Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 30 Want Your Hands

Chapter 30 Want Your Hands

Dynasty Entertainment City is the most famous entertainment club in Linjiang North District.

It is a comprehensive entertainment place integrating bathing, sauna, bar, KTV and other entertainment items.

Lei Yun received a call from Master Hu in the afternoon, and in the evening he took Ke Feiyang and Tie Xiong to Dynasty Entertainment City for an appointment, and by the way he helped Ke Feiyang clean up the dust.

He was in a good mood. Master Hu said that he had found out the details of Huang Xing, and he believed that within a few days, he would hear the good news that Huang Xing, who was pretending in front of him, had his hands crippled.

Especially when he thought of getting that fresh and refined girl Ji Ran immediately, his heart felt hot.

It was the first time he met such a beautiful and pure girl.

"Good evening Lei Shao, welcome to Dynasty Entertainment City."

As soon as Lei Yun walked into Dynasty Entertainment City, six welcoming ladies in cheongsam at the door greeted him with charming smiles.

He is a VIP customer of Dynasty Entertainment City, and he often spends a lot of money here. Most of the staff in the entertainment city know him.

"This is Lord Tiger's place, you can play however you want tonight." Lei Yun took Ke Feiyang into the entertainment city, and said to him as he walked, "Let Master Tiger call some tender models later, you Pick first, don’t be polite, let go and play.”

"Then I won't be polite." Ke Feiyang smiled lewdly, and he said, "Actually, Young Master Lei can also play Shark Live together. With Young Master Lei's strength, all the female anchors have to vote. Give me a hug."

"Okay, you can teach me how to use it when you have time. You also know that I was not interested in these things when I was in college."

When Lei Yun was in college, he only knew about drinking and drinking, and was not very interested in electronic networks. At his age, he didn't know much about the Internet, so he was considered an outlier.

He became interested in the Shark live broadcast only when he heard that Ji Ran was also an anchor.

"No problem." Ke Feiyang agreed.

The two chatted while walking, and soon arrived at the KTV entertainment area on the sixth floor.

Lord Tiger made an appointment with them to meet in Room 666.

In the lobby on the sixth floor, Master Tiger's younger brother was already waiting for them.

As soon as Lei Yun entered the hall, a young man greeted him and said, "Hello, Young Master Lei, Lord Tiger is already waiting for Young Master Lei in the box, please follow me."

Xiao Luo led Lei Yun and the others to box 666, and there were two younger brothers guarding the door. They opened the door for Lei Yun and invited them in.

"Lei Shao is finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as the three of Lei Yun entered the box, Wang Hu's enthusiastic and hearty voice sounded.

Wang Hu leaned on the sofa, watching Lei Yun and the others approach, a sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth, and he quickly returned to his enthusiastic smile.

"It's my fault for keeping Mr. Hu waiting." Lei Yun and Wang Hu were old acquaintances. When he walked to the table, he poured a glass of wine and said, "I'll punish myself first."

After speaking, Lei Yun picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

"Okay, it's better for Young Master Lei to be happy." Wang Hu clapped his hands and laughed loudly.

"Feiyang, let me introduce you." Lei Yun pointed to Wang Hu and said, "This is the well-known Mr. Hu in Beicheng District. Mr. Hu has the final say on everything here."

"Hi, Lord Tiger, Feiyang will offer a toast to Lord Tiger first." Ke Feiyang poured a full glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

"Master Hu, this is my good friend Ke Feiyang." Lei Yun introduced, "Feiyang came here this time because I want him to attend Young Master Qin's birthday party together."

Lei Yun deliberately mentioned First Young Master Qin in order to elevate his status.

According to his status and status, Lord Tiger still wants to overwhelm him.

But now that he belongs to First Young Master Qin, everyone should show more face.

Wang Hu frowned when he heard Lei Yun mentioning First Young Master Qin, feeling rather apprehensive.

Young Master Qin is the young master of the Qin family, one of the three major families in Linjiang. He is a big shot in Linjiang.

He also knew that Lei Yun climbed onto Young Master Qin's thigh recently.

But Wang Hu felt relieved when he thought of what Patriarch Chu had said to him.

What is Young Master Qin?
Chu Tianxiong, who was on an equal footing with his father, wanted to help Young Master Lu buy vegetables himself, and he had nothing to be afraid of when he said "Linjiang is the king".

"Hehe, Young Master Lei's friend is my friend, and I would like to toast you too." Wang Hu drank a glass of wine boldly and said, "Please sit down, two young masters, I have arranged a wonderful show for them."

It was the first time for Ke Feiyang to deal with people on the road, and he felt a little novel and nervous, so he sat on the sofa stiffly.

Lei Yun is used to this kind of thing, and he and Master Hu have cooperated several times, so he sat down on the sofa as usual, and his bodyguard Tie Xiong dutifully stood beside him.

"What wonderful program did Mr. Hu arrange?" Lei Yun laughed, "Feiyang is the first one to come to the river, and I promised him to call some young models over so that he can have a good time."

"Hehe, don't worry, Young Master Lei, it's an absolutely wonderful show, and I guarantee that the two young and old will never forget it."

Wang Hu's face was full of smiles, and with a wave of his hand, he asked a subordinate behind him to go out and make arrangements.

He lit a cigarette, took a puff, exhaled the smoke ring and said, "Young Master Lei, the details of Huang Xing that you asked me to check have been checked."

Upon hearing this, Lei Yun asked happily, "Then when will Lord Tiger be able to do it?"

Wang Hu said with a half-smile, "You can do it later."

"So fast?" Lei Yun was surprised at first, and soon said cheerfully, "As expected of Lord Tiger of Beicheng, he does things with ease."

After Lei Yun finished speaking, he went on to say, "There is also that woman, can you bring me here tonight?"

He couldn't wait to get Ji Ran, so he said smugly, "Master Hu, please make his brothers feel sorry for her, and don't hurt that girl.

Wang Hu said solemnly, "I will never hurt her."

Even if he was given 1 guts, he wouldn't dare to hurt Lu Shao's woman.

"How much money do I need, I'll have someone give it to Master Hu tomorrow." Lei Yunyun said calmly.

This Young Master Lei, who still dares to think about Young Master Lu, Wang Hu said with a soft smile, "No money."

"No money?" Lei Yun was stunned for a moment, then asked, "What does Lord Tiger want?"

The relationship between him and Master Hu is not enough to allow Master Hu to do things for him for free. If he is not asking for money, then he is asking for other things.

Could it be that he wanted him to introduce First Young Master Qin for him?
It must be like this.

Lei Yun couldn't think of what Master Tiger could want besides this.

"I want your hands." Wang Hu looked at Lei Yun with a sarcastic smile, and said in a cold voice.

Lei Yun was startled suddenly. He didn't understand why Wang Hu was so cruel to him all of a sudden. He sat on the sofa blankly, pretending to be calm and said with an embarrassed smile, "Master Hu really knows how to joke."

Ke Feiyang was frightened by Master Hu's words, and he didn't dare to move. He had never experienced such a scene before, and he was very scared.

Tie Xiong beside Lei Yun sensed the danger, and immediately raised his spirits, staring at Wang Hu with all his might.

He is not afraid of Wang Hu if he fights alone, but this is Wang Hu's territory, and there are so many subordinates, it is difficult for him to protect himself in a fight, let alone protect Lei Yun.

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(End of this chapter)

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