Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 230 Jade Muscle Pill

Chapter 230 Jade Muscle Pill

Huang Xing returned to his room and took a hot shower.

His body is covered with scars from cracked skin, but with his recovery ability, these scars will soon disappear.

During the three days of cultivation in the Confucian School, he took a Huanxu Dan given by Jia Jing and his wife every day. The internal injury recovery effect was very good, and now his strength has almost recovered to the third or fourth level of the peak state.

He looks at his properties:
Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: No. [-] Shenhao in the universe (internship period)

Level: Level 7 (3840/6400)

Today's Quota: 0/6400000
Gold: 5780
Combat Power: Innate Early Stage
Dao Dharma: Good Fortune Scripture
Martial skills: Crimson Blood Strike, Ten Heavy Waves, Crazy Dragon Slashing Soul, One Finger Quicksand, Tianluo Spear Field
Items: none
Mission: Shenhao buys a villa
In the first battle of the martial arts tournament, he used up all the gold coins, and his self-cultivation was close to 6000 in the past few days.

Less than two months after getting the system, his combat power has reached the peak of the martial arts world.

Now the danger is temporarily lifted, and there is still nearly a month of safety time.

When the time comes, they will have to face the holy son Lan Xiuming, the holy son of blood in the realm of comprehension.

This is a behemoth that is countless times stronger than the Blood Alliance.

He can rise to level 10 in a month, but it is far from enough to compete against the Holy Land of Blood.

Jia Jing's method is indeed good. Letting all the girls join the holy land sects of the same origin in the cultivation world will not only allow them to practice and improve their combat power, but also gain the protection of those holy land sects.

After he upgrades and has enough strength, he will destroy the Holy Land of Blood and completely destroy this enemy.

He planned to let Ji Ran enter the cultivation world of Yuhua Daomen in the cultivation world as the Tianjiao of the Yuhua Daomen in the martial arts world.

Jia Jing told him that the three swords inherited by Jianzong belonged to the magic weapons in the cultivation world, and Ji Ran was able to get the recognition of the Dragon Yin Sword.

Lu Xiaoke has also been recognized as the master of the True Martial Sword, and when he enters the Binglan Sect in the realm of comprehension, he will not be able to escape as a core disciple.

Not to mention Xiao Qingchen, as long as she enters the sword sect of the cultivation world, she will be able to cultivate a hundred thousand swords and lower her eyebrows.

As for himself, Jia Jing gave him two choices, one is to join Misty Palace, and the other is to enter the cultivation world as a casual cultivator.

The Misty Palace is the most mysterious superpower in the martial arts world. It has been passed down for thousands of years and is rarely born. No disciples were sent to participate in this martial arts competition.

If it weren't for the collective title of Four Saints and Nine Sects, the martial arts world would have almost forgotten that there is a holy place called Misty Palace.

Jiang Yunxiao came from the Misty Palace in the cultivation world, while Jia Jing was the master of the Misty Palace in the martial arts world.

If Jia Jing hadn't told Huang Xing himself, no one would have guessed his identity.

After thinking about it, Huang Xing declined Jia Jing's proposal, and decided to enter the martial arts world as a casual cultivator.

One month later, Jia Jing and his wife will come to the Martial Dao Realm to pick them up. Not only will each of the nineteen superpowers have 5 places, but they will also select 5 people from those small powers and casual cultivators. .

Huang Chen has made arrangements for the three most important girls around him, and what should Luo Xiaoying do, he will have a good talk with her.

Thinking of Luo Xiaoying, the bruises on his face that he saw when he healed her that night emerged in Huang Chen's mind, and he felt pity in his heart.

Now it's time to restore her appearance to Yujidan.

Then, after being promoted to level 8, go to the Pure Land of Bliss to help the little monk continue to connect the meridians, and then go to Dongying to destroy Ying Wusai, and help Fujino Noriko solve the family affairs by the way, and the overseas Ji family hired an assassin to kill Ji Ran's mastermind, these Everything needs to be resolved within a month.

Jia Jing and his wife told him that this month, the grievances and grievances in the martial arts world will still be resolved by the martial arts world itself.

But one month later, the world of martial arts all over the world will have inextricable relationships with the world of comprehension. For example, the one hospital in Japan, the three palaces and four fasting houses and the temple in Europe have their own forces of the same origin in the world of comprehension.

At that time, the structure of the martial arts world will become very complicated, and it will not be that simple to destroy them.

After taking a shower, Huang Xing came to the living room, only to see Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke eating fruit on the sofa, Xiao Qingchen and Luo Xiaoying should still be taking a bath.

When Lu Xiaoke saw Huang Xing coming out, he grinned and ran back to his room.

Looking at Lu Xiaoke's back, Huang Xing smiled helplessly. This younger sister is really caring. It is true that he and Ji Ran haven't been alone for several days.

He walked to Ji Ran and sat down, hugged her lightly, and caressed her hair.

Ji Ran also hugged Huang Xing's waist tightly, buried his head in his arms, and whispered, "Promise me, you will love me forever, and don't leave me behind."

After experiencing life and death, she just wanted to be by Huang Xing's side for the rest of her life, and she didn't care about anything else.

Huang Xing gently kissed her hair, and said sincerely, "Of course, believe me, my love for you has never changed. I will love you and protect you forever."

Ji Ran raised his head to meet his eyes, and said with watery eyes, "I believe in you."

The two hugged each other tightly, reluctant to part with each other.

After a while, the four girls gathered in the living room.

Huang Chen bought a Jade Muscle Pill and handed it to Luo Xiaoying, "Xiaoying, you go back to your room and eat this pill first."

The four girls all looked at the elixir in Huang Xing's hands suspiciously, and Luo Xiaoying was not injured, what is this elixir for?


Luo Xiaoying took the pill from Huang Xing's hand, and walked back to the room without asking what kind of pill it was.

She has absolute trust in Huang Xing, even if she is given intestinal poison, she will take it without hesitation.

Lu Xiaoke asked curiously, "Brother, what kind of elixir did you give Miss Xiaoying?"

Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen also looked at him curiously. The elixir on Huang Xing's body is the best of the best. They have already seen the marrow washing pill that makes people reborn; Dan, what kind of elixir is he giving Luo Xiaoying now?

Huang Chen said mysteriously, "You'll find out later."

Luo Xiaoying returned to the room, sat cross-legged on the bed, looked at the elixir in her hand, and felt a little reluctant to eat it.

This is what Huang Xing gave her, and it is her most precious treasure.

But he, after all, does not belong to him.

With such a grimace, I have no right to ask for anything extravagantly.

She took another look at Yuji Pill with nostalgia, put it in her mouth and swallowed it.

(End of this chapter)

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