Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 226 Huang Xing Is Still Alive

Chapter 226 Huang Xing Is Still Alive

The three elders brought Xiao Qingchen and the others to the convalescent quiet room of Confucianism Tianxia, ​​and Ji Ran gently put Huang Chen on the carpet.

He was still unconscious, but his breathing was much calmer.

Xiao Qingchen knew that the pill that Lu Xing took when he shot the last shot was constantly repairing his injuries.

She had taken that elixir just now, and knew how powerful its recovery effect was.

The three elders worked together to help Huang Xing adjust his inner breath, and after confirming that his life was not in danger, they left the quiet room in peace.

Just now, Xiao Qingchen mistakenly thought that Lu Chen was dead, and the hundred and eight thousand swords came out, which really scared them enough, for fear that something happened to Lu Chen, and Xiao Qingchen would be possessed again.

Lu Xiaoke, Luo Xiaoying, and Fujino Fazi also retreated outside the door, and only Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen were left in the convalescent quiet room to take care of Lu Chen.

Ji Ran carefully cut off the underwear on Huang Xing's body with small scissors. Seeing that his body was covered in bruises, he was so distressed that he kept crying.

Xiao Qingchen gently bandaged him with medicine. His whole body was covered with wounds. After wrapping up, he had become a mummy.

The two of them hugged Huang Xing to the bed and lay down, and then they let go.

They looked at each other, Ji Ran saw the knife wound on Xiao Qingchen's chest, and said with concern, "Qingchen, let me bandage the wound for you."


Xiao Qingchen nodded, and took off the bloody clothes on her body, revealing her white and flawless skin, with a hideous knife wound on it, and a pale pink crescent moon pendant swaying slightly in front of the knife wound.

Looking at the knife wound, Ji Ran felt very uncomfortable. It was when Huang Chen came to save him, she helped him block the knife.

She saw everything that Xiao Qingchen had paid for Huang Xing, and even she was moved by it.

For this feeling, no matter how Huang Xing chooses, she will not blame anyone.


In the conference hall of Confucianism, the power holders of the eighteen superpowers in the martial arts world sat on the chairs.

Blood Shura is dead, and Misty Palace has not been born for a long time. These eighteen rulers can be said to represent the entire martial arts world.

They all looked at Jiang Yunxiao and Jia Jing with solemn expressions.

The first time they had direct contact with the people there, they were all a little uneasy, and they didn't know how this contact would change the structure of the martial arts world.

Jiang Yunxiao took a sip of tea calmly, then looked at the eighteen rulers with a smile and said, "You must be very curious about my identity."

The eighteen people in power all looked at Jiang Yunxiao, and Kou Wenzhong said apologetically, "To tell you the truth, before the tournament started, Confucianism investigated Miss Jiang's identity, but found nothing. Please don't be offended by Miss Jiang."

Xiao Qingchen, the three evildoers that emerged in this martial arts tournament, is from the Sword Sect. Although Lu Xing couldn't find out his inheritance, he could find out his life trajectory from childhood to adulthood, so he couldn't be from there.

Only Jiang Yunxiao seemed to appear out of nowhere, without any clues.

"Master Kou, don't take it to heart. Suddenly a half-innate casual cultivator appears to participate in the Xuanbang competition. It's normal for Confucianism to be curious about my identity." Jiang Yunxiao said with a smile, "Everyone should have guessed it. Not from the martial arts world."

She paused and said, "I come from the cultivation world."

The eighteen people in power heard Jiang Yunxiao tell his own background, although they had been prepared in their hearts, they still showed nervous expressions.

The place they called "there" was originally called the Realm of Comprehension.

Now it's time to unravel his mystery.

Kou Wenzhong got up and said, "I would like to hear the details."

The other seventeen people in power also looked at Jiang Yunxiao expectantly, waiting for her to introduce the situation there.

Jiang Yunxiao took a sip of tea, moistened his throat and said with a smile, "You don't need to be too nervous, the cultivation world and the martial arts world come from the same source, and all your major forces are actually disciples left outside by the major forces in the former cultivation world. Passed down, you can be regarded as the disciples of the major forces in the cultivation world."

The power holders of the major forces have already known from the Zongmen classics that their inheritance is likely to originate from the realm of cultivation, so it is not too surprising.

Jiang Yunxiao discussed with the power holders of various forces for several hours, and they also had a general understanding of the situation in the cultivation world.

They all took a deep breath when they realized the strength of the cultivation world.

The Four Sages and Nine Sects, the Jun Family, the Long Family, the Moon Worshiping Demon Sect, and the Hanging Mountain, and other major forces that have been passed down for thousands of years are also among the best superpowers in the cultivation world.

The rare master in the martial arts world is just a disciple of the outer sect who is equivalent to the Qi refining period of the major forces in the cultivation world.

The strongest congenital master in the martial arts world is equivalent to the disciples of the inner sect foundation establishment period of the major forces in the cultivation world.

Jiang Yunxiao also showed her true strength in front of the power holders of the major forces - Golden Core Stage.

That kind of aura is much stronger than the innate one. If she wants to harm everyone, she can kill them with just one thought.

This is not to say that the aptitude of people in the cultivation world is far superior to those in the martial arts world.

The main reason is that the spiritual energy in the cultivation world is sufficient and very suitable for cultivation, while the spiritual energy in the martial arts world is exhausted, which is not conducive to cultivation.

In addition, the cultivation world has a large amount of cultivation resources and powerful cultivation techniques, and the speed of cultivation is many times faster than that of the martial arts world.

It can be said that in the world of martial arts, one can cultivate to the qualifications of a congenital master, and in the world of cultivation, one can at least have the qualifications of becoming an inner disciple.

Monsters like Lu Xing and Xiao Qingchen belonged to the top monsters in the cultivation world, and even Jiang Yunxiao admitted that they were not their opponents when they were in the same realm.

Jiang Yunxiao also brought the attitude of the cultivation world. The martial arts world originated from the major forces in the cultivation world to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors, and became the subordinate forces of the cultivation world, but the cultivation world will not interfere with the affairs of the martial arts world.

For such a big matter of status, those in power dare not easily decide, and said that they would go back to discuss with the elders of the great elders.

Jiang Yunxiao didn't force it either, and gave them a month.

Then she took out a batch of cultivation resources and some exercises, which were brought to them by the major forces of the same origin as them in the cultivation world.

The power holders of the major forces looked at the exercises given to them on the spot, and they all looked excited. These are all exercises of the same origin as theirs, and they are more profound than their current strongest exercises.

Seeing their expressions, Jiang Yunxiao knew that there would not be much difficulty in recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan.

Because they all come from the same source, for example, the Confucianism Tianxia in the martial arts world is also called the Confucianism Tianxia in the cultivation world, and there is no barrier of name.

This month's time is not only for the major forces to go back to discuss the matter of acknowledging their ancestors, but also for them to select disciples to go to the cultivation world.

Each of them can choose 5 Tianjiao disciples to go to the realm of comprehension to join their forces of the same origin.

In the first official exchange between the cultivation world and the martial arts world, Jiang Yunxiao had a good chat with the power holders of the major forces, and the cultivation world also conveyed great goodwill to the martial arts world.

(End of this chapter)

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