Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 221 The Violent Huang Chen

Chapter 221 The Violent Huang Chen

Level 7 Berserk Pill, the pill that appeared in the lottery when Huang Xing rose to level 5.

The cultivation base is within the innate level, after using it, the cultivation base can be doubled, and it lasts for half an hour, but it will cause great damage to the body.

Blood Shura and Ye Shisan are both superior innate combat power, he has no way to retreat, no matter what kind of damage the berserk pill will cause to the body, as long as it can kill them, the damage on the body will be treated with other pills Medicine recovery.

Everyone looked at Huang Xing who was standing upright with a gun again, and they were in awe in their hearts.

His tenacious and unyielding fighting spirit, and his fighting spirit of becoming more and more courageous as he fought, made everyone admire him. They all silently cheered for Huang Xing in their hearts, hoping for a miracle to happen.

That's right, unless there is a miracle at this time, they don't think that Huang Xing can defeat Ye Shisan and Blood Shura together.

Blood Shura was swept away by a single shot, and even though he was protected by innate qi on his body, he was shocked to the point where his mouth was bleeding.

He looked at Huang Xing who was seriously injured, with fear in his eyes.

Although the other party looked weak, I felt that his fighting spirit was more intense, and I had a bad premonition in my heart.

Xue Xiuluo and Huang Xing fought several moves in a row, and found that his same moves became more powerful every time.

From the very beginning, the opponent teamed up with Xiao Qingchen and he was beaten by him, but now he was only able to injure him when he teamed up with Ye Shisan, but he was also slightly injured.

If Ye Shisan didn't join forces, he might not be able to gain the upper hand against Huang Xing alone.

This kind of enemy who is more and more courageous and does not know where the limit is is the most terrifying.

Huang Chen's eyes were full of fighting spirit, he looked at Xue Shura and Ye Shisan coldly, put his hand into his arms, and bought a level 7 berserk pill.

He put the berserk pill into his mouth and swallowed it, and everyone regarded it as a pill for healing or restoring innate qi.

How effective would it be to take the pill in his state at this time?What can be changed?
In this battle, he will undoubtedly die.

Everyone began to regret the fall of a peerless evildoer.

The elixir entered his stomach, and violent power filled his whole body in an instant. Huang Xing's eyes were scarlet, the veins on his face were distorted, and he became ferocious and terrifying.

The great masters could feel the change of Huang Xing's breath, and their eyes showed horror.

What kind of elixir did he swallow that could make his aura so powerful in an instant?

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke were a little scared when they saw Huang Xing's ferocious appearance, but they soon settled down, no matter what he turned into, he was still their dearest and most beloved person.

Luo Xiaoying didn't think there was anything wrong, her own face was even more terrifying, she was used to seeing hideous faces in the training camp for ten years.

Seeing the change in Huang Xing's aura, Jiang Yunxiao showed a puzzled look on her face. She had seen pills with such effects before, but it was absolutely impossible to appear in the world of martial arts.

Didn't Huang Xing come from there, where did he get the inheritance?
Ye Shisan and Xue Shura were shocked when they noticed Huang Xing's change.

There was no longer any chance for him to breathe.

The two of them revived their saber intent and slashed at Huang Xing together.


Huang Chen's scarlet eyes stared at Xue Shura like a beast, and roared angrily.

Tianluo Gun Domain.

People and guns are one.

He turned into a silver dragon, the gun domain broke through the blood domain, and flew towards the blood Shura.

Sword five.

Xiao Qingchen, who was recuperating from his injuries on the audience stage, also opened his eyes suddenly at the moment they shot, and flew towards the martial arts stage.

Pulling the sword out of its sheath, a phoenix cry resounded.

The blood phoenix soared into the sky, and the killing sword intent soared into the sky.

When she looked at Ye Thirteen, there was endless killing intent in her eyes.

Just now Ye Shisan slashed Huang Xing with a knife, and there was boundless killing intent in her heart.

Dragons have inverse scales, and if you touch them, you will die.

