Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 212 He Didn't Come From There

Chapter 212 He Didn't Come From There (15)

Ruthless, too ruthless.

When everyone saw Huang Chen beheading Yuancheng Tianzuo with a single blow, a chill rushed from the soles of their feet to their foreheads.

Yuancheng Tianzuo had already knelt down like a dog and begged for mercy, but Huang Xing was still indifferent and directly killed him.

So far, two people have died in the martial arts competition, and both of them were killed by Huang Xing.

Is it Xiao Qingchen's way of killing, or his way of killing?
The entire martial arts arena fell into silence. In the silence, they saw Xiao Qingchen landed beside Huang Xing.

People didn't understand it.

The martial arts competition in the morning is over, why does Xiao Qingchen fly to perform on the martial arts stage.

Then they saw a scene that stunned them - Lu Xun pointed at the seven great masters.

There was dead silence, the air seemed to condense at this moment, and everyone's eyes were focused on Huang Xing.

This is the second time that Huang Xing pointed a finger at the Seven Great Masters.

The first is because Tantai Mieshen attacked him first.

This time he took the initiative to provoke the gun against the Seven Great Masters.

The Seven Great Masters of the Blood League and Yingwuzhai looked serious, while Tantai Miishen and Yamano Soffo had sneers on their faces.

They had been patiently waiting for the end of the martial arts tournament before they settled with Huang Xing, but now he dared to provoke them.

He is courting death!

"Elder Sikong."

Huang Xing turned his head to look at Sikong Shang, and said in an energetic voice, "It's early, the battle for the top spot in the afternoon, why not start now."

The contest for the top spot is between Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen. Whoever wins will be the number one in the Xuanbang, and whoever is the real number one evildoer in the Chinese martial arts world.

Did Xiao Qingchen come to the stage to compete with Huang Xing in advance?

Then why did Huang Xing point his gun at the Seven Great Masters of the Blood League and Yingwuzhai?

Everyone can't figure it out.

Sikong Shang looked at Lu Xun, who was still pointing his gun at the Seven Great Masters, and said in embarrassment, "For the battle for the top spot in the afternoon, the suzerain masters of all major forces will come to watch. It may not be appropriate to start it early now."

Huang Chen said confidently, "As far as I know, the seniors should have been to the Confucian sect long ago. I believe that when the martial arts competition starts, they will definitely come and watch with great interest."

In the morning, the magnates of the major forces had to confirm the confirmation of the land list. At this time, it was approaching noon, and all the people who should come had already arrived.

Before Sikong Shang could answer, Huang Xing continued to say boldly, "For the top spot, I want to compare with Sword Master Xiao. Is it my gun that kills more or her sword?"

His words were bold and dry, full of killing intent.

Huang Xing looked at the seven great masters, and shouted in a loud voice, "Seven great masters of the Blood League and Ying Wu Zhai, do you dare to come down and fight?"

This violent shout sounded like a thunder in the martial arts arena.

Everyone's hearts couldn't bear it, and they were thumping in shock.

They all knew that after the tournament, there would be a big battle between Huang Xing and the blood alliance Ying Wuzhai.

They also wanted to know what cards Huang Xing had that could deal with the Seven Great Masters of the Blood League and Shadow Wuzhai, and even the innate peak Blood Shura.

It's just that I didn't expect that this big war was about to break out now.

Huang Xing declared war on the blood alliance and Yingwuzhai instead of the guest.

Sikong Shang was also a little stunned, he didn't expect things to develop like this.

The seven great masters were so provoked by Huang Chen, how could the majesty of the masters be able to bear it, they all let go of their innate aura, jumped up from the high platform, and landed on the martial arts arena like a thunderbolt, knocking Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen away. Besieged in the middle.

Sikong Shang also left his position, looked at the besieged Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen and said, "You two really want to start the martial arts competition now?"

This matter was provoked by Huang Xing, and it is impossible for him to stop the seven great masters who were provoked. Moreover, if Huang Xing wants to win or lose with Xiao Qingchen in this way, it can be regarded as a contest.

It's just that this method is too shocking.

Surrounded by the seven great masters, Huang Xing replied heartily, "Sharpen the gun and sharpen the sword, just wait for this time."

Sikong Shang looked at Xiao Qingchen who was beside Huang Chen again.

Xiao Qingchen stood beside Huang Xing as quietly as water, and nodded slightly.

She didn't need to say much, Huang Xing's will was her will.

Heroes are nothing more than that.

Two evildoers of the younger generation join forces to fight against the grand masters above the mid-stage of the Seven Great Innates.

Regardless of the final outcome, the aura of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen is enough to make everyone admire.

Seeing that Lu Chen and Xiao Qingchen had made up their minds, Sikong Shang no longer stopped him, and announced in a loud voice, "Since both of you agree, the battle for the top spot begins now."

With that said, he returned to the high platform.

The battle was about to break out, and the innate aura of the seven great masters overwhelmed the entire martial arts arena.

In particular, the auras of Tantai Mieshen and Yamano Satsuo's innate eightfold aura are like two fierce beasts, overwhelming ordinary ancient warriors and making them unable to move.

In the conference hall of the Confucian sect, nineteen restrained giants are discussing the matter of the list.

They are the rulers of the Four Sages and Nine Sects, the Four Great Evil Powers, and the Three Super Aristocratic Families.

Except for the owner of Misty Palace, one of the Four Great Sacred Grounds, who was not present, the nineteen most powerful power holders in the martial arts world were all present.

Suddenly, they sensed seven powerful innate auras, two of which were extremely powerful, and they all needed to pay attention to them.

Everyone cast their eyes on one of them, an old man in a blood robe.

The blood-robed old man sat on the chair as firmly as Mount Tai, half-closed his eyes, unmoved.

Kou Wenzhong, the master of Confucianism, said politely to everyone, "Everyone, let me go and have a look first."

He was a little suspicious, Tantai Mieshen and Yamano Soffo didn't have the guts to mess around in the Confucian world.

What is the reason for the Seven Great Masters of the Blood League and Yingwuzhai to let go of their innate aura?
"My seat is also going to join in the fun." A gray-clothed figure followed Kou Wenzhong's figure and left the meeting hall.

An old Taoist in a Taoist robe of seven stars looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "Why don't I go over and have a look, the evildoers of this generation are really unexpected."

His proposal was quickly echoed by everyone, and one after another figures disappeared in the meeting hall.

In the end, only Daoist Fengqing and the blood-robed old man in a blue robe were left in the meeting hall.

Daoist Feng Qing took a sip of tea and asked with a faint smile, "Does the blood leader regret it?"

The blood-robed old man is Blood Shura, the leader of the blood alliance. He said calmly, "He didn't come from there."

Taoist Master Fengqing heard the words, and the hand holding the teacup stopped in mid-air.

He knew what Xue Shura meant, and Huang Xing didn't come from those forces.

Xue Xiuluo said so calmly, it must not be aimless, he must know something from the mastermind behind the scenes.

He frowned, Huang Xing didn't come from there, so what is his identity and background?
Xue Shura showed a strange smile on his face, "Doesn't Master Fengqing also want to watch a good show? Let's go and watch together."

After finishing speaking, he disappeared on the seat, turned into a blood shadow and flew towards the martial arts field.

Daoist Feng Qing looked dignified, and also turned into a blue shadow to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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