Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 211 Single Chapter: Testimonials

Chapter 211 Single Chapter: Testimonials
In the afternoon, I received a formal notice from the editor, and it will be charged at 12 noon tomorrow.

Everyone reported that the first two chapters were too watery, so I sent a free chapter to compensate everyone.

The update originally scheduled for the evening will be scheduled at 12 noon tomorrow, and charges will start.

I have informed you in advance a few days ago, and I believe you are also prepared.

Charging means that many book clubs will leave me, and I will not force everyone.

I am very happy that my book can bring you happiness. I hope you can get together and get together well. Don’t scold me for charging.

Writing a book takes up so much of my time and energy that I treat it like a job, and I can earn money to support my family.

For three whole months and two days, I was lying on the bed and typing. I wrote very slowly, but I never stopped updating.

I only made a total of more than 800 yuan, an average of less than 10 yuan a day.

I also thought about giving up this book, but looking at the recommendation tickets one by one, the rewards one by one, and the comments one by one, I gritted my teeth and persisted.

I hope that friends who like this book can continue to subscribe to support me, and those who are capable can give a wave of rewards when it is released at 12 o'clock tomorrow.

I also hope that friends who are about to abandon books can subscribe to Chapter 1 that will be sent out tomorrow, which can be regarded as my last support.

The data of the first day on the shelves is too important, and I hope to get your support.

Thank you for being with us all the way.

Bless me, and I wish you all success in your studies, success in your work, and good health.

(End of this chapter)

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