Chapter 29

Ji Ran helped Zhang Bo up and looked at Zhang Qi angrily.

Zhang Qi's behavior refreshed her three views, and she was the first to see her son treat her father like this.

Uncle Zhang's face was ashen, and he suddenly aged a lot. When he saw Zhang Qi being slapped on the service desk by Huang Xing, he called out in persuasion, "Xiao Lu, stop beating. Forget it, this is fate. "

Seeing Zhang Qi being beaten, several gangsters yelled at Huang Chen fiercely, "Boy, let go of Brother Qi."

Huang Xing grabbed Zhang Qi's collar and pulled it up, cursing angrily, "You're still a fucking human, treating your father like this, you're worse than a fucking beast."

Huang Xing pushed Zhang Qi out of the service desk.

He was really angry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Upright officials can hardly break housework.

What can he do to Zhang Qi?
Is it possible to beat him to death?
That Uncle Zhang still doesn't regard him as an enemy!


Huang Chen was helpless.

I just feel sorry for Zhang Bo, the father.

"X, you dare to hit me." Zhang Qi cursed unrepentantly after standing still, then greeted the gangsters and said, "Everyone come together and beat me hard."

Zhang Qi thought that he was accidentally pushed to the service desk by Huang Xing just now, and he was a little dazed after being slapped twice.

He felt extremely ashamed, and angrily dealt with Huang Xing together with a few gangsters.

When the five gangsters heard Zhang Qi's words, they all rushed towards Huang Xing and punched him.




Seeing that Zhang Qi was unrepentant, Huang Xing shot like lightning, punched, elbowed, kicked, and kneed, knocking down five or six punks to the ground in a few moments.

Several punks all lay on the ground and screamed.

Huang Xing shot out in anger, and the parts he hit were the places that hurt the most.

"Zhang Qi, if it wasn't for Uncle Zhang's face, I would kill you today." Huang Xing dragged Zhang Qi up and warned viciously, "Go away as far as you can in the future, and let me see you again." If you ask Uncle Zhang for money, I will break your hands and feet."

Huang Xing threw Zhang Qi to the ground and shouted at them, "Get out of here."

"You wait for me." Zhang Qi glanced at Huang Xing resentfully, put down his cruel words, got up with those little bastards, and limped away.

Ji Ran supported Zhang Bo to sit on the chair at the service desk, and he stared blankly at the back of Zhang Qi leaving, wanting to cry without tears.

His tears have long since dried up.

Uncle Zhang didn't know what evil he had done to give birth to such a son.

His mother was mad at him.

His wife was also angry with him and ran away with her grandson.

He is still unrepentant.

All the customers in the store ran away in fright.

Zhang Bo asked the waiters and the kitchen in the store to get off work first.

Huang Xing and Ji Ran stood quietly beside Uncle Zhang.

They didn't know how to comfort Zhang Bo either.

This kind of thing, except himself and Zhang Qi severed the father-son relationship.

Or Zhang Qi's prodigal son turned around.

Otherwise, no one can do anything.

Uncle Zhang said in a lonely voice, "You guys go too, I want to be alone."

"Uncle Zhang, let's take you home first." Ji Ran said worriedly.

Uncle Zhang said dully, "Family, where is there any other family?"

Looking at Zhang Bo's empty eyes, Ji Ran's eyes were sore, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

Huang Xing put his arm around Ji Ran's shoulder, patted her lightly, and comforted her silently.

"Xiao Lu, I know you are all good people."

Zhang Bo was talking to himself.

"I don't blame anyone for this kind of thing, it's all my fault, and it's all my fault for not managing him well."

"This kid has been spoiled by me since he was a child."

"I always thought he was still young, and it didn't matter if he did something wrong. When he grew up and became sensible, he would change."

"As a result, he became like this step by step, and he can't change it anymore."

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault."

Zhang Bo kept talking, squeezing out tears from his haggard eyes.

"Uncle Zhang, don't worry, Zhang Qi will get better."

Huang Chen couldn't bear to comfort Zhang Bo, he was worried that Zhang Bo would do something stupid.

He really wanted to beat Zhang Qi into a useless person directly. Even if Uncle Zhang raised a useless person, it would be much better than what he is doing now.

"You don't need to comfort me. I know who he is best." Uncle Zhang wiped away his tears and said, "Xiao Lu, hurry up. I know he knows some ruthless people. I'm worried that he will find someone to take revenge."

"Don't worry, Uncle Zhang, they are not afraid of how many people come."

With Huang Xing's current strength, let alone a few ordinary people who can fight, he is not afraid of hundreds.

"Stupid boy, what are you talking about." Uncle Zhang didn't know Huang Xing's strength, so he said worriedly, "Uncle Zhang knows that it's good for you to exercise regularly, but those people are desperadoes, you can't fight them."

After hearing Zhang Bo's words, Ji Ran gently pulled Huang Chen's hand.

Although Huang Xing told her that his current strength was invincible in Linjiang, but after hearing Zhang Bo's words, he was still very scared and worried for Huang Xing.

Huang Xing grabbed Ji Ran's little hand and rubbed it gently, gave her a reassuring look, and comforted her, "It's okay, trust me."

Seeing that Huang Xing didn't intend to leave, Uncle Zhang got up and said, "Let's go, Uncle Zhang is going home too."

"Let's send Uncle Zhang back." Huang Xing said worriedly.

Uncle Zhang refused, "No need, Uncle Zhang himself drives an electric car."

Zhang Bo closed the shop door and went back alone.

Huang Xing held Ji Ran's hand and continued to visit the student street.

Because of Zhang Bo's incident, their hearts are very heavy.

After walking around the student street, seeing Ji Ran's depressed mood, Huang Xing coaxed her with a smile and said, "Of course, you're tired from walking, I'll carry you."

After walking a lot at night, Ji Ran really felt his feet were a little sore.

Ji Ran looked at the people coming and going on the street, and said shyly, "The street is full of people."

"Never mind them, let them be envious and jealous."

After speaking, Huang Chen walked up to Ji Ran and squatted down to let her come up.

"No more." Ji Ran turned his head to look around, and refused embarrassingly.

"Hurry up, my legs are almost numb." Huang Xing urged jokingly.

Then Ji Ran blushed, lay on Huang Xing's back, and hugged his neck.

Huang Xing clasped his hands and supported Ji Ran to stand up.

"This feeling. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" Huang Xing thought shamelessly.

Ji Ran trembled all over, and shyly buried her head on Huang Xing's back.

Carrying Ji Ran on his back, Huang Xing said as he walked, "I'll give you a foot massage when I go back tonight. I'm sure you won't wake up tomorrow with sore feet or leg pain. You'll feel refreshed and energetic."

"It's a beautiful thought." Ji Ran snorted, and said in disapproval, "I won't let you massage my feet."

"Why?" Huang Xing asked puzzled.

After he learned the first level of "The Good Fortune Scripture", he knew the distribution of acupoints all over his body in his mind, and his foot massage would definitely promote blood circulation, so that Ji Ran no longer felt numb.

Ji Ran coyly explained, "You haven't heard that a man's head and a woman's feet should not be touched carelessly."

"Haha, I've only heard of eighteen, I've never heard of this." Huang Xing laughed.

In fact, he had only heard the word "eighteen" before, and didn't know which eighteen it was.

"Stinky rascal." Ji Ran spat, blushing and said, "You're playing a rascal again."

"Why don't you touch my head now, and let me touch your feet when you go back tonight. This will make things even."

"No, I'm giving you a foot massage."

Huang Xing quickly changed his words.

(End of this chapter)

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