Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 224 One shot, kill

Chapter 224 One shot, kill

The sudden change made it too late for everyone to react. They were still lamenting the strength of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen, but they were stunned by Ye Shisan's corpse bombing.

The ancient warriors in the audience stand were terrified when they saw the blood spirit appearing in a mass of flesh and blood, which had already exceeded their understanding of martial arts.

The power on the blood spirit was extremely violent, even with the protection of the three great elders, everyone could feel the power and evil of this power, and their hair stood on end in fright.

Seeing the appearance of the blood spirit, the rulers of the various forces felt that his power was stronger than the innate ones, and they were all shocked.

This kind of power has never appeared in the martial arts world. Is this the real strength of the people from there?
Daoist Fengqing was even more horrified.

This mysterious person was very powerful 22 years ago, and the three great elders of the Yuhua Dao Sect teamed up to trap him with a formation.

His current strength is several times stronger, beyond his innate ability, and he doesn't seem to be in his best state at this time. If he is in his prime, how terrifying would it be?
Everyone was scared by the blood spirit and trembled, and they were all sighing for the two evildoers, Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen.

They are already so powerful, there has never been a monster like them in the thousands of years of martial arts history.

It's a pity that their enemies are people from there, and they cannot be defeated by the martial arts world.

While everyone was still lamenting, they noticed that the strength of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen was also getting stronger.

These two evildoers have not yet reached their limit!
When they saw the state of the two evildoers, they were really desperately trying to die with the blood spirit!
The gun broke through the void like a shooting star, and Huang Xing turned into a burning angry dragon and went straight to the blood spirit.

The air was scorched and hot, and the space was torn and cracked.

Xiao Qingchen was the closest to him, and he could clearly feel that he was burning all his strength with this spear.

He is more determined and faster than himself.

It was too late for her to stop.

Tears rolled down her eyes, crystal clear and cold.

This was the second time she had shed tears since she could remember, and both times she shed tears for him.

He was like this twice, standing in front of her recklessly and protecting her from danger.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke, who were still immersed in joy, were frightened when they saw the blood spirit revealed.

When they met Huang Xing's eyes, they had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

"Lu Chen."

"elder brother."

The two of them saw Huang Xing shoot towards the blood spirit as if looking at death, their tears couldn't stop streaming down, and they shouted in pain.

Pain flashed across Luo Xiaoying's eyes, she clenched her fists tightly, her nails pierced her palm, and blood flowed out.

The tearing pain on his body almost made him faint, Huang Xing felt that his body was exploding, and the effect of the recovery pill was constantly repairing his body.

If he hadn't taken the recovery pill in advance, his body would have been unable to sustain the explosion.

The body was seriously injured to the limit, and the promotion of fighting spirit also reached the limit.

Coupled with the doubling of the combat power of Berserk Pill.

There is also the innate level 9 spear skill Tianluo Gunyu.

Huang Xing played all his cards, this shot has reached his limit combat power, it is his last hope, he has no way out.

The blood spirit is still in a rage, he wants to destroy these two peerless monsters with his own hands.

Controlling Ye Shisan's body, he can only display his innate peak combat power.

At this time, when he becomes a blood spirit, he can display his true strength.

Just fighting in the state of blood spirit will cause great damage to him, every point of strength used will be lost by one point, and it will be permanently consumed and cannot be replenished.

But as long as he can kill the two major crimes in front of him, all the costs will be worth it.

Xue Ling grinned grimly and was about to shoot, when he saw Huang Xing shoot at him.

He looked at Huang Xing mockingly, what's the point of dying?
Just let me end this.

Let the entire martial arts world know that in his eyes, they are just ants.

He laughed wildly, and the power of the entire martial arts field rushed towards him.

Everyone suddenly felt dull and dizzy, as if they were in a vacuum.

Huang Xing shot at him, and his strength soared crazily.

Xue Ling's eyes were about to burst, and he roared in disbelief, "This is impossible!"

Everyone was also stunned by Huang Xing's shot. From the moment the shot was fired to the moment it arrived, the power of Huang Xing's shot doubled several times in a row.


There was a loud bang.

Huang Xing, who had become a blood man, shot at the blood spirit.

The sky is horrified, and the ground is trembling.

Before the blood spirit could make a move, or even scream, it was blown up by Huang Xing, and it exploded into a blood mist, splitting and exploding non-stop.

Like thunder rolling, booming, booming.

The entire Martial Arts Arena was shaken, and everyone's minds were in chaos.

A blood man and a blood gun fell out of the bombardment's blood mist.

Xiao Qingchen followed Huang Chen and flew out, but she was still a step too late, only in time to catch his body, the blood gun fell to her feet, making a clanging sound.

She looked down at the bloody Huang Xing in her hand, and could no longer feel his life.


Xiao Qingchen raised his head to the sky and screamed.

She kept burning her own life, and her demonic and murderous intent shrouded the entire martial arts arena.

"I want you all buried with me."

Xiao Qingchen hugged Huang Chen, her long hair fluttered in the wind, her eyes were filled with blood and tears, her cold and heartless voice echoed in the martial arts arena.

She's completely bewitched.

He is dead, what is the use of this world?What's wrong with killing all the people?

The sky is full of sword shadows, and the [-] sword intents in the sword mound of Jianzong turned into [-] sword shadows hanging in the void.

Everyone felt that they were locked by countless sword intents.

The hundred and eight swords in the void would tear them to pieces at any time.

Si Liancheng shouted in shock, "Qingchen, calm down."

As long as she goes down with this sword, she will become a real devil and a public enemy of the entire martial arts world, which is irreversible.

The faces of the three great elders of the Confucian sect changed drastically, and they shouted in unison, "Sword Master Xiao, no."

Xiao Qingchen's [-] kinds of sword intents are too many and too strong, and their strength is only enough to protect themselves, and cannot guarantee the life and death of others.

With this sword strike, there are more than 4 people in the entire martial arts field, and few people can survive.

Only now did they understand why Jiang Yunxiao wanted to destroy the demon and kill her, and why she asserted that if you were a demon, the heavens would be restless.

Jiang Yunxiao looked at the bewitched Xiao Qingchen, she had expected this day, but she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

The words of Si Liancheng and the three elders could not stop her murderous and demonic intentions, she just wanted to destroy this world and be buried with him.

She closed her bloody eyes, unable to bear to look at the world again.

The hundred and eight thousand swords in the void became more and more solid, like long swords shining with cold light.

Destroy this world.

She urged the hundred and eight thousand swords, and they were about to fall.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her arm, and a weak voice came from beside her ear, "Qingchen, don't."

The wind is still, the sky and the earth are still.

The one hundred and eight thousand swords in the void disappeared without a trace with the weak voice.

The killing intent and magic that enveloped the entire Martial Arts Field also dissipated in an instant.

 The operation went well, thank you for your concern
  There is another chapter around 12 o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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