Chapter 222
Xue Shura's miserable scream echoed endlessly in the martial arts arena.

His body fell down suddenly, and the martial arts field fell into silence.

The mighty leader of the blood alliance died in the hands of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen.

How long has it been since the martial arts world has not fallen from the sky?

100 years?

200 years?
Or 300 years?
Innate superiority is an invincible existence in the martial arts world, and it is the background of the major forces. They will hardly fight each other, and it is more of a deterrent.

The power holders of the major forces sucked in a cold voice, the combat power of Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen had almost reached the peak of the martial arts world.

It only took them a dozen years to reach a height that they could not reach in decades or even a lifetime.

Of course, they would never have thought that Huang Xing hadn't practiced for more than two months.

The three great elders of the Confucian sect also looked dignified. Huang Chen's shot just now was too terrifying. If they were coming at them, their fate would probably not be much better than that of Xue Shura.

When Ji Ran and the others saw Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen teaming up to kill Xue Xiuluo, they all showed excitement on their faces.

Even if everyone thinks that Huang Xing is bound to die, they still firmly believe that Huang Xing will stick to his promise and come back alive to find them.

The more than 4 ancient warriors on the audience stand were all stunned. This duel was too thrilling. I'm afraid they will never see such an earth-shattering battle again.

This battle raised their knowledge of martial arts to a new level.

Lu Chen stood on the martial arts stage, holding the Silver Dragon Spear, pointing directly at Ye Shisan.

The tiger's mouth of his right hand has burst open, blood is flowing, the whole palm is stained with blood, holding on the Silver Dragon Spear, the barrel of the gun is also covered with bright red blood, slipping down the barrel, hitting the ground tick-tock.

His chest was also slashed by Xue Shura's sword energy in the blow just now.

However, most of the power of the saber energy was blocked by his body-protecting true energy, only a scar was cut, but the blood was still flowing, staining the clothes on his chest red.

The most serious one was the knife wound on his back and shoulder, which was seven inches long, and the bone was visible deep. When he moved his arm, he felt a sharp pain.

His body was drenched with blood, and he was already blood-stained, but he still pointed his gun at Ye Shisan with great fighting spirit.

Xiao Qingchen's injury was even more serious than that of Huang Xing, and his whole body was covered with bright blood.

There are hers, and there are enemies.

Her aura was very weak, and her face was bloodless. There were only a few drops of blood that splashed on her face when she killed an enemy, embellishing her even more glamorous and murderous.

She is so weak that it feels like a breeze can blow her down, but she is supported by her strong will and can not fall down.

In the desperate situation, the two evildoers still kept fighting, fighting unyieldingly, and finally beheaded the leader of the Blood Alliance with tacit understanding, Blood Shura.

But even so, their situation is very dangerous.

Both of them were at the end of their battles, while Ye Shisan was still unscathed.

Ye Shisan looked at the two of them with a gloomy expression. He didn't expect Xiao Qingchen to recover so quickly, he blocked his knife at a critical moment, allowing Huang Xing enough time to kill Xue Shura with all his strength.

He didn't care about Xue Shura's death, his purpose was to kill Ji Ran.

Before that, he had to remove the two obstacles in front of him.

Huang Xing's fighting power surprised him, he never expected that he would become stronger as he fought, and after swallowing that pill, even Blood Shura was no match for him.

However, he wasn't too worried, but any medicine that instantly increased his combat power would have huge side effects on his body. When Huang Xing used his super strength to unleash that blow, his body couldn't stand it at all, reaching the verge of collapse.

The power of that blow just now was within his tolerance range. If Huang Xing used another shot, instead of killing him himself, his body would not be able to withstand the collapse.

As for Xiao Qingchen, he didn't even take it to heart, I'm afraid she doesn't even have the strength to draw a sword now.

Ye Shisan raised the Ba Saber, and the saber intent swept across the entire Martial Arts Stage. He said in a hoarse and gloomy voice, "You are very strong, even if you are inside, you are a rare talent, but now all this is coming to an end."

Everyone felt creepy when they heard Ye Shisan's voice.

Ye Shisan was very young, only 29 years old, but his voice at this time was like that of an old man aged 70, hoarse, deep and eerie.

Hearing his voice, the rulers of all major forces frowned and pondered.

They have already discovered that Ye Shisan does not seem to be himself, and now they are more sure that he is not really Ye Shisan, but a person from those forces.

Taoist Master Fengqing heard his voice, with a look of bitter hatred on his face, thinking of the mysterious innate that made him hate him deeply.

This Ye Shisan is that mysterious person!
"Let me destroy you with my own hands."

Ye Shisan roared fiercely, and slashed at Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen with a domineering strike.

Their kind of arrogance belonged to the key training targets of the major forces, how could he dare to offend them?
At this time, he wanted to kill such a proud man with his own hands to satisfy his perverted vanity.

Tianluo Gun Domain.

Huang Xing endured the pain on his body, and mobilized his innate qi to the extreme.

His body began to be unbearable, and several cracks were burst on his body, and blood kept oozing out.

People and guns are one.

The silver dragon turned into a blood dragon, roaring and hitting Ye Shisan through the air.

Everyone was shocked to find that Huang Xing's shot was much stronger.

Xiao Qingchen closed his eyes lightly, and said in a cold and ethereal voice, "Use my blood as a guide, my sword as a witness, and my heart—"

Her voice was unhurried, echoing in the martial arts arena and echoing in everyone's heart.

The blood from her wound seeped into the Phoenix Blood Sword strangely, making the Phoenix Blood Sword more red, and the phoenix carved on the sword seemed to come alive and let out a neigh.

The blood-red killing sword intent on Xiao Qingchen's body was so red that it turned black, burning like hell on her body.

"For the devil."

Her icy voice carried boundless killing intent and magic intent, and said resolutely.

She crazily burned all the innate qi in her body, and the demonic intent and killing intent intertwined to form a new sword intent - the killing sword.

Jiang Yunxiao sighed in the ancient pavilion, she was finally bewitched.

She has the ability to stop all this, but her identity does not allow her to intervene in these things.

She originally thought that if Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen were defeated by Fallen, she would come forward to save the other girls.

As for Ji Ran's life, everything happened because of her, and there was nothing she could do.

But she saw that Huang Xing became stronger and stronger as he fought, and Xiao Qingchen was also possessed, so she knew that she still underestimated them.

"If you are a demon, the sky will be restless."

This is Jiang Yunxiao's direct severance of Xiao Qingchen's golden mouth, which shows how terrifying Xiao Qingchen will be after being enchanted.

The sword intent of the Slaughter Demon Sword slaughtered the sky and destroyed the earth, Xiao Qingchen suddenly opened his eyes, as if two demonic fires were burning in his eyes.

 Afternoon surgery

  Glucose may be needed in the morning

  if no drip

  I'll see if I can write a chapter

(End of this chapter)

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