Chapter 210
As soon as Tianzuo Yuancheng's words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Could this Fujino Noriko be the most enchanting woman in Japan, and then betrayed him to follow Huang Chen?

The news was so explosive that when everyone looked at Yuancheng Tianzuo, they felt that the murderous aura on his body turned green.

The first killer of Ying Wu Zhai's ghost brand betrayed Ying Wu Zhai for him.

The most enchanting woman in Japan also betrayed her in order to follow him.

Huang Xing really praised my Chinese man's prestige.

They all wrote a big "obedience" to Huang Xing in their hearts.

Huang Chen was also a little surprised when he heard Yuancheng Tianzuo's words. He couldn't imagine that Fujino Noriko still had this kind of relationship with him. No wonder he saw that Fujino Noriko offered him a knife, and his angry face turned into a liver color.

Seeing that Huang Xing seemed to have misunderstood him, Fujino quickly explained nervously and loudly on the audience stage, "Sir, I have nothing to do with him."

Then she looked at Yuancheng Tianzuo and said angrily, "Yuancheng Tianzuo, you are shameless, I have already rejected you, it has nothing to do with you, where did the betrayal come from?"

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized that they all looked at Yuancheng Tianzuo sympathetically, that it was his own wishful thinking.

Yuancheng Tianzuo's face became more gloomy, and his murderous aura grew stronger.

He thought it was her honor that he fell in love with Noriko Fujino.

Whether she agrees or not, as long as he proposes marriage to the Fujino family, the Fujino family will naturally be happy to facilitate this matter.

He already regarded Fujino Noriko as his own woman.

Being humiliated by her face to face at this moment, his anger overwhelmed his reason.

Only killing intent and revenge remained in his mind.


Yuancheng Tianzuo let out a roar, and pulled out the Muramasa demon sword with his right hand, and his furious killing intent burst out instantly.

Shinto sword drawing.

The saber, energy, momentum, and person are integrated into one, and when the saber is pulled out, the saber's aura breaks through the void.


Huang Chen also drew his saber out of its sheath, and slanted the saber across his body to resist the saber aura.

The tyrannical saber energy knocked him back three steps before he stabilized his figure.

In the first confrontation, Huang Xing was defeated.

Everyone looked at Yuancheng Tianzuo in amazement, the number one evildoer in Japan, he really didn't get his name in vain.

At this moment, Yuancheng Tianzuo revealed a powerful innate aura, and he actually broke through to the early innate stage.

The masters on the high platform were also surprised by Yuancheng Tianzuo's breakthrough without warning, but they also felt that something was wrong, the innate aura on the opponent was a bit weird.

When Huang Xing saw Yuancheng Tianzuo breaking through the innate, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He checked that the other party's cultivation base was still half a step innate, and the reason why the innate aura exuded from his body was because of the sword that he brought out when the Muramasa demon sword was unsheathed in his hand. Dao attached to him, making him look like he was born in an early stage.

Jiang Yunxiao in the ancient pavilion looked at Yuancheng Tianzuo, shook his head and commented, "This son has extraordinary aptitude, but he is eager for success and has gone astray, instead of trying to control the sword as a human, he was controlled by the demon sword and became a sword slave. "

The Muramasa Demon Saber exudes a strange cold light, which makes Yuancheng Tianzuo look very hideous and terrifying.

Shinto knife technique.

Yuancheng Tianzuo's sword is astonishing, and the sword's intention is extremely evil.

Mixed with murderous intent, anger and various negative emotions, he slashed towards Huang Xing with one blow.

Huang Xing held the knife in his backhand calmly, with the horizontal knife in front.

Crazy Dragon Slash Soul.

The sword is like a mad dragon, facing the Muramasa demon sword.

Yuancheng Tianzuo showed a stern smile on his face.

Muramasa's demon sword not only contains the evil way of the sword, but what's more terrifying is the way of the sword that can devour others.

With a knife against a knife, Huang Xing is courting death.

Biting knife.

The sword intent of Muramasa Yaodao seemed to open its mouth, trying to swallow Huang Chen's sword intent.

