Chapter 23

The three of Ke Shao walked towards Huang Xing and Ji Ran.

A young man in the middle walked in the front with a supercilious arrogance on his face. Ke Shao and the other person were half behind him, obviously he was the highest among the three.

The man on the right has a stern face and is full of explosive power. He looks like a bodyguard for the young people in the middle.

The three of them stopped two meters in front of Huang Xing and Ji Ran, and Ke Shao smiled and said, "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet Ji Da's anchor here."

Ke Shao looked at Ji Ran, who was more beautiful and pure than in the live video, and felt very hot in his heart.

Hehe, for the woman Lei Shao likes, let's see how long you can stay pure?
He also likes to play with women, but only with his own money.

Lei Shao is completely different from him.

He will do whatever it takes to get the woman Lei Shao likes.

Even Ke Feiyang had to admit that Shao Lei was a scumbag.

But it's good, after Lei Shao has played, he happens to be able to play too.

Anyway, this kind of thing, they have often done before.

Ji Ran recognized that the person who greeted her was Ke Shao from Shark Live. Knowing that he came in a bad way, he held Huang Xing's hand tightly.

Huang Xing gently squeezed Ji Ran's slender hand to reassure her.

He looked at Ke Shao with a faint smile and asked, "Are you Ke Feiyang from Shark's live broadcast? Yesterday you invited the sailors to come to Jiran's live broadcast room to make trouble?"

Now that they met, Ke Shao asked the navy to insult Ji Ran, so naturally he had to settle it with him.

"That's right, it's me." Ke Shao looked at Huang Xing contemptuously, and asked disdainfully, "Why, do you want to broadcast the show for Master Ji?"

He didn't pay attention to ordinary people like Huang Xing at all, he could step on it however he wanted.

Before Huang Xing could respond, Young Master Lei raised his hand to signal Young Master Ke not to speak, and said in an unquestionable tone, "Feiyang, let's leave the matter between you and Miss Ji alone, don't mention it again."

Then, he looked at Ji Ran with a frivolous smile on his face, and continued, "Under Leiyun, it's a pleasure to meet Miss Ji, why don't I invite Miss Ji to have a meal together, let's make friends and forget about the past. "

Huang Xing asked lightly, "Did I promise to forget it?"

Ji Ran gently pulled Huang Chen's hand, wanting him not to pursue it any further, and said in a soft voice, "Thank you, Young Master Lei, for your kindness, let's forget about the previous things, as for the meal, we have something to do first. gone."

In her heart, Huang Xing is just an ordinary student, and it is easy to suffer from these rich second generations.

She didn't want Huang Xing to offend these rich second generations because of her affairs.

Ji Ran pulled Huang Chen to leave.

This is the airport, Ji Ran didn't believe that Ke Shao and Lei Shao dared to do anything to them in public.

Lei Shao frowned, his face suddenly turned cold, and his cold eyes swept towards Huang Xing.

This kind of kid who has never seen the world, if you don't show him some color, he doesn't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is.

Before Lei Shao had an attack, Ke Shao pointed at Huang Chen and yelled, "What are you? How dare you talk to Lei Shao like that?"

A click.

With a wave of his hand, Huang Xing patted away the finger Ke Shao pointed at him.



"I have broken my finger."

The sudden pain of severed fingers caused Ke Shao to scream out while clutching his hands.

Huang Xing looked at Ke Shao coldly, then at Lei Shao, and asked mockingly, "What are you? What is Lei Shao?"

"You have the guts." Lei Shao looked at Huang Xing furiously, and shouted to the bodyguard on the right, "Tie Xiong, get rid of him for me."

The anger in Lei Shao's heart rose.

In Linjiang, someone dared to cut off his friend's finger in front of him.

In Linjiang, someone dared to ask him what he was.

He decided that he must severely torture the man in front of him.

Let him know what happens when he offends himself.

"Lei Shao, this is the airport." Tie Xiong reminded.

Lei Shao's bodyguard, Tie Xiong, was born in an underground black boxer, and he has beaten countless people with his iron fists.

He stared at Huang Xing fiercely like a beast.

The young man in front of him could break Ke Shao's fingers with a wave of his hand, obviously he had practiced a few times.

The airport is a very sensitive place, if there is a big fight at the airport, the impact will be too bad, even the Lei family can't handle it.

Ji Ran was taken aback by Ke Shao's scream, and realized that it was Huang Xing who broke Ke Shao's finger.

She held Huang Chen's hand tightly in fear and hung it on his arm.

Ke Shao's screams caused a commotion.

Passengers on the side also looked over.

Just now, Huang Xing shot too fast, others didn't know that Ke Shao's scream was because he broke his finger.

The police patrolling the airport also ran over.

He asked, "What happened?"

"It was he who broke my friend's finger." Lei Shao pointed to Huang Chen and said to the police.

Lei Shao calmed down, knowing that beating up Huang Xing at the airport would cause trouble.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Huang Xing is still in Linjiang City.

He has a way to find him and deal with him.

"It was he who pointed at me first, and I slapped his finger away." Huang Xing said to the policeman with an angry and innocent look, "As for why his finger broke, I don't know, if you don't believe me, you can check it." monitor."

Huang Xing is not an idiot either, the airport is full of surveillance cameras, taking the initiative to take action will only cause trouble, but he just dislocated Ke Shao's fingers while patting him away.

The policeman looked at Huang Xing and Ji Ran. This couple looked like they were still students.

The two young men on the other side were both wearing name tags, and there was a man with a stern look who looked like a bodyguard.

He probably also guessed what was going on, and said in a deep voice: "This is the airport, not a place where you make trouble. If you can coordinate well by yourself, you'd better coordinate by yourself. If you can't coordinate, come with me to the police room one trip."

Tie Xiong went to Ke Shao's side and picked up his hand to check that it was only dislocated, and put it back together with a click.

Ke Shao screamed again, but his fingers were numb and seemed to be no longer in pain.

"Young Master Lei, it's just a dislocation, it's fine." Tie Xiong said to Lei Yun.

Lei Yun glared at Tie Xiong, and still refused to give up and said to the police, "He beat my friend, which is considered intentional injury, who knows if there will be sequelae, I don't want to coordinate with him in private, everything follows the procedure. "

Lei Yun also knew that this kind of trivial matter couldn't do anything to Huang Xing, even if he used his relationship, he couldn't do anything to Huang Xing.

His purpose of doing this was only to let Huang Xing leave his identity information during the investigation in the police office.

As long as you have Huang Xing's identity information.

In Linjiang City, there are a hundred ways for him to kill Huang Xing.

Huang Xing looked at Lei Shao with a faint smile, knowing that he still wanted to make trouble.

If they don't bother anymore, let's forget about Mr. Ke's invitation to the navy Hei Jiran, but he will find that the reset finger is not very good in the future.

But if they still want to continue to toss, then play with them, and it will not be as simple as a finger being inoperable.

The policeman frowned. The injured young man was obviously fine. This Young Master Lei still wanted to make a big fuss, but he had to go through the procedure, and said to them, "Well, all of you come to the police room with me. trip."

 This chapter is to make up for yesterday, and there are two more chapters today.The pretentious face-slapping mode is about to start, ask for a reward, ask for a collection, ask for a recommendation ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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