Chapter 31
The door of the box was opened, and more than 20 strong and fierce hands poured into the box, surrounding them fiercely.

These more than 20 people are Wang Hu's most capable subordinates.

Box 666 is a luxurious super package, so many people rush in at once, and it doesn't feel crowded.

"Bang" sound.

The door was slammed shut.

Lei Shao saw that Wang Hu didn't seem to be joking, and asked with a trembling voice, "Master Hu, what do you mean?"

He didn't know where he had offended Wang Hu and made him want to be cruel to him.

"Nothing interesting." Wang Hu blew out a smoke ring and said lightly, "I just want to abolish Young Master Lei's hands."

"Master Hu, I ask myself that I haven't offended you. Are you really going to tear yourself apart with my Lei family?"

Lei Yun moved out of Lei's house, wanting to make Wang Hu useless.

Their Lei family is not easy to provoke in Linjiang, if Wang Hu dares to touch him, he will suffer the Lei family's revenge.

"Young Master Lei never offended me." Wang Hu shook his head and said with a regretful look, "It's just that Young Master Lei offended someone who shouldn't be offended."

"People who shouldn't be offended?"

"who is it?"

After thinking about it, Lei Yun couldn't think of which god he had offended.

Linjiang's circle is so big, he knows who can be offended and who cannot be offended.

How dare he offend those real big shots before he can curry favor with them?

Wang Hu looked at Lei Yun mockingly, and said slowly, "Young Master Lu."

"Young Master Lu?"

Lei Yun couldn't remember that there was someone like Lu Shao in Linjiang.

He suddenly thought of the name he just mentioned, and said in disbelief, "You mean Lu...Lu Xing?"

Wang Hu nodded sarcastically.

Lei Yun's strength seemed to be slackened, and he never thought that he wanted Master Hu to abolish Huang Xing's hands, but Master Hu wanted to abolish his hands in turn.

He shouted in shock: "Who the hell is he? Master Hu really wants to offend our Lei family because of him? And I'm from Young Master Qin, so aren't you afraid of offending Young Master Qin?"

It was useless for Lei Yun to move out of Lei's house, so he moved to Young Master Qin to frighten Wang Hu, hoping that he would spare him for the sake of Young Master Qin.

"What is Young Master Qin?" Wang Hu said unmoved, "If you offend Young Master Lu, it's useless even if you move out the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu."

He ignored Lei Yun, looked at Tie Xiong and said, "Tie Xiong, I respect you as a man, I don't want to fight with you, and I will never treat you badly with me in the future."

Tie Xiong's strength is a bit higher than him, but if he really wants to fight, he will not be afraid of many others, even if his brothers will lose a few.

So try not to do it if you can.


Tie Xiong spit out a mouthful of phlegm, protected Young Master Lei behind him, and shouted in a deep voice, "I, Tie Xiong, only know the four words of Jianghu morality. Young Master Lei is kind to me. If you want to touch Young Master Lei, just step over me."

As soon as Tie Xiong finished speaking, he rushed towards Wang Hu to attack first.

His only chance is to take advantage of Wang Hu's unpreparedness and take him as a hostage in one blow before he can take Lei Shao away.

However, Wang Hu seemed to be prepared for the sudden attack of Iron Bear.

As soon as the iron bear moved, Wang Hu kicked the fruit plate towards him with his feet up on the table.

Then he turned sideways to avoid Iron Bear's fist.

Tie Xiong's attack was blocked by the flying fruit plate for a moment, and he knew that he couldn't take down Wang Hu quickly after he missed a hit.

He lifted Leiyun with one hand, picked up the wine bottle with the other and threw it at Wang Hu's men who surrounded him, and rushed towards the door, trying to get out.

"Stop him."

Wang Hu gave an order and flew towards Tie Xiong.

More than 20 elite thugs blocked the direction of the door to stop Tie Xiong.

Wang Hu also joined the battle group to besiege Iron Bear.

Tie Xiong was protecting Leiyun, but in the end he couldn't beat Wang Hu's crowd. After knocking down 7 or 8 people, he was covered in blood and fell to the ground dying.

If it wasn't for Lei Yun, Wang Hu and the others might not be able to stop Tie Xiong from leaving.

Lei Yun was frightened and collapsed on the ground. The iron bear who fought just now had been protecting him, but his thigh was still accidentally injured, and blood flowed.

Of course, this was because Wang Hu and the others mainly attacked Tie Xiong, not wanting Lei Yun's life, otherwise his few lives would not be enough to kill him.

"It's a man, but it's a pity that he followed the wrong person."

Wang Hu looked at Tie Xiong sympathetically and said, "You have given back your life to him today, and all kindnesses have been paid off. From now on, your life will belong to me."

Regardless of whether Tie Xiong could hear it or not, whether he agreed or not, Wang Hu ordered his subordinates, "Send him and the injured brother to the hospital."

"Yes, Lord Tiger."

Wang Hu's brothers quickly helped Tie Xiong and the others out.

Only Wang Hu, his four cronies, Lei Yun and Ke Feiyang were left in the box.

Ke Feiyang had been slumped on the sofa, so frightened that he couldn't even breathe.

He also understood that the current fate was caused because they offended the ordinary student Huang Xing in their eyes.

Lei Yun clutched his injured thigh, looked at Wang Hu in horror and begged, "Master Hu, please let me go. As long as you let me go, I will give you whatever money you have."

Wang Hu waved his hand to ask his subordinates to hold Lei Yun up, and said with a smirk, "I said, I don't need money, all I need is Young Master Lei's hands."

Two thugs lifted Lei Yun up, made him kneel in front of the wine table, and pressed his shoulders to prevent him from moving.

The wine table is made of marble and is almost only knee high.

Another thug pulled Lei Yun's right hand out and spread it straight on the table, and the remaining thug took an iron rod and patted his other palm lightly to play with, looking at him with a sneer.

"Master Tiger, you can't do this, please let me go." Lei Yun wailed tearfully, "I will give you double the benefits that Huang Xing has given you, please let me go."

"You will never be able to give me the benefits that Young Master Lu can give me."

Wang Hu sat back on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and said calmly, "I'll cut off his hands."


When Wang Hu gave an order, the thug holding the iron rod raised the iron rod ferociously, and smashed it fiercely on Lei Yun's wrist.


Another scream.

The thug lifted up the iron rod and slammed it hard on Lei Yun's elbow joint.


The third scream sounded.

The thug's iron rod landed on Lei Yun's arm joint.

The wrist, elbow, and arm joints of Lei Yun's right hand were all smashed to pieces, and he kept screaming and moaning, almost fainting from the pain.

Wang Hu sat on the sofa unmoved and watched Lei Shao's powerless struggle, and continued to say, "There is still one hand."

The thugs quickly spread Lei Yun's other hand and pressed it on the table.

He struggled frantically, and shouted sharply, "The Lei family will not let you go, and Young Master Qin will not let you go either."




There were three more screams, and Lei Yun's other hand was crippled in the same way.

He collapsed on the ground like a dead dog, and passed out from the pain.

Wang Hu sarcastically glanced at the dead dog-like Leiyun, then turned to look at Ke Feiyang.

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