Chapter 24 First Kiss
The security personnel's investigation soon came to fruition. After checking the surveillance, it was indeed Ke Shao who first pointed at Huang Xing with his finger, and then Huang Xing just waved his hand and slapped Ke Shao's finger away, causing Ke Shao's finger to dislocate accidentally.

After the phalanges were reset, Ke Shao's fingers were fine.

The two parties reached a settlement under the coordination of security personnel.

After they walked out of the security room, Lei Shao had a sneer on the corner of his mouth, looked at Huang Xing with unruly eyes, and said, "Linjiang University, Huang Xing, right? They are all taller than you, let's wait and see."

"If you only speak harsh words, you can get out now when you're done talking." Huang Xing cast a disdainful glance at Lei Shao, and said lightly.

Instead of being angry, Young Master Lei smiled and said, "You are very kind, I hope you will be so kind next time I meet you."

"let's go."

After speaking, Lei Shao left with Ke Shao and Tie Xiong.

In his opinion, Huang Xing is already dead.

If Huang Xing and Ji Ran were outsiders, he would have some trouble dealing with them after they left Linjiang.

Since Huang Xing is a student of Linjiang University, he can kill him however he wants.

"Lei Shao, this matter can't just be left alone." Ke Shao said after gritting his teeth with resentment after he left with Lei Shao.

Although his finger no longer hurts, the humiliation he suffered just now and the pain of cutting off his finger made him deeply resent Huang Xing.

He didn't know that although the finger didn't hurt anymore, the meridians had been damaged by Huang Xing. After a month, he would find that finger was gradually out of control until he completely lost consciousness.

"Of course we can't just let it go." Lei Shao said with a cruel smile on his face, "In Linjiang, no one dares to ask me what I am. I want him to know what it means not to live and not to die."

He took out his mobile phone, made a call, and waited for the other party to connect——

Lei Shao: "Hey, Lord Tiger, help me check someone."

Master Tiger: "Who does Young Master Lei want to investigate?"

Lei Shao: "A sophomore in the Economics and Management Department of Linjiang University, named Huang Xing."

Lord Tiger: "No problem, I'll do it right away."

Lei Shao: "When I found out, I immediately crippled his hands. I want him to eat with his feet in the future."

Lei Shao: "Also, there is a woman named Ji Ran next to him, and I will also catch her together."

Master Hu: "It's summer vacation now, I don't know if they are in Linjiang, it might be a bit troublesome to find them."

Lei Shao: "They are in Linjiang, and the matter is settled, and money is not a problem."

Master Hu: "Young Master Lei, don't worry, as long as they are still in Linjiang, they will be on me."

Lei Shao: "Then I'll wait for your good news."


It was just a false alarm, Ji Ran followed Huang Xing and left with lingering fear.

She blamed herself very much.

If it wasn't about her and Ke Shao, Huang Xing wouldn't have offended Lei Shao.

That Young Master Lei seemed to be very powerful in Linjiang, his sneering and ferocious eyes made her feel chills before leaving, and his threats made her even more frightened.

Ji Ran knew that Young Master Lei would not let this matter go, and would trouble Huang Xing again, so he was very worried.

She blamed herself and said, "I'm sorry, I got you in trouble."

"Fool, what's the trouble?" Huang Xing stroked Ji Ran's hair, looked at her tenderly, and said, "Don't say such stupid things again, you are my girlfriend, and I will always protect you. Don't let anyone bully you."

After hearing Huang Xing's love words, Ji Ran felt sweet in his heart, blushed and avoided Huang Chen's gaze, and said in a voice like a mosquito, "When did I agree to be your girlfriend?"

They are just game CPs.

The reality is that there is no official relationship.

Huang Xing suddenly hugged Ji Ran gently with his palm, making her Shuiwanwan eyes meet his own, and asked seriously, "Then would you like to be my girlfriend now, whether it's a game or in reality?" .”

Ji Ran struggled slightly, trying to avoid Huang Xing's fiery gaze.

But it cannot be avoided.


She didn't really want to avoid it.

Looking at Huang Xing's sincere and bright eyes, Ji Ran's heart was beating wildly, and his mind went blank.

His eyes were full of sincerity.

His eyes were full of love.

His eyes fascinated Ji Ran.

His eyes made Ji Ran fall.

Ji Ran replied in a low voice, "I am willing."

Yes, she will.

Always willing.

If she didn't want to, she wouldn't choose to come here.

520 days of game time, little by little gathered into a river of love.


When the love in the game comes to reality, it will fall to pieces.


When the love of the game comes to reality, it will become a bubble phantom.


Just pursue it.

Just loved.

She has no regrets.

What responded to her was Huang Xing's hot kiss.

He held Jiran's neck with one hand and put his arms around her with the other.

Ji Ran struggled lightly.

Gently close your eyes.

Gently put your arms around him.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task, gaining 20 experience points and 20 gold coins."

The two hugged and kissed for more than a minute.

Only then did Huang Xing reluctantly let go of Ji Ran's lips.

Ji Ran felt like he was about to suffocate.

There was a blush all over her face.

Only then did she realize that the two were still in the aisle.

People come and go.

Her face turned even redder, and she wished she could bury her face in Huang Xing's arms.

"Fool, let's go."

Huang Chen happily held Ji Ran's hand and left the airport.

After leaving the hall, Huang Xing took a taxi and went to Jingsheng Garden Community.

At 11:20, Chu Tianxiong called and told him that the house had been arranged for him, and he could move in anytime in Jingsheng Garden Community.

"Of course, what do you want for lunch?"

In the taxi, the two of them clasped their fingers together, and Ji Ran gently lay on Huang Chen's shoulder.

She is a little tired.

After being tossed by Lei Shao and the others, it's almost 1 o'clock now, and Ji Ran hasn't eaten yet after getting off the plane.

When he was at the airport, Huang Xing wanted to have a meal together before going back.

But Ji Ran felt that eating at the airport was too expensive, and he was reluctant to let Huang Xing spend more money, so he told him that he had no appetite and would eat when he went back.

She originally wanted to live in a hotel by herself, but Huang Xing told her that she had already rented a house, so she could live there directly.

Ji Ran thought it was because Lu Xiaoke was also coming to Jiang University to study, so Huang Xing rented a house outside for the convenience of his siblings to live together, so he didn't think much about it.

In her heart, Huang Xing was still the poor college student who needed a part-time job to support herself and Lu Xiaoke's education.

She doesn't care about all this.

"You can order a takeaway when you get back. I like rice noodles." Ji Ran said happily.

Even if you go out, you can only take a taxi or even a bus.

Even if you can only live in a rented house.

Even if you can only eat simple takeaway.

Ji Ran didn't care about all of this, and felt very happy.

As long as Huang Xing is willing to work hard, she believes that even if they don't have anything now, they will definitely have it in the future.

And she knows.

Her Huang Chen has been working hard and motivated.

 Ask for a reward, ask for a collection, ask for a recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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