Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 25 Dare to jump, trampled to death with one foot

Chapter 25 Dare to jump, trample to death

When Huang Xing heard that Ji Ran only wanted to eat takeaway rice noodles, he immediately objected, "This is our first date for dinner, how can we eat so casually?"

"I was a little tired just after getting off the plane, and I didn't want to move." Ji Ran said listlessly, "It's more convenient to order a takeaway."

Huang Xing stroked Ji Ran's hair, and saw that she was really tired.

He secretly thought: "When the gold coins are enough, I will also buy Ji Ran a marrow washing pill, let her wash the marrow and cut her body, and change her physique."

The sun was scorching at noon, and it was true that I didn't have much appetite to eat outside, but the first time I invited Ji Ran to dinner, it was too outrageous to eat takeaway rice noodles.

Huang Xing suddenly thought: "By the way, I can cook rice noodles for Ranran myself."

Before he went to college, he cooked at home by himself.

His cooking skills are not very good, but at least he got into the kitchen.

Rice noodles can also be cooked.

The first time I ate with Ranran, it was even more memorable to cook by myself.

Ok, deal.

Huang Chen said cheerfully, "Since you don't want to go out to eat, then I'll cook rice noodles for you myself."

Ji Ran, who was still in low spirits just now, suddenly regained his energy, got up from Huang Chen's shoulders excitedly, and asked in surprise, "Can you still cook rice noodles?"

"Well, I didn't live on campus before college, and I cooked at home. I also cooked rice noodles, and Xiao Ke even praised me for the delicious cooking."

When Huang Xing recalled the days when he and Xiao Ke were dependent on each other, his heart was warm.

Ji Ran shouted happily, "That's great, I'll eat the rice noodles you cooked for lunch."

Huang Chen joked, "But I haven't cooked for two years, so I don't know if it will become a dark dish after cooking."

Ji Ran smiled happily, "Hee hee, it's okay, let's go to the supermarket to buy vegetables together and cook dark dishes together."

The girl in love instantly came back to life with full blood, and was so excited that she wanted to go shopping with Huang Xing.

"I'll call first to ask someone to help me buy vegetables, and then we'll start cooking when we get home."

Huang Xing was worried about Ji Ran's health, if he went to buy vegetables by himself, it would take a lot of time, and he didn't know when it was cooked, and Ji Ran would be starving by then.

Ji Ran didn't agree, he shook Huang Chen's hand and said coquettishly, "No, I want to go shopping with you, we will go to the supermarket to buy by ourselves."

"Pig, what time is it now? When we buy it and cook it ourselves, we can have dinner." Huang Xing scratched Ji Ran's nose and said, "You should have a good rest first, get enough energy, and take dinner with you at night." You go out and go shopping, you can do whatever you want."

"Okay, then let's go shopping in the evening."

Ji Ran no longer persisted, and leaned back on Huang Chen's shoulder, closed his eyes and took a rest.

Huang Xing took out his phone and called Chu Tianxiong, asking him to send someone to buy rice noodles and various condiments.

Because Chu Tianxiong told him just now that he has arranged for someone to wait for him in the Jingsheng Garden community to pick up the keys. There is a supermarket next to the community, so it is very convenient for him to go shopping.

However, Huang Xing didn't know that Chu Tianxiong didn't arrange for others to wait for him, but he personally waited for him in the Jingsheng Garden Community to pick up the keys.

When Chu Tianxiong received a call from Huang Xing asking him to help him buy vegetables in the supermarket, he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went to the supermarket to buy vegetables for him in person.

He is the Patriarch of the Chu family, one of the three mighty Linjiang families, and he is like a little boy running errands for Huang Xing.

He knew that this was an opportunity for the Chu family.

The dragon hides in the wild, neither sullen nor angry.

But Qianlong always ascends to heaven.

A martial arts master is enough to shock the Linjiang martial arts world.

A congenital master is enough to sweep the Linjiang martial arts world.

He believes that it won't be long before the Chu family will become the number one family in Linjiang.