The phoenix has reverse feathers, if you move it, you will die.

Huang Xing is her Ni Yu.

Xiao Qingchen knew that just now was not the best time to make a move, so he forced himself to heal his injuries calmly.

Now that the time had come, the boundless killing intent suppressed in his heart was released, changing the situation.

Her killing sword intent evolved into thousands of sword intents, and the thousands of sword intents converged into a killing sword intent, slashing towards Ye Shisan with one sword.

Huang Chen's Tianluo Spear Field directly took blood Shura, with thousands of spears and thousands of shadows, shuttling endlessly.

The space seemed to be torn apart, and there was a roar.

The Furious Pill doubled his cultivation base, and the high-spirited fighting bonus after the serious injury also doubled his combat power.

Added up like this, the power of this gun is extremely terrifying.

The three elders guarding the auditorium also showed horror on their faces. The power of this shot made them all feel threatened.

Blood Shura was the most frightened.

The Silver Dragon Spear was heading towards him, and all its might enveloped him.

A chill rose in his heart, he tightly held the blood knife in his hand, retracted the blood field, and formed a defense only seven feet away from him.

Turning from offense to defense, the blood field was as thick as a mass of flesh and blood wrapped around Shura, waiting for Huang Chen's sky-shattering shot.


The Silver Dragon Spear pierced through the blood field, and the spear field collided with the blood field, causing the earth to shatter and rocks to fly.

Everyone felt that the entire martial arts arena was shaking, like an earthquake.


The silver dragon gun pierced through the blood field, making a tearing sound.

Xue Shura's mind was torn apart. He never thought that after taking a pill, his strength would skyrocket to such a terrifying level.

He slashed at Huang Xing with all his strength, the blood knife collided with the Silver Dragon Spear, and was blown away by the spear, the tip of the spear gleaming with cold light went straight into his body.

Ye Shisan's Kuangba slashed from behind, and Xiao Qingchen's killing intent had arrived.

When the swords collided, the Kuangba Saber Intent and the Slaughtering Sword Intent collided together, and the space of the explosion was violent.

Xiao Qingchen's strength was not as good as Ye Shisan's in the first place, and her injuries hadn't healed, this blow made her more injured, and she flew backward towards Huang Chen with a gloomy expression.

But she was the one who blocked the knife for Huang Xing and bought him precious time, so that his sky-shattering shot could directly take the blood of Shura without any scruples.

The Silver Dragon Spear was inserted into Xue Shura's body, and Huang Xing spun it hard, and 55 times the power of Ten Heavy Waves exploded in his body.


The gun was like a wave, bombing in his body, the blood Shura's innate body was extremely strong, but under this blow, his flesh and blood were also smashed, and he let out a scream.

Xiao Qingchen flew backwards towards him, and Ye Shisan followed closely behind with a slash.

Huang Chen drew out the Silver Dragon Spear, and the spear turned towards Ye Shisan, Xiao Qingchen held the sword in his backhand, passed by Lu Xing, and the two exchanged positions.

Lu Chen met Ye Shisan with a spear, and Xiao Qingchen stabbed Xue Shura back with his sword.


The silver dragon gun and the tyrant sword collided, and both Huang Xing and Ye Shisan were blown away.

Lu Xing landed beside Xiao Qingchen, stabilized his figure, and stood shoulder to shoulder with her.

Ye Shisan was also sent flying more than ten meters before falling to the ground.

Xiao Qingchen drew out the Phoenix Blood Sword indifferently, and Xue Xiuluo was behind them, looking at their backs unwillingly, and fell down.

With one shot and one sword, a generation of blood alliance leaders fell.

 Thanks to "Falling Leaves Follow the Wind" for being the rudder of this book

  The next update will be at 12 o'clock tonight

  Then the surgery starts tomorrow

  no manuscript
  How much can I write and post in the next few days

  everyone don't rush

  Wait for next week to get better, and then update stably
  please forgive me

(End of this chapter)

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