Everyone felt the sword intent of Muramasa's demon sword, and felt chills in their hearts, feeling that a demon was rushing towards them and wanted to eat them.


The collision of the Crazy Dragon Slashing Soul and the Shinto-style knife technique caused a loud noise.

"how is this possible!"

Yuancheng Tianzuo's ferocious face turned pale with shock, the way of the Muramasa Yaodao did not swallow Huang Chen's way of the knife, but was chopped off by him.

Shinto Guards.

Panicked, he retracted his saber to defend, but the Muramasa demon saber blocked Huang Chen's long saber and was blown away.

The mad dragon cuts the soul, the sword cuts the body, and the mind cuts the soul.

Although this knife did not cut Zhong Yuancheng Tianzuo's body, it cut his will and his self-confidence.


Yuancheng Tianzuo fell heavily on the diamond floor, spitting out a mouthful of black blood.

He supported the ground with a knife, stood up unsteadily, and looked at Huang Xing with a look of fear.

His body had already been scratched by the saber aura with many wounds, dripping with blood, and he was in a terrible state of distress. He didn't have the demeanor of the number one evildoer in Japan.

The evil sword intent of Muramasa's demon sword controlled Yuancheng Tianzuo, wanting him to kill Huang Chen.

But in the depths of his soul, Huang Xing's invincible fear remained.

These two emotions were intertwined, causing him to struggle non-stop. Sometimes fear appeared on his face, and sometimes bloody killing intent appeared on his face.


Yuancheng Tianzuo was extremely weird, his mind was about to collapse, and he yelled madly.

Everyone looked at the calm and breezy Huang Xing in fear, they didn't expect his sword skills to be so terrifying, he scared the number one evildoer in Japan crazy with a single blow.

Noriko Fujino was the most touched. She also felt that kind of fear before, making her, a beautiful girl of the East, kneel at his feet.

call out.

Muramasa Yato seemed to dislike Genjo Tensa, broke free from his grasp, and flew towards Yamano Sao on the high platform.

Yamano Sao reached out to catch the Muramasa demon sword, and a strange evil power came and merged with him, making him feel that his strength had been greatly improved.

He has long heard the reputation of the village's demon sword, and now he has the sword in his hand, looking at Huang Chen coldly. After the martial arts competition, he will use this demon sword to kill Huang Chen.

Without the control of Muramasa's demon sword, Yuancheng Tianzuo only had fear in his heart. He looked at Huang Xing and trembled in fright.

"I admit defeat, please don't kill me, please don't kill me."

As soon as a murderous intent flashed across Huang Chen's eyes, Tianzuo Yuancheng was so frightened that he collapsed, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.


Yamano Soffo cursed angrily on the high platform, wishing he could slash this shameful thing with a single knife.

The faces of the Japanese evildoers in the north stand also showed embarrassment and anger. Unexpectedly, the number one evildoer in Japan they worshiped turned out to be this kind of virtue.

The face of Dongying Martial Dao World was completely humiliated by him.


Huang Chen's murderous intent didn't stop, he raised his hand and slashed at Yuancheng Tianzuo who was kneeling and begging for mercy.

He never shows mercy to his enemies.

Because he didn't know what methods these enemies would use to deal with him and the people around him after they survived.

To become his enemy, one must have the consciousness of death.

A line of blood seeped from the forehead to the bridge of the nose on Yuancheng Tianzuo's terrified face, he stared blankly at Huang Chen, and fell down with a bang.

Yamano Soffo and Sikong Shang didn't expect that Huang Xing would kill Yuancheng Tianzuo who was kneeling and begging for mercy, and they didn't have time to stop him.

Xiao Qingchen saw Lu Chen behead Yuancheng Tianzuo, stood up quietly from the stone chair, flew towards the martial arts platform with the Silver Dragon Spear, and landed beside him.

Huang Xing looked at her with a smile, took the silver dragon gun in her hand, and then spun the spear, pointing at the seven great masters on the high platform.

(End of this chapter)

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