng leave.

Xiao Qingchen obviously lost to Jiang Yunxiao, isn't he afraid that Jiang Yunxiao really killed Xiao Qingchen?

They all turned their eyes back to the martial arts arena, wanting to see what kind of sword was hidden in the sword case, it was worthy of Si Liancheng personally sending it.

Jiang Yunxiao looked at the two sword boxes and frowned slightly. She could feel the sword intent hidden in the sword boxes. One was the sword of kingship and the other was the sword of nature.

"The sword comes out."

Xiao Qingchen opened her teeth lightly, and said lightly.

The sword box was opened, and the two divine swords were automatically unsheathed, one on the left and one on the right, floating in front of Xiao Qingchen.

A carved golden dragon soars, exuding a kingly sword.

A carved Tai Chi pattern exudes a natural sword spirit.

When the grand master on the high platform saw the two divine swords, he thought of something, and his eyes showed disbelief.

Feng Bupo was also horrified that the three swords inherited by Jianzong had all recognized Xiao Qingchen as the master.

Like a girl from hell, the killing sword intent on her body is even stronger.

What's even more frightening is that the kingly sword intent and natural sword intent emanated from her body.

Three completely different kendos appeared on the same person.

These three kinds of sword intents caused Xiao Qingchen's temperament to undergo an earth-shaking change.

When the king came, he watched the world with disdain.

The slaughter of the gods and the common people.

Do whatever you want naturally.

At this time, she is like the Supreme Empress, her will is the will of heaven and earth.

When you are happy, you can forgive the world, and when you are angry, you will lay down millions of corpses.

Jiang Yunxiao's face was moved for the first time, and he asked with a sigh, "Million swordsmanship, why do you insist on killing swordsmanship?"

A faint smile appeared on Xiao Qingchen's face.

A smile that captivates the city, and a smile that captivates the nation.


Because whoever becomes his enemy, she will accompany him to kill all enemies in the world.

She hid this answer deep in her heart, her face returned to indifference, and she let go of the Phoenix Blood Sword in her hand.

Dragon Yin, Phoenix Blood, Zhenwu, the three swords inherited from the Sword Sect were suspended in front of her.

The king's sword intent, the killing sword intent, and the natural sword intent, three kinds of sword intent are intertwined on her body.



Xiao Qingchen said the sword follower, and three kinds of sword intents shot up into the sky, and the three divine swords slashed towards Jiang Yunxiao together with incomparably terrifying power.

Dragons fly and phoenixes dance, mountains and rivers move, and the world is shocked.

Jiang Yunxiao took up the long sword in his hand, and sealed the entire martial arts arena with the frozen sword intent, resisting the attack of the three sword intents.




There were three consecutive violent bangs, and the three sword intents of destroying everything did not break through Jiang Yunxiao's frozen sword intent.

She still stood there calmly, unharmed.

The Xiantian masters on the high platform all showed panic. Even the masters of the late Xiantian period had to go all out for these three sword intents, but Jiang Yunxiao blocked it without moving an inch.

After the three divine swords were suspended in the void, Xiao Qingchen smiled faintly, the sword intent on his body dissipated without a trace, and the three divine swords returned to their sheaths.

Jiang Yunxiao and Xiao Qingchen stood facing each other, their extraordinary demeanor was admirable.

She exuded an innate aura, resisting Xiao Qingchen's four swords with three swords, she broke through her cultivation to the innate realm.

No one was surprised by Jiang Yunxiao's breakthrough during the war.

If she blocked the terrifying and invincible three swords with half a step, everyone would find it incredible.

On the martial arts stage.

Jiang Yunxiao inserted the long sword back into the scabbard on his back, and said frankly, "I lost."

She stared at Xiao Qingchen, and said earnestly, "Killing the way of the sword, proving the way by killing, the farther you go, the more you kill, the more you will lose your nature. I advise you to choose another sword."

(End of this chapter)

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