Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 26 Ask the Master Chu to point out the way

Chapter 26 Ask the Master Chu to point out the way
"Patriarch Chu, let's not talk about this, take me and Ranran to the rented house first."

Huang Xing didn't want to waste time because of these trivial matters and affect his cooking for Ji Ran.

Ji Ran had to rest well after eating, so that he would be able to take her shopping at night.

"Okay, Young Master Lu, Miss Ji, please follow me."

Chu Tianxiong led the way, Huang Chen led Ji Ran and walked in the middle, and the four bodyguards dutifully followed behind.

They didn't realize that someone was secretly watching them in a car more than 30 meters away from them.

The person who peeked at them was called Wang Hu, Master Hu from Linjiang North District.

Wang Hu bought a suite in Jingsheng Garden to take care of his lover. He spent the night with his lover here last night and was just about to leave.

When he drove out of the community, he saw Chu Tianxiong standing at the gate of the community holding two large shopping bags from the "Yonghui Supermarket" next door.

It seems that they are waiting for someone.

A Linjiang overlord like Chu Tianxiong is a superior existence to Wang Hu, and he can only admire him from a distance, and he is not even qualified to say hello.

He was terrified, who is qualified to let Chu Tianxiong, one of Linjiang's overlords, stand at the gate of the community with two shopping bags?
In Linjiang, the only person with such qualifications is Chu Mo, the old man of the Chu family.

But it is impossible for Mr. Chu to live in Jingsheng Garden!

Wang Hu parked the car on the side of the road curiously, watched secretly in the car, and waited for someone who was qualified to have the Patriarch of the Chu family wait at the gate of the community to appear.

After about ten minutes, Wang Hu finally waited for that person to appear.

It was a young man and a woman who got off a taxi. Wang Hu could only see their backs from a distance, but they looked familiar.

He saw Chu Tianxiong greeted them with a smile, and talked with them in a respectful manner.

Wang Hu rubbed his eyes, Chu Tianxiong's appearance didn't look a bit like the overlord of Linjiang.

This kind of appearance is almost the same as when his younger brother talks to him.

When did Linjiang have such a big shot?
Wang Hu was both surprised and puzzled.


Why does this young man and woman look so familiar?

It seems that I have seen it somewhere.

Wang Hu tried hard to recall.


What did Wang Hu think of.

He took out his phone tremblingly, and opened the photo that Shao Lei had sent him just now with trembling hands.

This pair of young men and women who had the Patriarch of the Chu family personally carry the dishes, had been standing at the gate of the community waiting.

The clothes they were wearing were exactly the same as those on Huang Xing and Ji Ran that Shao Lei asked him to deal with.

He felt that the familiarity was not because of the familiarity of the back, but also because of the familiarity of the clothes.

He looked at the photo Mr. Lei sent him, and then at the young couple in front of Chu Tianxiong.

The photo is frontal.

The front is the back.

But the clothes on his body are exactly the same.

This body shape, this dress, are exactly the same.

"Male Gobi Lei Shao, a grass mud horse."

Wang Hu's head was dripping with cold sweat, and he scolded Shao Lei's whole family in his heart.

If it wasn't for seeing Chu Tianxiong waiting for someone at the gate of the community just now, he stopped to take a peek out of curiosity, and found that Huang Xing was the person Chu Tianxiong was waiting for.

I'm afraid that when I go to deal with Huang Xing, a few lives are not enough to die.

He kept cursing Lei Shao cheating him in his heart.

"Young Master Lu, Miss Ji, please."

Wang Hu was still cursing Lei Shao in the car, Chu Tianxiong had already brought Huang Xing and Ji Ran to the rented room, opened the door and respectfully invited them in first.

Huang Xing stepped into the hall, and looking around, he knew that Chu Tianxiong had put a lot of thought into this house.

The lobby is bright and spacious, and is spotlessly clean.

All kinds of furniture are international famous brands and are of high value.

The layout is also unique and pleasing to the eye.

All the furniture and home appliances are brand new, and they can all be replaced with new ones in just a few hours, and I don't know how much manpower was used.

"Patriarch Chu, you have a heart."

Huang Xing nodded in satisfaction, his tone was very flat, but Chu Tianxiong heard the sound of nature, which means that this "little matter" he did, Huang Xing was satisfied.

"As long as Young Master Lu lives comfortably, I can rest assured."

Chu Tianxiong breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile on his face, "Then don't bother Young Master Lu and Miss Ji to rest, and leave."

"Patriarch Chu."

Just as Chu Tianxiong was about to leave, Huang Xing stopped him suddenly.

"Young Master Lu, what other orders do you have?" Chu Tianxiong asked.

"In the morning, I told my teacher about Elder Chu's situation. Master, the old man has found a radical cure, and he is willing to open a furnace to practice alchemy himself. He can make the elixir for Elder Chu in two days at most."

The chain mission completed today got 30 experience points, and he now has 70 experience points.

At the latest the day after tomorrow, you can upgrade to level 2 and buy the Congealing Pulse Pill.

When Chu Tianxiong heard that the old man was saved, he clasped his fists to salute Huang Chen, and said excitedly, "Thank you for your great kindness, Young Master Lu. From now on, as long as Young Master Lu gives orders, the Chu family will go through fire and water, and will die."

The old man's old injury could not be cured after he tried all the famous doctors, and even Huang Xing's master could find a way to cure it without "seeing, hearing and asking".

Moreover, he had also heard of "opening a furnace to make alchemy". It was said that only a few ancient medical families had inheritance. Unexpectedly, Huang Chen's master could also "open a furnace to make alchemy", which made Chu Tianxiong feel that Huang Chen's inheritance was mysterious and unpredictable.

Part of what he said was repayment, and part was surrender.

"Master Chu's words are serious." Lu Xing said with a faint smile on his face, "Master Chu, please come back first, and Huang Xing will visit again in two days."

"Thank you, Young Master Lu, and farewell." Chu Tianxiong said sincerely, "The Chu family welcomes Young Master Lu in two days' time."

Chu Tianxiong said goodbye to Huang Chen excitedly and left.

When his car drove out of the gate of Jingsheng Garden Community, he was stopped by Wang Hu.

Chu Tianxiong looked at Wang Hu who was blocking the road with great interest, and said with a sarcastic smile, "In Linjiang, you are still the first person who dares to stop my car."

He didn't know Wang Hu who was blocking the way. At this time, his aura was completely different from when he was facing Huang Xing. He was not angry but mighty, making people afraid to look directly at him.

This is the true face of Linjiang Overlord.

"Even if you give me ten guts, I wouldn't dare to stop Chu's car." Wang Hu bravely stopped Chu Tianxiong's car, his heart trembling, but for the sake of his future, he was willing to take a chance, he said modestly, " I just want to tell Patriarch Chu one thing about Master Lu Chen, I wonder if I can delay Patriarch Chu for a few minutes?"

When Chu Tianxiong heard Wang Hu mentioning Huang Xing, he was startled, his aura was no longer so aggressive, and he asked, "Do you know Young Master Lu?"

"Wang Hu in Xiabei District received a call from Lei Yun from Lei's family an hour ago, asking me to cripple Young Master Lu's hands and kidnap Miss Ji Ran."

Wang Hu took a breath, and said with lingering fear, "Just now when I ran into Patriarch Chu and Young Master Lu at the door, I realized that I almost caused a catastrophe. I would like to ask Patriarch Chu to point out a way. I am very grateful."

 Good luck to everyone in the new week

  Ask for a reward, ask for a collection, ask for a recommendation ticket
(End of this chapter)

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