When Huang Xing arrived at the gate of Jingsheng Garden, he immediately saw Chu Tianxiong waiting there.

He was able to see Chu Tianxiong at a glance, not because of his sensitive perception, but because Chu Tianxiong was so conspicuous.

I saw Chu Tianxiong standing at the gate of the community in a suit and leather shoes, holding two big bags in both hands.

Behind him were four bodyguards in black suits and sunglasses, their bodies were straight, standing motionless behind him.

This kind of lineup is guarding the gate of the community, and it is difficult for people not to pay attention.

Huang Chen shook his head helplessly. The Patriarch of the Chu family personally gave him the keys and bought him vegetables. The Chu family showed such sincerity, no matter whether their purpose was pure or not, he would always keep it in mind.

Ji Ran got off the taxi and looked at the beautiful environment and luxurious appearance of the community before him, feeling a little strange.

Although Linjiang's house price is not comparable to the one she lives in, the neighborhood in front of her looks like one of the best high-end neighborhoods in Linjiang. How could Huang Xing rent a house here?

"Hello, Young Master Lu."

Huang Chen led Ji Ran to Chu Tianxiong, and the four bodyguards behind him shouted in unison.

Ji Ran was taken aback by their neat and resonant calls.

He looked at them blankly, then looked at Huang Xing again.

Is this making a movie?

Seeing Ji Ran coming hand in hand with Lu Xing, Chu Tianxiong asked with a smile on his face, "Young Master Lu, who is this lady?"

"My girlfriend, Ji Ran." Huang Chen introduced, "Of course, this is the Linjiang Chu family, the head of Chu Tianxiong's family."

Chu Tianxiong was sweating in his heart.

In the morning, the old man also said that Huang Xing didn't have a girlfriend, so he asked Sisi to get in touch with him more.

Now Huang Xing brought a girlfriend over.

Martial arts masters are unfathomable, even their girlfriends can hide so deeply.

Chu Tianxiong didn't have any strange color on his face, he greeted Ji Ran with a smile on his face, "Hi Miss Ji, nice to meet you."

"Chu...Hello, Uncle Chu."

Ji Ran didn't know how to address Chu Tianxiong, so he had to call him Uncle.

Her mind is still dizzy, what is this all about?
Young Master Lu?

The head of the Chu family?

The Huang Xing in front of her seemed to be a little different from what she knew.

Is this the gap between the Internet and reality?
Huang Xing saw the doubts in Ji Ran's heart, and there were some things that she should know.

"However, I told you just now that you don't have to worry about that Young Master Lei, I didn't mean to comfort you." Huang Xing's aura suddenly became extremely fierce, and he said proudly, "It's because in my eyes, that Young Master Lei is just a clown. "

"As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you."

Ji Ran was shocked by Huang Xing's domineering words.

She let Huang Xing lead her like a marionette.

Her dazed mind was blank now.

She only knew that the man beside him was indeed the Huang Xing who had been with her for 520 days.

that's enough.

"Young Master Lu, what's the matter with that Young Master Lei?" Chu Tianxiong heard that someone called Young Master Lei had offended them, and the only more powerful person in Linjiang was the Lei Family of the "Thunder Group", so he asked, "It's the Lei Ting Has the group's Lei family offended Young Master Lu?"

The Lei family is nothing in front of their Chu family, if they dare to offend Huang Xing, Chu Tianxiong will immediately go back to clean up the Lei family.

"It's just a few clowns, don't pay attention to them." Lu Chenyun said calmly, "If they come to the door to jump, I don't mind stepping on them to death."

"What Young Master Lu said is that this kind of ants are not worthy of Young Master Lu's attention at all." Chu Tianxiong saw that Huang Chen was not going to take the initiative to trouble the Lei family, so he didn't say anything, but he had already blacklisted the Lei family in his heart.

 Thanks to "Book Friends 161224165854207" for rewarding 1000 book coins;

  Thanks to "isaactangTAT" for rewarding 500 book coins.

(End of this chapter)

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