Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 21 is amazing my brother

Chapter 21 is amazing my brother
"When Grandpa first met Huang Xing, he just thought he was an ordinary person."

Elder Chu paused, and continued, "Grandpa was willing to make friends with him at that time because he saw that he was a kind-hearted young man."

He looked at Chu Siqiao and said with a smile, "Looking at a young man like Huang Xing who has good character, extraordinary strength but is low-key, it's the first time that grandpa has lived to be 80 years old."

When Chu Siqiao remembered that Lu Chen had the strength of a martial arts master, but he pretended to be an ordinary person in front of her, making himself look like a fool, he was very angry.

"Hmph, he's obviously an annoying guy." Chu Siqiao thought angrily.

She retorted, "He's not as good as grandpa said."

Elder Chu said with a smile, "Could it be that among the people you know are young people who are better than Huang Xing? Tell grandpa about it."

Chu Siqiao thought for a while, and among the people he knew, it seemed that no one was better than Huang Xing.

Seeing that Chu Siqiao couldn't speak, Mr. Chu smiled, "As far as grandpa knows, Huang Xing doesn't have a girlfriend yet."

"Grandpa, where did you go?" Chu Siqiao said shyly, "Whether he has a girlfriend or not is none of my business?"

"Okay, okay, it's none of your business, grandpa won't talk about it anymore." Elder Chu said with a smile in a good mood, "You guys understand things about young people better."

Chu Siqiao blushed, lowered her head, and thought that Huang Xing saved Grandpa's life, so she should be grateful to him, and shouldn't always think about his badness?
Think about his goodness, it seems that he is not so annoying.

He looks very sunny and handsome running in the morning light.

The appearance when showing the power of a martial arts master is even more domineering and fascinating.

Chu Siqiao was still thinking wildly, when Chu Tianxiong received a call from his subordinate, the house he had chosen for Huang Xing had been confirmed.

The Chu family chose a house for Huang Xing in Jingsheng Garden Community, only 15 minutes away from Linjiang University.

Jingsheng Garden is a high-end residential area, with an average housing price of around 5 per square meter, which is at the top of Linjiang City. The transportation and life are very convenient.

Chu Tianxiong said, "Old man, the house has been selected below, I will go there in person."

"Let's go." Elder Chu nodded and said, "Remember, the more you do small things well and the details are in place, the more you can show the sincerity of our Chu family."

When the Chu family was busy choosing a room for Huang Xing, Huang Xing had already returned to the dormitory.

The arrival of Ji Ran and Xiao Ke filled him with anticipation and longing for the future.

He couldn't help thinking about the future path.

Before yesterday, he thought that his life path was to study hard, find a good job after graduation, take care of Lu Xiaoke until she found a good home, then marry a wife and have children by himself, and live his life in a normal way.

The appearance of Wudiqiang completely changed his life, let him see the wonderfulness of this world, made his future road more colorful, and made his heart bigger.

Now that you have the strength, let yourself live a more exciting life, protect your loved ones, and make them happy for a lifetime.

Wudiqiang warned him that the existence of the Shenhao system is not allowed to be disclosed to anyone in any form, otherwise he will be "expelled" as the number one Shenhao in the universe, and the Shenhao system will look for a host again.

With his sudden change, he had to make up a story to hide it from Lu Xiaoke and Ji Ran.

Ji Ran is fine, most of his understanding of his reality is through Lu Xiaoke.

Lu Xiaoke and him are brother and sister, but after he went to university, the two of them met relatively rarely, and mostly communicated on WeChat.

Huang Xing felt that the fabricated "Master" in the morning was a very suitable excuse.

When the time comes, he will tell them that he has been secretly practicing with his master, and now that he has reached the level of energy transformation, his master will allow him to reveal his identity as a warrior.

Speaking of which, Invincible Qiang can also be regarded as the master behind him.


Unknowingly, it was past 8 o'clock, and Huang Xing's cell phone received a text message:
"Sorry, I didn't know you were fired until I went to work. I will help you find another job. Please don't tell about what happened last night."

The text message was sent by Liu Feifei. It seems that the HR department that Vice President Huang approached directly last night fired him, and she didn't know about it.

Thinking of the embarrassing scene last night, Huang Xing felt a little speechless now, and didn't know how to describe it.

"But that kind of game seems quite exciting. Do I want to play this kind of game with Ranran?"

After thinking about it, Huang Xing suddenly had this idea in his mind.

"Bah, bah. What am I thinking?"

Huang Xing scolded himself secretly, and got rid of such dirty thoughts.

It seems that what Ji Ran scolded was not wronged at all, and he is really the stinky hooligan she called.

Huang Chen replied to Liu Feifei: "Don't worry, I won't say anything about this matter. I will call Teacher Xia later and tell her that I am not suitable for this job and I will resign. If you ask me when the time comes, just don't say anything wrong." , you don’t have to help me find a job.”

Teacher Xia had to find an excuse to tell her that she resigned voluntarily because she didn't want to continue working in Chuanglong Group.

It would be even more difficult to explain if he said that he was expelled.

Liu Feifei: "Thank you, I'm really sorry."

Huang Xing: "It's okay, don't take it to heart."

After sending the text message, Huang Xing looked at his phone, it was already 8:45, and he didn't know how Ji Ran was packing up.

He wanted to make a call to Ji Ran, but after thinking about it, let it go, it is troublesome for a girl to go out, and the plane is so late at 10 o'clock, so he should not bother her to pack her things.

He was free, so he sent Lu Xiaoke a WeChat message.

Huang Xing: "Xiao Ke, are you awake?"

Lu Xiaoke: "Wake up, I'm just checking Weibo on the bed."

Huang Xing: "What do you think this is?"

Huang Xing sent Lu Xiaoke a screenshot of the relationship between his King Glory and Ji Ran couple.

Lu Xiaoke: "666, this is too big, Brother Shenhao is going to cry and faint in the toilet."

Huang Xing was speechless, and it wasn't all about himself.

Inexplicably, he has become his own rival in love.

However, the "self" who gave Ji Ran more than 500 million gifts was defeated by himself. Thinking about it, I still have a sense of accomplishment.

Huang Xing: "That's right, as long as your brother gets out, those scumbags will be vulnerable."

Lu Xiaoke sent Huang Xing a resigned expression.

Lu Xiaoke: "Haha, I decided not to go to Linjiang City to work as a light bulb tomorrow, and let my brother and sister Ran be alone for a few days before going there.

Huang Chen: "Is it appropriate for you to sell your sister Ran like this?"

Lu Xiaoke: "It must be inappropriate!"

Lu Xiaoke: "But I'm selling my sister-in-law, haha."

Huang Chen: "It's a pity that your sister-in-law sold you first, haha."

Lu Xiaoke sent a big question mark.

Huang Xing: "Your sister-in-law is here at 10 o'clock today, so she will leave you behind."

Lu Xiaoke sent a big exclamation mark.

Lu Xiaoke: "It's amazing my brother."

Huang Chen: "Don't be obsessed with brother, brother is just a legend."

 Ask for a reward, ask for a collection, ask for a recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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