Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 209 Sir, please use a cross knife

Chapter 209 Sir, please use a cross knife
Borrowing a knife, see also borrowing a knife.

When everyone heard Huang Xing's voice, they stared at him dumbfounded, feeling the urge to vomit blood.

Could it be that each of these evildoers knows several martial arts?

Jiang Yunxiao has already shown his swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

Although Xiao Qingchen only has the way of the sword, he uses three completely different ways of the sword at the same time.

Huang Xing has already shown the way of spear and fingering, and now he actually wants to compete with Yuancheng Tianzuo with a knife.

It seems that in the future, the standard of a peerless evildoer will have to be proficient in various martial arts.

He only knows one kind of martial art, and he is ashamed to say that he is a monster when he goes out.

But other evildoers also know that their energy and aptitude are limited, and it is already very difficult to cultivate their own martial arts to the depths. If they want to learn from Huang Xing and the others to practice various martial arts, they will only be like tigers instead of anti-dogs.

There was a cold light in Yuancheng Tianzuo's eyes, and he was also very surprised that Huang Chen could know the way of the sword.

He touched the Muramasa Demon Sword on his waist, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

If Huang Xing used the way of fingering, he would still be a little worried. If he wanted to fight him with a knife, he would be sure to win.

Luo Xiaoying looked at Lu Chen who was borrowing a knife on the martial arts stage, and recalled that night when he held himself in his arms and said softly to her, "I'll borrow your knife."

Then Ito Yogen was beheaded with a single blow.

Cut off her nightmare and wake her up from it.

That embrace was very warm, and she will always miss it.

But she also knew that it didn't belong to her.

That one warm embrace is enough.

Luo Xiaoying withdrew her thoughts, and was about to lend her knife to Huang Chen again, but someone took a step ahead.

I saw a woman in a blue and white kimono flying out of a group of Japanese evildoers to perform on the martial stage.

"Sir, please use a cross knife."

The woman in kimono landed in front of Huang Xing, holding the knife in both hands, bent her waist and lowered her head under the knife, and said respectfully to Huang Xing.


Everyone was shocked beyond words.

The posture and tone of the woman in kimono all revealed respect for Huang Xing.

How could she respect Huang Xing so much?
Huang Xing was also a little surprised that Noriko Fujino would come to the stage at this time and lend her her knife to herself. What she did was tantamount to openly betraying Japan.

Many ancient Chinese warriors in the audience didn't know the identity of Noriko Fujino, but they also knew that she was the evildoer of Japan who came with Tianzuo Yuancheng.

Their first reaction was shock and disbelief.

The second reaction is - this method should also have an affair with Huang Xing, right?

In their eyes, they all thought that Xiao Qingchen and Luo Xiaoying were also Huang Chen's women.

Otherwise, why would one not hesitate to fight against the Blood Alliance with him, and the other let him not hesitate to offend Ying Wuzhai.

All the monsters in Dongying looked at Noriko Fujino in disbelief. They couldn't believe that she would respectfully lend the knife to Huang Xing on this occasion. This was tantamount to a blatant betrayal of Dongying.

They turned their eyes to Yuancheng Tianzuo who was standing opposite Huang Xing, wanting to see his expression at this moment.

Because they also knew that Genjo Tenzuo showed admiration for Fujino Noriko after she came to China.

The Shinto Temple is the number one force in Japan, and Yuancheng Tianzuo is not only the true descendant of the Shinto Temple, but also the number one evildoer in Japan.

Such a man, I don't know how many Japanese women admire him.

In the eyes of outsiders, Genjo Tensa and Fujino Noriko are a match made in heaven.

But Noriko Fujino was very indifferent to Tianzuo Genshiro and rejected his pursuit.

Yuancheng Tianzuo was furious when he saw Noriko Fujino respectfully presenting the sword to Huang Chen.

The woman he fell in love with dedicated the knife to his enemy in front of his face.

This kind of insult made him wish he could split the man and woman in half in one blow.

His hand was pressing on the Muramasa Demon Saber, and his veins bulged, his eyes looked coldly at Huang Xing and Fujino Fazi.

Huang Xing ignored Yuancheng Tianzuo's gaze, and stretched out his hand to take Fujino Noriko's long knife with a light smile.

"Fujino Noriko, do you know what you are doing now?"

On the high platform, Yamano Soffo's face had turned livid, and he asked in a cold voice.

Noriko Fujino's actions shamed the entire Dongying martial arts world. He is the highest-ranking Dongying master in the martial arts field, and he must stand up at this moment.

"What are you? It's not your turn to teach me what I do."

Fujino Noriko looked at Yamano Sao without showing any weakness. She knew that Ying Wushai was Huang Xing's mortal enemy, so she didn't save him any face.

The majestic eighth-fold master was scolded as "what kind of thing", Yamano Sao became furious, and said sharply, "I don't know how to live or die, today I will clean up the house for the Fujino family."

He was about to make a move when Sikong Shang stopped him, "Elder Shanye, the martial arts tournament is in progress, if you have any private grievances, please wait until the martial arts tournament is over."

In the territory of Confucianism, Yamano Sao naturally did not dare to force himself, he looked at Fujino Noriko coldly, he could only hold back his breath, and deal with her traitor after the martial arts tournament was over.

Fujino Noriko no longer paid any attention to Yamano Satsuo, looked at Huang Xing with burning eyes, and asked expectantly, "Sir, if one day Norio becomes a useless person, will you still take him in?"

The Fujino family happens to have a skill that can pass on one's cultivation to others.

She wanted to return all the cultivation that the Fujino family had given her.

Since then, the two have not owed each other.

She didn't want to betray Dongying in full view.

But Yuancheng Tianzuo wanted her, even though she refused, he did not give up.

In Dongpu, there is nothing that Yuancheng Tianzuo can't get, and the Fujino family also wants her to marry this No. [-] evildoer in Dongpu.

If she returns to Japan, she will not be able to help herself.

That's why she gave the knife to Huang Xing in full view, and told everyone that she belonged to Huang Xing.

Huang Xing remembered that she once told him that he would return what she owed to the Fujino family, and he already guessed what she was thinking.

How could he let her do such a stupid thing, and said, "I will go to Fujino's house to solve your matter for you, and you can just follow me with peace of mind in the future."

For the sake of Noriko Fujino, he will give enough benefits to the Fujino family, and he will treat her as a "redemption".

Hearing Huang Xing's words, Fujino Noriko bowed excitedly and said, "From now on, Noriko will follow Mr. to the death."

Huang Chen nodded and said, "You go back first."

"Yes, sir, Fazi will leave first."

Noriko Fujino finished speaking respectfully, flew towards the auditorium, and landed beside Ji Ran and the others.

During the whole process, she didn't look directly at Tianzuo Yuancheng.

On the martial arts stage, only Huang Chen and Yuancheng Tianzuo stood facing each other.

Yuancheng Tianzuo pressed his hand on the Muramasa Yaodao on his waist, with murderous intent on his body, he was extremely angry.

"I just wanted to defeat you and tell the Chinese martial arts world that China's number one evildoer is nothing more than that." Yuancheng Tianzuo's eyes turned scarlet, and he said ferociously, "Now I have changed my mind, I will split you in two with one knife half, and then make her life worse than death, and let her know the fate of betraying me."

 I wrote it a little late
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(End of this chapter)

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