Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 32 Let You Never Touch a Woman Again

Chapter 32 Let You Never Touch a Woman Again

Ke Feiyang was so frightened that he almost vomited out his bile when he saw Lei Shao's hands being crippled by Wang Hu's men.

He used to fool around with Lei Shao, and often heard Lei Shao clamoring to abolish so-and-so's hands, but he just felt that Lei Shao was awesome and exciting.

Now that he saw Lei Shao's hands being crippled with his own eyes, he knew how cruel it was.

When he saw Wang Hu's gaze, he was so frightened that he rolled off the sofa and knelt down to beg for mercy, "Master Hu, please forgive me. It's none of my business. It's Lei Yun who wants to deal with Young Master Lu. I don't know anything."

Killing Ke Feiyang didn't dare to let Wang Hu know. In fact, it was because he first troubled Huang Xing and Ji Ran at the airport, and then a conflict broke out. Lei Yun asked Master Hu to kill Huang Xing.

Now that Lei Yun was unconscious, he just happened to put the blame on Lei Yun to excuse himself.

Wang Hu didn't know what happened, and thought that Ke Feiyang was just Lei Yun's friend who came from other places to attend Young Master Qin's birthday party, so he didn't plan to abolish him.

"It's okay to forgive you."

Wang Hu picked up a beer bottle with a sneer, smashed the bottom of the bottle with a slap, then handed it to Ke Feiyang and said, "Take it, and let Shao Lei not touch women for the rest of his life, and I will let you go."

Lei Yun asked him to tie Ji Ran here, so he naturally knew what he was doing.

He also heard that Lei Yun raped a girl when he was in college, and that girl committed suicide by jumping into the river.

Now that Lei Yun has moved his evil thoughts to Young Master Lu's woman, he deserves that he won't be able to touch women in the future.

Ke Feiyang tremblingly took the half of the beer bottle in Wang Hu's hand, and looked at the sharp glass tip where the beer bottle shattered with trembling hands.

"As soon as I count to ten, if you don't make a move, I will prevent you from touching women for the rest of your life."

Seeing that Ke Feiyang did not dare to strike, Wang Hu counted ruthlessly, "One, two, three..."

Ke Feiyang scrambled to Lei Shao's side, holding up half of the beer bottle with trembling hands.

"Six, seven, eight..."

Wang Hu's voice came like a reminder.


Ke Feiyang yelled frantically, and poked the sharp glass point at Lei Shao's crotch.


The comatose Lei Shao was awakened by the severe pain in his lower body.

He wanted to cover his lower body with his hands, but his hands had been crippled and he couldn't move, so he could only wriggle his butt and struggle on the ground.

Wang Hu clapped his hands and stood up with a smile, "Is the show I prepared for the two young and old wonderful?"

Lei Yun's body twisted and struggled continuously, howling, "Wang Hu, Ke Feiyang, you will die badly, the Lei family and Young Master Qin will not let you go."

Ke Feiyang was so frightened by Lei Yun's howl that he couldn't hold the half beer bottle in his hand, and it fell to the ground and shattered.

Wang Hu has long been used to being cursed by others. If cursing worked, he would have died hundreds of times.

"If you want to abolish Young Master Lu's hands, I will abolish yours."

"If you want to touch Lu Shao's woman, I will make you never touch a woman again."

"Go back and tell the Lei family and First Young Master Qin that I, Wang Hu, belong to Young Master Lu from today onwards, and I want to avenge you, just let me come here."

He didn't have the guts to let Wang Hu face the revenge of the Lei family and Young Master Qin alone.

Pull out Huang Xing's tiger skin, and bind myself tightly with Huang Xing, only then can I be the safest.

Before Huang Xing knew it, he had offended two enemies, the Lei family and Young Master Qin, without doing anything.

But if he knew that Lei was going to find someone to mutilate his hands and kidnap Ji Ran, he might kill him directly.

Lu Xiaoke and Ji Ran are his closest relatives.

The dragon has reverse scales, touching them will kill you.

For them, so what if they are enemies all over the world?

Not to mention the mere Lei family and Young Master Qin.

Wang Hu pointed at Lei Yun who had been yelling at him and ordered, "Drag him out and throw him at the gate of the Thunder Group headquarters."

Two thugs dragged Leiyun out of the gate, leaving only his curses echoing in the box.

He still doesn't know who Huang Xing is, why Wang Hu would kill him for him, and offend the Lei family and First Young Master Qin.

After Leiyun was dragged away, Wang Hu turned his head to look at Ke Feiyang and said, "Based on my temper, you have to leave at least one arm today to walk out of this gate."

Wang Hu said slowly, "But I will work with Young Master Lu in the future, and I can no longer act according to my previous temper, so you are lucky today."

His face darkened, and he said sharply, "Get out of Linjiang immediately, and don't let me see you in Linjiang in the future, or your legs will be crippled."

Hearing Wang Hu's words, Ke Feiyang knew that he escaped death, and wept with joy, "Thank you, Master Hu, thank you, Master Hu, I'll get out, I'll get out of Linjiang right away."

He didn't dare to stay for a moment, and ran out of the box door even scrambling.

Ke Feiyang was about to leave Linjiang overnight.

Linjiang is too dangerous.

The Lei family will not let him go.

There is even more terrifying Huang Xing.

Let Wang Hu abolish Lei Yun's hands before showing up.

He knew how strong Lei Yun's backstage was, and he still insisted on abolishing it as soon as he said it.

If he stayed in Linjiang, he might not see the sun tomorrow.

"Find someone to clean up the room, let the brothers be quiet recently, and don't go out to cause trouble."

After Wang Hu gave his orders, he left the box.

He was going to wait at the gate of Jingsheng Garden Community, waiting for Lu Chen to appear and report to him what happened here.

He didn't know if Huang Xing would be satisfied with what he did.

He also didn't know if Huang Xing would make himself his.

But this is his chance.

He must gamble.

As soon as Wang Hu left Dynasty Entertainment City, Zhang Qi ran in with a few gangsters in a panic.

"Pi Zi, is fourth brother there?" Zhang Qi asked a gangster watching the scene in the hall.

Seeing Zhang Qi's bruised nose and swollen face, Pi Zi smiled, "Zhang Qi, who beat you like this?"

"Damn it, it's a kid who used to work in my dad's shop." Zhang Qi said angrily, "That kid has practiced and is very good at fighting. I asked my dad to get some money, and he beat me like this." .”

Pizi also knew Zhang Qi's virtues, so he didn't expose it, and said with a smile, "The fourth brother seems to be on the sixth floor, you go up and look for it yourself."

"Thank you Pizi, I'll treat you to a drink another day." After Zhang Qi finished talking to Pizi, he went to the sixth floor to find his fourth brother.

The fourth brother in Zhang Qi's mouth.
He has good strength and was not injured just now.

After the matter settled down, Wang Hu left alone, and the fourth brother and a few other brothers who were not injured were drinking and having fun in the box.

After getting the notification, Zhang Qi tiptoed into the box, walked up to the fourth brother, nodded and bowed, and said, "Hello, fourth brother."

The fourth brother had a fleshy face, was shirtless, flirting with a hostess in his arms, glanced at Zhang Qi, and asked in a rough voice, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Qi usually spends money generously, and he does not less honor his fourth brother.He complained, "Fourth brother, you want to avenge me. Just now I asked my father for some money, and was beaten up by a kid for no reason."

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(End of this chapter)

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