Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 28 Zhang Bo Mala Tang

Chapter 28 Zhang Bo Mala Tang

The night in Linjiang is noisy and bustling, and the brightly lit streets are full of people coming and going, very lively.

Huang Xing took Ji Ran's slender hand and walked on the student street.

He likes such a quiet and simple romance.

After they had lunch in the afternoon, Huang Xing had already explained the edited identities to Ji Ran.

The mysterious master imparts peerless magic skills.

I just became a teacher.

Now you can beat Linjiang Invincible Strong.

And the master gave him a lot of living expenses.

Because the master asked him not to tell anything about himself before leaving the teacher.

So even Lu Xiaoke didn't know that his brother had a mysterious master.

Ji Ran was dumbfounded when he heard the inconceivable things.

Seeing that Ji Ran was skeptical, Huang Xing showed Ji Ran the fact that he used his internal force to pick things up from the air and fly over the walls of the room before letting Ji Ran accept this fact.

He felt that he was a majestic martial arts master, and he was almost becoming a juggler in front of Ji Ran.

Ji Ran knew the reason why there was such a big gap between Huang Xing and her imagination, and she completely opened up her knot, knowing that her Huang Xing was still the same Huang Xing, and more excellent and perfect.

The two walked hand in hand on the student street, and Ji Ran felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

Student Street is the most famous food street next to Linjiang University. All kinds of special delicacies make people salivate.

Even though it is summer vacation, the businesses of the gourmet shops on the street are not much deserted, and they are still very hot.

Huang Chen only spent more than 2 of the [-] quota today (the monthly rent of the house is [-] has been transferred to Chu Tianxiong), and the remaining [-] he wants to go shopping and buy gifts for Ji Ran.

Originally, he wanted to take Ji Ran to the busiest commercial street, but Ji Ran insisted that Huang Xing take her to the student street near Linjiang University.

She wanted to experience Huang Xing's college life, walk the path he walked, and eat his favorite food.

"However, the Mala Tang here is definitely the best in Linjiang, I guarantee you will be full of praise after eating it."

Huang Xing took Ji Ran to a shop called "Zhang Bo Mala Tang" and stopped, looking at the sign recallingly, and said, "The owner of this shop, Zhang Bo, is very nice. I used to work here."

"Then let's go in and have a taste." Ji Ran said eagerly, "I also like to eat spicy soup."

Huang Chen pulled Ji Ran into the store, said with a smirk, "When it comes to Malatang, I think of a joke."

"What joke?" Ji Ran asked curiously.

Huang Xing put his mouth close to Ji Ran's ear and said softly, "Thirteen times a night."

Ji Ran slapped Huang Xing's arm coquettishly, and cursed in a low voice, "Smelly rascal."

Seeing that someone noticed their fight, she immediately regained her reserve, and held Huang Chen's hand quietly.

This is an old stalk about a girl who went to meet a male netizen, but the netizen invited her to eat a bowl of Malatang worth [-] yuan and asked her to pay for it thirteen times.

She and Huang Xing met as netizens, and now they are about to eat Mala Tang.

Huang Xing still mentioned this joke to her, her face flushed with embarrassment.

I'm not such a casual person.

"The malatang here is calculated by the catty. I will pick what you want to eat."

There were already several tables of customers in the store, Huang Xing took Ji Ran to the self-service ingredients area to choose her favorite ingredients.

Ji Ran followed Huang Xing's side, and when he saw something he liked, he happily pointed to Huang Xing to put it in the basket.

Among them are the ones she likes to eat, and the ones she learned from Lu Xiaoke that Huang Xing likes to eat.

After the ingredients were selected, the two went to the service counter to weigh them.

"Xiao Lu is here, I haven't seen you for several days."

The one who weighed and calculated the money at the service desk was the boss Zhang Bo. When he saw Huang Xing coming over, his face was full of smiles.

Zhang Bo noticed Ji Ran beside Huang Xing, and said with a cheerful smile, "Little Lu Xing, I made such a beautiful girlfriend after not seeing you for a few days."

"This is my girlfriend Ji Ran." Huang Xing introduced Ji Ran proudly. He was proud of having such a beautiful, obedient and sensible girlfriend.

Then he said to Ji Ran, "Of course, this is Uncle Zhang. He used to work here, and Uncle Zhang took good care of me."

"Hello, Uncle." Ji Ran greeted Uncle Zhang sweetly with an obedient appearance.

"Okay." Uncle Zhang said to Ji Ran with a smile, "It's the first time Xiaolu brings you to eat Malatang today, this time it's Uncle Zhang's treat."

Zhang Bo liked this young man, Huang Xing, and was happy for Ji Ran when he saw that he was cute and pretty.

"How is this possible." Huang Xing declined, "It's only natural to open the door to do business and collect money for meals."

"Go aside." Uncle Zhang said to Huang Xing bluntly, "I treated the little girl to eat, not you."

Uncle Zhang's words have reached this point, Ji Ran is not pretentious, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Uncle Zhang."

Uncle Zhang took Huang Xing's basket, gave him a number plate, and handed it directly to the back chef.

"Uncle Zhang is busy first, I'll take Ranran to find a seat."

There were still people queuing up behind, Huang Xing stopped disturbing Zhang Bo, and found an empty seat with Ji Ran.

"Damn old man, the business in the store is so good, how come there is no 5000 yuan?"

Mala Tang was not cooked yet, Huang Xing and Ji Ran were chatting, when suddenly there was a quarrel coming from the service desk.

They searched for their reputation and saw five or six punks surrounding Uncle Zhang, and one of them with yellow hair yelled at Uncle Zhang.

"Zhang Qi!"

Huang Chen recognized the yellow-haired gangster, he was Uncle Zhang's only son Zhang Qi, he was in his 30s and still fooled around outside all day, whenever he ran out of money, he would reach out and ask Uncle Zhang for money.

Uncle Zhang turned his hair gray because of his son, but Zhang Qi just didn't listen, and only knew about eating, drinking and having fun with a group of cronies.

This time it was even more extreme and went directly to the store to ask for money.

Some customers who were still choosing ingredients saw gangsters making trouble and left in fright. How dare they eat Malatang here.

Uncle Zhang trembling with anger said, "I just gave you money the day before yesterday, where is the money now?"

"Give me whatever money is left in the counter."

As Zhang Qi said, he walked into the service desk to get the money from the counter.

Uncle Zhang pressed the drawer of the counter tightly with red eyes and said, "This money will be used to buy ingredients tomorrow, so you can't take it away."

Zhang Qi pushed Zhang Bo vigorously and shouted, "Damn old man, get out of here."

"Zhang Qi, let go of Uncle Zhang."

Huang Xing couldn't stand it anymore, and brought Ji Ran over.

"Who am I? This is not that college student waiter, Huang Xing." Zhang Qi also knew Huang Xing, he said arrogantly, "This is about me and my father, it's none of your business."

The gangster who came with Zhang Qi also said threateningly, "Boy, I advise you not to meddle in their business."

Zhang Qi ignored Huang Xing and pushed Zhang Bo aside.

Zhang Bo stumbled.


Furious, Huang Chen grabbed Zhang Qi's collar, pressed it on the service desk, slapped him twice, and cursed, "I did this for Uncle Zhang."

(End of this chapter)

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