Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 22 First Meeting

Chapter 22 First Meeting
Linjiang Airport.

Huang Xing waited anxiously outside exit 6, and the scrolling screen showed that the flight that Ji Ran was on had arrived safely.

At 11:[-], Huang Xing couldn't wait to come to Linjiang Airport, waiting for Ji Ran's arrival.

After waiting for more than half an hour, now finally Ji Ran arrived.

He felt a little uneasy in his heart, and it was inevitable that he would be a little nervous when meeting him for the first time in his life.

After all, they are just dating online, and they don't know whether the feeling after meeting will be the same as that on the Internet.

People began to come out of Exit 6 one after another. Huang Xing raised his head and looked left and right, and finally saw Ji Ran's figure full of anticipation.

Ji Ran also saw Huang Xing waiting for her outside the cordon.

The eyes of the two were concentrated at that moment, and they engraved each other's figure deeply in their hearts.

Ji Ran is 1.6 meters tall, wearing a light gray shirt and a light blue plaid pleated skirt with white stripes.

The skirt was almost knee-length, black stockings wrapped around the calf, and light brown shoes were worn on the feet.

No makeup was applied on her face, and her long, smooth hair was draped over her shoulders, as delicate as a finely crafted doll.

A blush flashed across Ji Ran's face, she lowered her head slightly, avoiding Huang Xing's fiery gaze, and walked towards Huang Xing with the suitcase.

Ding, trigger the mission - the taste of first love.

The taste of first love is green and sweet, like sprite mixed with sour plum juice, sweet and sour but refreshing.

Task 1: Holding hands for the first time.

Ask the host to hold hands with Ji Ran within 1 minute.

Task Reward: Get 10 experience points and 10 gold coins.

Failure penalty: Deduct 10 experience points and 10 gold coins.

Task 2: First kiss.

Ask the host to kiss Ji Ran within 24 hours.

Task Reward: Get 20 experience points and 20 gold coins.

Failure penalty: Deduct 20 experience points and 20 gold coins.

Wudiqiang's voice suddenly sounded, this mission is different from the previous ones, it is a serial mission.

"This task doesn't seem to be difficult." Huang Xing thought in his heart, Brother Qiang gave me experience again.

If it's just holding hands and kissing with Ji Ran, it should be fine.

"The novice task can be completed as long as the host is not brain-dead." Invincible Qiang said contemptuously.

Ji Ran pulled the suitcase and walked out of the passage step by step, her heart was beating wildly.

Even though she plucked up the courage to take the initiative to fly over to meet each other, but when the moment of meeting actually came, she felt like a deer bumping wildly in her heart.

"Ran Ran."

With a sunny smile on his face, Huang Xing took Ji Ran's suitcase and shouted softly.


Ji Ran lowered her head shyly, not daring to look at Huang Xing, and responded softly.

The air froze at this moment, and the atmosphere seemed a little awkward. The two walked towards the exit together in silence.

Huang Xing suddenly held Ji Ran's soft and boneless little hand.

She struggled gently.

Want to break free.

Huang Xing held it tightly.

Don't let her break free.

She no longer struggles.

Head buried.

Let Huang Chen hold her hand and walk together.

She could feel the warmth of his palm.

He could feel the panic in her palms.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task, gaining 10 experience points and 10 gold coins."

Huang Xing took the lead to break the silence, and said with a smile, "You are much prettier in real life than in the live broadcast."

He spoke the truth. Although he watched Ji Ran's live broadcast countless times, he was still amazed when he saw him.

Ji Ran's fresh look made his heart skip a beat.

"No way." Ji Ran replied in a shy voice with her head lowered.

Huang Xing stopped, let go of the suitcase in his hand, and took out his mobile phone.

Ji Ran looked at him curiously, not knowing what he was going to do.

Huang Xing turned on the camera function of the phone, stretched it in front of Ji Ran, used it as a mirror, and said seriously, "Look, isn't it more beautiful than when you were live broadcasting?"

Ji Ran's face was blushed by Huang Xing, he lightly punched Huang Chen's arm, and cursed, "I hate it."

Huang Xing hugged Ji Ran's arm, held up the phone and shouted, "Look at the camera, eggplant."

Embarrassed, Ji Ran secretly turned to look at the camera.


The flash lights up.

Huang Xing took their first intimate group photo.

Ji Ran gently pushed Huang Chen's embrace away, buried his head and said in a low voice, "I always thought you were honest, I never thought you would bully girls like this."

Huang Xing took Ji Ran's little hand again, clasped his fingers tightly, and asked jokingly, "Do you feel like you've been cheated?"

Ji Ran cutely gestured with his thumb and index finger, and said, "There is such a tiny bit."

"Hello, isn't this the anchor of Ji Da? What a coincidence."

Huang Xing was still flirting sweetly with Ji Ran, when suddenly a frivolous voice came from his ear, with a sarcasm in his tone.

Huang Xing looked around, and saw three men walking towards them.

It was a young man on the left with a sneer at the corner of his mouth who spoke.

Huang Xing looked familiar, and remembered that this was Ke Shao and Ke Feiyang from Shark Live.

Ke Shao's shark live broadcast avatar uses his own photo, that's why Huang Xing recognized him with familiarity.

Ke Feiyang was very depressed last night, and was slapped in the face by the number one Shenhao in the universe during the Shark live broadcast.

This is the first time he has been slapped in the face like this when he grows up, so he deeply hates the number one Shenhao in the universe and Ji Ran.

He had just come out of the airport when he happened to see Ji Ran holding hands with a man, he was taken aback.

Still thinking in my heart, the man next to Ji Ran won't be the number one hero in the universe.

No wonder he thought so.

This is the case in the live broadcast circle. After many local tyrants pay hundreds of thousands of gifts to the female anchor, they can ask the female anchor out to have sex.

This can be regarded as the unspoken rule of the live broadcast circle.

The No. 510 Shenhao in the universe swiped [-] million gifts for Ji Ran last night, and it is normal for Ji Ran to give him a "thousand-mile gift" today.

Ke Shao didn't know, he guessed the ending correctly, but not the process.

Ke Shao saw that Huang Xing was dressed in casual attire, without a single famous brand. He looked like an ordinary student, not at all like the No. [-] Shenhao in the universe who was throwing millions.

And his friend told him that the man next to Ji Ran was not from the circle of Linjiang City.

The so-called "circle" refers to the "second generation" circle in Linjiang City.

His friend Lei Shao is a well-known second generation in Linjiang City, a good friend he met in college.

This time, it was also because Young Master Lei said that young master Qin of Linjiang City, who has all eyes and hands, is going to have a birthday party in a few days, so that Young Master Ke could learn a lot and take him there to get acquainted.

That's why Ke Shao excitedly flew to Laijiang City and appeared here.

The first time Lei Shao saw Ji Ran, he was astonished, his eyes were filled with lust, greed and possessiveness.

This woman, I want it.

Lei Shao didn't seem to see Huang Xing who was holding hands with Ji Ran intimately.

In Linjiang, there were very few women he couldn't get.

In Linjiang, there were even fewer people he couldn't afford to offend.

Ke Shao noticed the possessiveness in Lei Shao's eyes when he looked at Ji Ran, and he was secretly happy.

He knew what kind of person Lei Shao was.

To achieve the goal, use all means.

If Ji Ran falls in love with him, he will definitely not end well.

Ha ha.

Let's see how you pretend to be noble this time.

(End of this chapter)

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