Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 33 You did a good job

Chapter 33 You did a good job

The fourth master had also heard a little about what Zhang Qi usually did, and he didn't look down on him in his heart.

When they come out to hang out, they mainly talk about loyalty, but it's not that they don't talk about filial piety.

But after all, Zhang Qi was the one he was protecting. Now that he was beaten, he would naturally stand out, otherwise, no one would dare to follow him in the future.

The fourth brother slapped the table, and said angrily, "Male Gobi, how can a boy be so bold, he dares to fight my people."

The hostess in his arms was startled and did not dare to breathe.

The other people in the box also fell silent, all looking at him.

Zhang Qi echoed, "Fourth Brother is right, that Huang Xing is too arrogant, but he has worked in my shop and dares to meddle in my affairs, Fourth Brother must give him some flair."

"Okay, take me to find that Lu..."

When the fourth brother mentioned this name, he thought that Master Hu abolished Shao Lei just now, as if to please a big man named Huang Xing, so he shouted loudly, "What do you say his name is?"

Zhang Qi was taken aback. He didn't know why the fourth brother had such a big reaction, so he stammered, "His name is Lu...Lu Xing."

The fourth brother hurriedly asked again, "Is he a sophomore at Linjiang University?"

It can't be such a coincidence that the one who beat Zhang Qi is the big man that Lord Tiger wants to please?

"It seems to be." Zhang Qi thought for a while, last year when he was working in his shop, he heard that Huang Xing was a freshman, so now he is a sophomore.

Seeing that the fourth brother's face was not right, he shrank his head and asked: "The fourth brother knows him?"

The fourth brother's heart skipped a beat. Isn't the big man whom Lord Tiger is fawning on is Lu Chen, a sophomore at Linjiang University, Lu Shao.

Master Hu told them not to go out and cause trouble recently, especially not to go near Linjiang University, because he was afraid of offending Huang Xing or his friends.

Thinking of Lei Shao's fate, the fourth brother shuddered.

He quickly took out his mobile phone, opened Lord Tiger and sent a photo of him to Zhang Qi to see, and cursed, "Open your dog eyes and see, is it him who hit you?"

Master Hu was afraid that his subordinates would not provoke Huang Xing, so he forwarded the photo of Huang Chen sent to him by Lei Yun to his subordinates, telling them to have long eyes and not to provoke Huang Chen.

Looking at the photo on the fourth brother's phone, Zhang Qi saw that it was Huang Xing who hit him, and stammered, "It''s him."

"Young Master Lu dares to offend me, I'm an idiot, and I'll abolish you."

The fourth brother became angry when he heard it, and directly smashed the phone on Zhang Qi's face, slapped him twice, and kicked him away.

Zhang Qi was beaten so dazed that he was kicked and fell to sit by the wall, clutching his stomach and begging for mercy, "Fourth brother, please forgive me, I really didn't know that fourth brother knew Huang Xing, otherwise I wouldn't dare to offend him even if I had ten guts. "

The fourth brother walked up to Zhang Qi, kicked him hard again, and roared ferociously, "Say, what's going on, I'll kill you if I don't tell you clearly."

He didn't understand Huang Xing's temper, and was afraid that in the future, Huang Xing would find out that his people had offended him and settle accounts with him, so he wanted to find out how Zhang Qi offended Huang Xing, and see if there was any way to remedy it.

The other brothers who were drinking all looked at the fourth brother sympathetically. This is really unlucky. Sitting at home drinking, he almost choked to death.

Zhang Qi's guts are full of regrets now, he never thought that Huang Xing, who used to work in his shop, would know the fourth brother.

He failed to move the rescuers by himself, but was beaten again.

He didn't dare to hide it, so he told all about the fact that he went to his father's shop to ask for money and was stopped by Huang Xing from beating him.

After the fourth brother heard this, he let out a long sigh of relief. If it was just like this, then Huang Xing probably wouldn't trouble himself.

Unconvinced, he kicked Zhang Qi again and cursed, "How dare you make Young Master Lu wait until you are paralyzed."


Zhang Qi was kicked hard and hit the wall, his whole body was about to fall apart.

He didn't dare to resist, he was really afraid of Huang Xing in his heart, and begged for mercy in mourning: "Fourth brother, stop beating, I don't dare to offend Young Master Lu again."

The fourth brother got angry when he heard Zhang Qi's voice, panted again, and picked up the phone angrily.

The phone was still usable, but the tempered film was smashed, so he called Master Hu directly.

It was related to Young Master Lu, so he didn't dare to be careless, and directly reported the matter of Zhang Qi and Young Master Lu to Master Hu.

Wang Hu drove to Jingsheng Garden alone, and he wanted to wait for Lu Chen to appear at the gate of the community.

"Horseshoes go south and people forget to the north, people in the north forget that the grass is green and yellow and the dust is flying..."

Wang Hu's cell phone rang, and he was surprised when he saw that it was the call from the fourth child.

Could it be that the Lei family came to the door so soon?


The Lei family didn't know Huang Chen's identity, so they definitely didn't dare to act rashly.

He picked up the phone, and it was the fourth child who called about Young Master Lu.

After listening to the report of the fourth child, Wang Hu pondered for a while, and asked the fourth child to detain Zhang Qi first, so as not to embarrass him.

Lu Shao's matter, no matter how small it is, is a big matter, and it must be handled carefully.

Wang Hu had been waiting at the gate of the community for more than an hour before Huang Xing showed up.

After Huang Xing and Ji Ran finished shopping in the student street, they carried her home directly.

He carried Ji Ran on his back for more than ten minutes. Ji Ran was afraid that he would be too tired, so he came down and pressed the road with him.

Holding hands, the two walked back to Jingsheng Garden accompanied by the moonlight.

From a distance, Wang Hu saw Huang Xing walking towards the gate of the community with Ji Ran in his hand. He straightened his suit and waited cautiously.

Huang Xing also noticed that Wang Hu had been looking at him, as if he was waiting for him specially.

He doesn't know Wang Hu

Could it be someone from the Chu family?
Lu Xing was puzzled, and after approaching, Wang Hu bent down 90 degrees to him, and called out respectfully, "Young Master Lu."

He was already prepared in his heart, pulled Ji Ran to stop, and asked calmly, "Who are you?"

"Wang Hu from the small Beicheng District." After Wang Hu reported his name, he said respectfully, "I have something to report to Young Master Lu."

Not from the Chu family?

Huang Xing frowned slightly, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"At noon, Leiyun asked me to check the details of Young Master Lu, and asked me to cut off Young Master Lu's hands." Wang Hu secretly looked at Huang Chen's face, and saw that his face was very calm, and then looked at Ji Ran again, slowly Tun said, "He also asked me to tie Miss Ji to him."

When Ji Ran heard Wang Hu say that Lei Yun wanted to abolish Huang Xing's hands and kidnap her, his body trembled slightly, obviously frightened.

She was just an ordinary girl, and she was unavoidably scared when she heard such things.

Feeling Ji Ran's fright, Huang Xing gently hugged her, and his aura suddenly rose, forcing him towards Wang Hu.

He looked at Wang Hu with cold eyes, and asked in a cold voice, "And then?"

Wang Hu was so frightened by Huang Xing's aura that he almost couldn't stand still and knelt down, and said tremblingly, "The little one has already made up his mind to abolish Lei Yun's hands, and made him never touch women again."

Only then did Huang Xing put away the aura that oppressed Wang Hu, nodded slightly to express his appreciation, and said flatly, "You did a good job."

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(End of this chapter)

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