Chapter 27

Wang Hu told Chu Tianxiong all about Lei Shao asking him to abolish Huang Xing's hands and kidnap Ji Ran.

The more Chu Tianxiong listened, the more gloomy his face became.

Since Lei Yun wanted to seek death, he couldn't blame others.

I'm afraid that the Lei family will also be unlucky with them.

A cold light flashed in Chu Tianxiong's eyes. He knew from the chat between Lu Xing and Ji Ran just now that a young master Lei had offended him. Unexpectedly, this Lei Yun would not give up and asked Wang Hu to cripple Huang Chen's hands. Want to kidnap Jiran.

Dare to touch Lu Shao, but also want to touch his woman.

I'm afraid that this Leiyun didn't know how to die, it would be happier.

Chu Tianxiong's face was serious, and he said in a murderous tone, "Whatever Leiyun tells you, you can do for Lu Shao, do you understand?"

After hearing what Chu Tianxiong said, Wang Hu understood what he meant.

Lei Yun wanted to abolish Young Master Lu's hands, so he abolished Lei Yun's hands for Young Master Lu.

Lei Yun wants to touch Lu Shao's woman, so he will make Lei Yun unable to touch women in the future.

However, the Lei family is not easy to provoke, and the iron bear beside Lei Yun is also difficult to deal with, Wang Hu is a little hesitant.

"The way has been pointed out to you. How to do it is up to you." Chu Tianxiong looked at the location of Lu Xing in Jingsheng Garden, and said in a respectful tone: "By the way, I would like to remind you that from today onwards, Linjiang will Be king."

He is the king of Linjiang.

Wang Hu was stunned for a moment, then with his eyes wide open, he said gratefully, "Thank you, Patriarch Chu, for your guidance."

He knew the weight of the words from Chu Tianxiong's mouth.

He said yes, it must be.

Wang Hu's eyes gradually became hot.

To put it bluntly, he is a respectable boss in Beicheng District.

To put it bluntly, he was just a dog in the eyes of the really powerful.

He would bite whoever they told him to bite.

Make them unhappy.

They can switch to another dog at any time.

Since they are all dogs.

Then why not be a dog that makes others dare not move?

The dog also depends on the owner.

If there is the king of Linjiang as the master, who would dare to touch him?
In front of Chu Tianxiong, Wang Hu took out his mobile phone and called Lei Yun, telling him that he had checked out Huang Chen's information, and asked him to meet at Dynasty Entertainment City at night for a detailed discussion.

There was a sneer on his face, and at night he crippled Lei Yun as a meeting gift for Young Master Lu.

"Beicheng Hu Lord is cruel and merciless, and I have heard a little bit about it." Chu Tianxiong said lightly, "Let me remind you again, Young Master Lu doesn't like ruthless people."

"Master Chu is laughing, just call me Xiaowang." Wang Hu bowed his hands to Chu Tianxiong, and said, "I will be cautious in my words and deeds in the future, and Beicheng District will become the most peaceful and harmonious place in Linjiang."

In his position, who is really merciful.

If he had been merciful, he would not have survived today.

Since Young Master Lu doesn't like to be ruthless, he will be honest in the future, but as long as he has a chance to show his loyalty, he will be more ruthless than anyone else.

As it is now, he can deal with Lei Shao as he wants to deal with Lu Shao.

Huang Xing didn't know that the revenge from Lei Shao had become Lei Shao's nightmare.

At this time, he was busy in the kitchen with his apron tied up.

Washing and cutting vegetables, preparing ingredients, he did everything meticulously.

He hasn't cooked rice noodles for a long time. He was afraid that the cooking would not taste good, so he specially searched the cooking method of rice noodles on Baidu, and cooked according to the cooking method above.

Ji Ran was resting on the bed, but his mind was in a mess.

Looking at the elegantly furnished room, she saw that it was carefully prepared for girls.

She is not a girl who has never seen the world.

As an art student at the Magic City Conservatory of Music, she knows all kinds of famous brands very well.

The price of the furniture and decoration of this house is not less than 300 million.

The furniture and decorations are brand new.

No matter how stupid she was, she knew that this house was not as simple as Huang Xing rented temporarily.

She thought that she already knew Huang Xing very well, so she mustered up the courage to meet him in reality.

As a result, the gap between reality and the Internet made her a little overwhelmed.

Who is he?

Could it be that everything Lu Xiaoke said about Huang Xing was deceiving himself?
How can it be?

Ji Ran shook his head, denying this idea.

It is impossible for Lu Xiaoke to lie to her.

Otherwise, this scam is too exaggerated and too impeccable.

who cares.

The best friend also said that she was stupid, and anyone she met online dared to meet in reality alone, and she was not afraid of being betrayed by a big guy.

He also said that he would come with him tomorrow, but he came here alone today.

Her Huang Xing is not only not a big guy who picks his feet, but also a handsome and gentle man.

But also with some mystery.

It's just like a plot in a romance novel.




Ji Ran was still thinking wildly, when he heard Huang Xing's shout: "Of course, the rice noodles are cooked, come and taste the dark dishes I made."

"Okay, come right away."

Ji Ran got up and straightened the folds of her dress, opened the door and walked out.

Cooking rice noodles is very convenient, within 10 minutes, Huang Xing put two bowls of fragrant rice noodles on the dining table.

He cooked Ji Ran's favorite seafood rice noodles, including sea oysters, clams and shrimps.

"Wow, that looks beautiful."

Looking at the brightly colored seafood rice noodles on the dining table, Ji Ran screamed.

Huang Chen urged, "What's the use of looking good? It's only delicious. Try it quickly."

Ji Ran took a sip of the aroma, and praised, "It smells so good, it makes me want to eat."

Huang Xing and Ji Ran sat opposite each other.

This is the first time the two have eaten together.

Although simple, it is very warm.

Ji Ran looked at the seafood rice noodles in front of him.

This was cooked by Huang Xing himself.

She was sweet in her heart, holding a spoon in one hand and chopsticks in the other.

Began to eat.

Using both hands, Ji Ran put a spoon into his mouth, chewed and ate slowly.

"taste good or not?"

Huang Xing nervously watched Ji Ran eat the rice noodles into his mouth, and asked expectantly.

He was afraid that his cooking would not taste good and Ji Ran would dislike him.

"Delicious, so delicious."

Ji Ran swallowed all the rice noodles in his mouth, and with a smile on his face, he exaggeratedly said, "Lu Xing, I didn't realize that you are still the little head of China!"

"Haha, Du Niang taught me how to do it."

Seeing that Ji Ran likes to eat, Huang Xing smiled happily.

With his control, he can perfectly follow the recipes in the Baidu recipes, not a centimeter away.

"Lu Xing, thank you."

Ji Ran felt his eyes moist.

A man who hasn't cooked for two years can learn how to cook rice noodles for her immediately by referring to Baidu's information for her favorite rice noodles.

She was really touching and warm.

She knew that the choice she had been insisting on was not wrong.

Her conditions, in reality, I don't know how many people pursue her.

There are also many good men in it.

But she was never tempted.

Her heart has long been given to the man on the Internet who talks to her about dating in the canyon every day.

Her best friend called her stupid.

Let her wake up early.

She is still obsessed with it.

"Ah." Seeing Ji Ran's appearance, Huang Xing said at a loss, "If you like to eat, I can make it for you every day from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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