Chapter 231
After taking the pill, Luo Xiaoying suddenly felt a heat flow all over her body, making her whole body warm and comfortable.

She didn't know the effect of the pill, but she knew that what Huang Xing gave her must be a good thing.

He is always so kind to himself.

It made her reluctant to leave him.

But who is he?

What qualifications do you have to be with him all the time?

She is afraid of one day.

Others knew that he was followed by an ugly monster.

She is not afraid of others laughing at herself.

But she was afraid that others would laugh at him.

She was afraid that she would embarrass him.

Luo Xiaoying was full of thoughts, her eyes were already blurred by tears.

The efficacy of Yuji Dan gradually penetrated into her skin.

She felt itchy, especially the covered half of the grimace, as if it was wriggling.

She was a little scared and wanted to take off the mask to see what was going on.

But when I thought about it, what was there to be afraid of, anyway, that face already looked like that ghost, no matter how bad it was, it could be so bad.

After about ten minutes, the numb feeling disappeared, and the face returned to calm.

Luo Xiaoying had a strange feeling, as if something had changed in that half grimace.

She couldn't explain the feeling clearly, sat quietly and felt it for a while, then mustered up the courage to gently take off the silver mask.

She slowly raised her hand and touched her left cheek with her fingertips.

The fingertips are soft.

Like an electric shock, she retracted her hand in fright.

She slowly raised her hand again, pressing her fingertips on her left cheek.

One, two, three...

Her fingers touched her face, trembling with excitement.

She pressed her entire palm to her face, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

Qianqian's slender hands kept stroking the left cheek, making it soft and tender.

The grimace that was once covered with scars can no longer touch a scar.

Luo Xiaoying staggered to the dressing table, closed her eyes, not daring to look in the mirror.

She took two deep breaths and opened her eyes little by little.

The light came in through the slits of the eyes, and the face on the mirror gradually became clear.

A delicate and flawless pretty face came into view, and she couldn't find a single flaw.

The skin is like mutton fat coagulated white jade, and the skin is like the bright moon shining frost.

Everything in front of me seemed like a dream.

Luo Xiaoying stared blankly at this face, which was both familiar and unfamiliar.

She used to think that it didn't matter what her face turned into.

It wasn't until she met Huang Xing that she began to hate her face.

He didn't dislike his appearance, he still loved her so much.

Maybe it's just because of her brother's relationship that he treats her so well.

But his goodness has been deeply engraved in her heart.

Turned into love, buried in the deepest part of her heart.

Luo Xiaoying looked at the silver mask that Huang Xing gave him, and firmly brought it back to her face.

From now on, her delicate and flawless face will only belong to Huang Xing, and will not be seen by other men.

Luo Xiaoying put on the silver mask and went back to the living room. The three girls looked at her, but didn't notice any changes in her. They wondered in their hearts, what was the pill that Huang Xing gave her for.

Seeing that she was still wearing a mask, Huang Xing asked suspiciously, "Did the Jade Skin Pill help you restore your appearance?"

Luo Xiaoying replied tremblingly, "Recovered...recovered..."

Lu Xiaoke and Xiao Qingchen didn't know that the left face covered by Luo Xiaoying's mask was disfigured, only Ji Ran had seen that face.

When she heard the conversation between the two, she was startled. Could it be that the pill that Huang Chen gave Luo Xiaoying could heal her face? It's too amazing.

Hearing that Yuji Pill had an effect, Huang Xing felt relieved and said with a smile, "Since you've recovered, quickly take off the mask and let us see your real appearance."

Lu Xiaoke also smiled and agreed, "Yes, sister Xiaoying, I have never seen what you look like, so quickly take off your mask and show us."

Luo Xiaoying stood there blankly, while Huang Xing and the three daughters all cast their gazes on her face.

Seeing Luo Xiaoying's dazed look, Huang Chen gave her an encouraging look.

Encouraged by Huang Xing, she slowly raised her hand to take off the mask.

In the expectant eyes of everyone, that delicate and flawless face was revealed to them for the first time.

Luo Xiaoying looked at Huang Xing, feeling a little nervous.

Huang Xing was already prepared, but he was still stunned by her exquisite face.

Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen beside him are peerless beauties, but Luo Xiaoying has a very unique temperament.

She is obviously a killer who kills without blinking an eye, but she always shows a kind of inferiority complex in front of Huang Xing, which makes people feel pity.

Ji Ran was the most shocked, she knew what Luo Xiaoying looked like before, the contrast was too strong, and the visual impact was too shocking.

Xiao Qingchen couldn't help being a little surprised, she didn't expect the face under the mask to be so beautiful.

Lu Xiaoke jumped up from the sofa, jumped to Luo Xiaoying's side and hugged her, reached out and pinched her jade-white face and shouted, "Wow, sister Xiaoying is so beautiful, give me a pinch."

Lu Xiaoke's shout woke Huang Xing up, he was a little distracted just now.

Luo Xiaoying kept looking at Huang Xing, seeing that he lost his mind because of her, his heart was sweet, and there was a shyness on his face.

Lu Xiaoke rubbed her face for a while before releasing her contentedly.

Luo Xiaoying didn't dare to look at Huang Xing, lowered her head, and put on the silver mask again.

Lu Xiaoke asked in confusion, "Sister Xiaoying, you are so beautiful, why do you keep wearing a mask?"

Huang Xing and Ji Ran were also a little strange, her face was indeed quite scary before, but now she has recovered her appearance, why did she still cover her face?

Luo Xiaoying put on the mask, and replied guiltily, "I'm used to it..."

She didn't tell the real reason, because she didn't want other men except Huang Xing to see her again.

The face of a woman is one who pleases herself, her face belongs only to Huang Chen.

"Oh." Lu Xiaoke nodded half-understood, and then said with a smile, "Actually, Sister Xiaoying is more alluring with a mask on. What is the name of a poem..."

She thought about it, and shouted excitedly, "By the way, it's called 'After a thousand calls, I come out, still holding the pipa and half covering my face'."

Luo Xiaoying showed a look of shame on her face, she lowered her head and went to sit beside Lu Xiaoke.

After hearing Lu Xiaoke's words, Huang Chen looked at Luo Xiaoying again, her delicate little face appeared in his mind again.

If you hold her in your arms, gently lift her mask.

This scene seems to be very...


Huang Chen wanted to slap himself backhand, he already had Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen, so why were he thinking wildly?
He threw this shameless thought out of his mind, sat up straight, and said to Luo Xiaoying seriously, "We have decided to go to the cultivation world in a month, do you want to go together?"

When Luo Xiaoying was using the Jade Muscle Pill just now, Huang Xing had already discussed with the three girls about going to the cultivation world.

Naturally, the three women would not object to Huang Xing's arrangement, and they all decided to go to the cultivation world together in a month's time, and practice in their respective holy land sects.

(End of this chapter)

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