Chapter 207
Xiao Qingchen said calmly, "Those two swords have other owners."

As soon as she finished speaking, the grandmasters on the high platform showed puzzled expressions.

When did Jianzong produce a swordsman who can inherit the three swords?

The past masters of the three swords are all peerless swordsmen. Even in the heyday of Jianzong, only two inherited swords were born and recognized as masters.

In the thousands of years of Jianzong's history, there has never been a grand occasion where three swords are released at the same time.

In this generation, apart from Xiao Qingchen, who else in the Sword Sect is qualified to become the inherited sword master?

Feng Bupo's face was full of astonishment. He, the real elder of Jianzong, didn't know who else in Jianzong was qualified to become the inherited sword master.

When Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke heard that Jiang Yunxiao had conceded, and knew that Xiao Qingchen was fine, they both heaved a sigh of relief, and their hearts were relieved.

After hearing Xiao Qingchen's words, they knew that she was going to give them the Dragon Chanting Sword and the True Martial Sword, and they all showed joy on their faces.

When they saw their respective divine swords just now, they felt a sense of connection, as if this sword was born for them.

Jiang Yunxiao frowned slightly, Xiao Qingchen was determined to follow the way of killing swordsman.

When she used the three divine swords to perform Sword Four just now, she mainly focused on the killing sword, supplemented by the king's sword and natural sword.

The killing kendo will be stronger than ordinary kendo, but if you go farther and kill more, you will lose your nature by killing, and you will become a demon who only knows how to kill.

Xiao Qingchen looked at the Dragon Chanting Sword and the True Martial Sword lying quietly in the sword box, and said in a firm voice, "From now on, I will practice the way of killing swordsmanship, you should recognize the master separately."

The Excalibur has a spirit, the Dragon Chanting Sword and the True Martial Sword vibrate slightly in the sword box, making a low cry of reluctance.

"They won't let you down." Xiao Qingchen said softly, "Go."

The Dragon Chanting Sword and the True Martial Sword uttered another low cry, then flew out of the sword box and flew towards the audience stage.

Everyone's eyes followed the Dragon Chanting Sword and the True Martial Sword, wanting to know which two peerless monsters became the new masters of the Dragon Chanting Sword and the True Martial Sword.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke saw the Dragon Chanting Sword and the True Martial Sword flying towards them, they stood up at the same time, and stretched out their hands to catch their divine swords with excitement.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the two who caught the sword of inheritance.

I can't believe that Xiao Qingchen actually gave the other two of the three swords inherited by the Jianzong to outsiders.

Start with the Excalibur.

The king's sword intent on Ji Ran and the natural sword intent on Lu Xiaoke soared into the sky.

The killing sword intent on Xiao Qingchen's body also followed.

The king's sword intent turned into a golden dragon soaring above the martial arts arena.

The killing sword intent turned into a scarlet phoenix soaring above the martial arts arena.

The natural sword intent turned into a Tai Chi pattern that enveloped the martial arts arena.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this vision.

Xiao Qingchen looked at Ji Ran, and a strange look flashed in her eyes. She actually gave birth to the king's sword heart the moment she took the Dragon Yin Sword.

Jiang Yunxiao also noticed Ji Ran's abnormality, and frowned slightly.

Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen had already made her unable to see through, and now Ji Ran also began to make her see through.

Tantai Mieshen looked at Ji Ran, his expression fluctuating.

Ji Ran has been under the monitoring of the Blood Alliance and has never practiced.

The aura she showed just now turned out to be the strength of cultivation.

When did she start practicing secretly?

The vision of the sword intent only lasted for a while before disappearing, and the three sword intents returned to the three women respectively.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke lightly stroked their sabers, and they will be their best partners from now on.

The dragon chant sword and the real martial arts sword uttered a sword chant at the same time, surrendered in their hands, and confessed to them.

Xiao Qingchen is right, these two people are qualified to be their masters.

The martial arts field returned to calm again, Jiang Yunxiao looked at Xiao Qingchen who was as clear as water, and sighed, "If you are a demon, the heavens will be restless, I hope you will have mercy on the common people in the world, and don't commit endless murder."

Xiao Qingchen replied indifferently, "I, Xiao Qingchen, have only killed those who are my enemies all my life."

She was mediocre all her life, only seeking the way of swordsmanship, how could she have any enemies?

Huang Chen's enemies are all her enemies.

It's time to kill.

Jiang Yunxiao asked, "If one day, the whole world is an enemy, what should you do?"

Xiao Qingchen resolutely replied in a cold voice, "Slaughter all living beings."

She looked into the distance indifferently, and thought in her heart, if one day you are the enemy of the whole world, why not accompany you to slaughter all the people?

The cold answer echoed in the martial arts arena, and everyone felt cold in their hearts.

Looking at Xiao Qingchen, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling pity for her, couldn't bear her to bear too many killings, and said softly in his heart, "Then let me accompany you to kill until the world dare not be your enemy, so that you don't have to do it again kill."

Jiang Yunxiao didn't speak any more, and flew back to the ancient pavilion.

She lost to Xiao Qingchen in the same situation, so she has no right to interfere with her way.

The first semi-final of the martial arts competition officially ended, Jiang Yunxiao left the martial arts stage first, and voluntarily surrendered.

Her real strength is better than Xiao Qingchen's, but she was invincible in the same situation.

Xiao Qingchen comprehends the four swords, and the three swords fly together, the power is comparable to that of the late innate.

But now she only has the Phoenix Blood Sword left, how much power is left?

Xiao Qingchen put away the sword box and returned to the ancient pavilion, and sat quietly beside Huang Xing.

In the morning, there was only the last match left, between Huang Chen and Ye Shisan.

But until now, Ye Shisan has not yet appeared.

The evildoer of the blood alliance was so frightened by Huang Chen that he did not dare to come to the competition.

This face, the blood alliance can be regarded as a shame.

Everyone looked at Tantai Mieshen on the high platform, wanting to see the expression of the blood alliance master at this time.

Tantai Mieshen sat on the high platform as steadily as Mount Tai, his expression congealed, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

Looking at Tantai Mieshen, Huang Xing smiled slightly, and asked Xiao Qingchen beside him in a warm voice, "Can we fight again?"

Xiao Qingchen nodded, and replied softly, "Yes."

"Then I'll go up first."

Regardless of whether Ye Shisan appeared or not, according to the rules of the competition, Huang Xing had to go on stage first.

He picked up the Silver Dragon Spear, flew to the martial arts arena, put the spear on the ground, like a peerless God of War, staring at all directions.

Huang Chen stood alone on the martial arts stage, receiving the attention of everyone.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, everyone was discussing that Ye Shisan was too cowardly and that the blood alliance was ashamed.

"Blood League Ye Thirteen dare to come out to fight?"

Huang Chen's heroic voice echoed in the martial arts arena, and he looked at Tantai Mieshen on the high platform with lightning-like eyes. His body was full of fighting spirit, and he just waited for his opponent to fight.

Sikong Shang reminded Tantai Mieshen, "Elder Tantai, if Ye Shisan has not arrived yet, I will announce that he has abstained."

Tantai Mieshen didn't change his face, he sat on the chair and said lightly, "Then abstain."

Sikong Shang glanced at Tantai Mieshen, walked to the martial arts stage, and announced, "Ye Shisan abstained, this time, Lu Chen——."

"It's not as good as this time, let me be his opponent."

Before Sikong Shang announced the word "victory", a confident voice came out.

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(End of this chapter)

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