Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 225 Huang Xing Is Still Alive

Chapter 225 Huang Xing Is Still Alive (Part [-])
There was panic in the martial arts arena, and the three great elders used all their strength to protect the audience.

The power holders and innate masters of all major forces also came to the audience stage one after another, letting go of their own ways to protect the disciples on the audience stage.

Everyone waited in fear for the arrival of the Eighteen Thousand Swords.

In this catastrophe, it is unknown how many people will die.

There was a violent storm, and there was a moment of calm.

The sky cleared again and the air flowed again.

The one hundred and eight thousand swords that destroyed the world disappeared in smoke.

All this is because of the weak "Qingchen, don't".

The voice was so small that only she could hear it.

But to Xiao Qingchen's ears, it was like thunder from nine heavens.

This is the most beautiful voice in the world.

She tremblingly opened her eyes, which were already blurred by blood and tears.

Looking down at Huang Chen in his arms, his eyes were tightly closed, and the hand that was holding her arm had already loosened and dropped.

It even made people suspect that the "Qingchen, don't" just now was just an illusion.

But Xiao Qingchen can be sure that it is not an illusion, and he will never hear his voice wrong.

Huang Xing is still alive!

Excitedly, she checked Huang Xing's breath of life again, and found that he was still alive.

Xiao Qingchen had a bright and moving smile on his face, smiling like a child.

As long as he is alive, all is well.

The three great elders and the great masters who were waiting in full force were a little stunned when they saw the one hundred and eight thousand swords disappearing in the void.

Killing intent disappears, magic intent disperses.

The catastrophe did not come.

They were all on guard against the Eighteen Thousand Swords in the void just now, and they didn't notice Huang Xing's voice and his grabbing Xiao Qingchen's arm.

Many people on the audience stage had been looking at the crazy Xiao Qingchen in horror just now, and when they saw Huang Xing lightly grabbing her arm, they all thought it was an illusion in their panic.

There are a few people who see it most clearly, and they are the few people who have not been locked by the Eighteen Thousand Swords.

Just now Xiao Qingchen thought that Lu Chen was dead, and wanted to kill everyone to be buried with him, but he still kept his last trace of sobriety, some people were not locked by the Eight Thousand Swords.

None of Ji Ran, Lu Xiaoke, Luo Xiaoying, and Fujino Noriko were locked by the Hundred Eight Thousand Swords, and there were tears in their eyes. When they heard Xiao Qingchen say "I want all of you to be buried with me", they thought When Huang Xing died, their world collapsed.

They kept looking at Huang Xing who was hugged by Xiao Qingchen, almost fainting from the pain.

They suddenly saw Huang Xing grabbing Xiao Qingchen's arm, and they thought it was their hallucination.

Now that the Eight Thousand Swords disappeared, Xiao Qingchen smiled happier than a child, they knew it was not an illusion.

Huang Chen really didn't die.

Overjoyed, they flew towards the martial arts stage, and landed in front of Xiao Qingchen. Looking at the bloody and bloody Huang Xing, they burst into tears.

It broke our hearts.

"Lu Chen."

"elder brother."

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke shouted softly with trembling voices.

Xiao Qingchen looked at them and said with a smile, "Lu Xing is still alive, he is not dead."

The four girls confirmed that Huang Xing was still alive, and their hearts were relieved.

But Huang Xing's dying appearance still made them feel like a knife pierced their hearts.

The entire martial arts arena was dead silent.

The one hundred and eight thousand swords hanging in the void did not fall in the end, and everyone let out a long breath.

They all looked at the Yanwu stage, looked at the smile on Xiao Qingchen's face, and listened to her telling the news that Huang Xing was not dead.

Only then did they understand what kind of position Huang Chen held in Xiao Qingchen's heart.

One thought for him will become a demon, and one thought for him will become a Buddha.

The three great elders took back their domains, and the great masters also took back their ways.

The danger had been lifted, but their hearts were still a little terrified, and they looked at Xiao Qingchen with fear.

Chief Si Liancheng breathed a sigh of relief, just now he was not targeted by the one hundred eight thousand sword, but if the one hundred eight thousand sword fell just now, he would be the first to attack Xiao Qingchen to clean up the house.

He didn't know how to comment on Xiao Qingchen, this is the girl he grew up watching.

She is very cold, but her heart is not bad, and she has always been indifferent to the world.

Ever since she met Huang Xing, everything has changed.

Love makes people blind and makes people crazy.

No matter what, fortunately, Huang Xing was still alive, which saved the martial arts world from a catastrophe, and also saved Xiao Qingchen from embarking on a road of no return.

The three elders landed around Xiao Qingchen, and said solemnly, "Sword Master Xiao, saving people is the most important thing, why not take Lu Chen to heal his wounds first."

Xiao Qingchen still had a happy smile on his face, and replied, "Yeah."

Then she handed Huang Xing into Ji Ran's hands and asked her to hold her.

Ji Ran hugged Huang Xing carefully, Xiao Qingchen said to her softly, "I'll take you there."

Then she pointed to Lu Xiaoke and the others and said to the three elders, "Please, the three seniors, take them for a ride."

"it is good."

The sleeves of the three were rolled up, and one of them left the martial arts arena with a girl.

Xiao Qingchen also followed Ji Ran who was hugging Huang Chen.

After they left, the frozen atmosphere in the Martial Arts Arena eased up.

Si Liancheng handed over his hands to the power holders of the other major forces and apologized, "Sword Master Xiao went into a rage just now, and what he did was not from his heart, please don't take it to heart."

More than a dozen other people in power looked serious, and they didn't know how to answer.

If Huang Xing was not still alive, they believed that Xiao Qingchen's one hundred and eight thousand swords would fall.

But in the end, her one hundred and eight thousand swords did not fall, did not cause any casualties, at most it was a false alarm.

Daoist Fengqing was the first to answer, "All this happened because of the blood spirit. Instead of being afraid of Swordmaster Xiao, you might as well ask Miss Jiang to find out what's going on there. Happy to communicate with us."

After Taoist Master Fengqing spoke, everyone suddenly realized that they were indeed too afraid of Xiao Qingchen. There was such a female devil, a sharp sword hanging over their heads, and they didn't know when it would explode.

However, no matter how strong Xiao Qingchen is, he is still only one person. The combination of all major forces and dozens of congenital beings is not incapable of dealing with her.

Compared with there, there is what they are really afraid of.

The unknown is the scariest thing, the blood spirit can come out, Jiang Yunxiao can come out, who knows if more people will come out there?

The strength of Xue Ling is obvious to all, and Jiang Yunxiao's strength is also unfathomable.

They wanted to know what was going on there, and what was their attitude towards the martial arts world.

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect echoed, "Master Feng Qing is right, we will not discuss the matter of Master Xiao Jian for the time being, let's talk to Miss Jiang about the matter there first."

The power holders of the various factions thought about it, and they all agreed with their proposal, summoned the elders of their respective factions, and told them to comfort the disciples of the various schools in the audience.

Then, with Kou Wenzhong as the representative, he invited Jia Jing and Jiang Yunxiao, "Mr. Jia, Miss Jiang, can you come to the conference hall to have a talk."

 Ask for a reward, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket

  Various demands

(End of this chapter)

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