Chapter 232 Wall Dong
Luo Xiaoying looked at Huang Chen, and replied without thinking, "I'll go too."

If Huang Xing went to the cultivation world, what's the point of her staying here?
Huang Chen was not surprised, nodded and said, "Your aptitude is far superior to that of your peers, and you also have half of the Chinese blood, which meets the conditions for going to the cultivation world. Jiang Yunxiao also reserved a spot for you."

The 25-year-old half-step genius is a rare talent even in the Chinese martial arts world.

It is really that the light of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen is so dazzling that it eclipses the other geniuses in the martial arts world, making people feel that the other geniuses are weak.

After everyone agreed on where to go, Huang Xing took Ji Ran to the supermarket near the community to buy vegetables.

When he returned to Linjiang this time, he didn't want to make a fuss, so he rejected Wang Hu's proposal to throw a banquet for him to wash away the dust.

The return of the king, why bother to show off.

With his current status, those families in Linjiang are not even qualified to flatter him.

Huang Xing was also not interested in wasting his precious time showing his face in front of them and pretending to be aggressive.

After going through life and death battles, let him know the value of mediocrity.

With that time, it's better to spend more time with Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen.

He returned to Linjiang this time because he just wanted to deal with the affairs of the secular world, and then go to the cultivation world with peace of mind.

As soon as Huang Xing walked out of the room, he felt a pain in his waist. He hissed and looked at Ji Ran with a grin.

Ji Ran stared, and asked angrily, "Why didn't you just drop your eyeballs?"

Huang Xing grabbed Ji Ran's little hand and explained innocently, "I was just shocked by Xiaoying's change, you were also shocked just now!"

"Believe in you." Ji Ran snorted, then pinched heavily before letting go.

She didn't pursue it further, Huang Xing quickly smiled flatteringly, "Of course, I found that you have become more beautiful recently."

Ji Ran said sweetly in his heart, "Your mouth is sweet."

Huang Xing put Ji Ran against the wall, pinched her delicate chin, and said with a wicked smile, "Would you like to come and taste my sweet mouth."

Ji Ran shyly looked left and right, and whispered, "Smelly rascal, you will be seen."

They are still in the corridor, and someone will come over at any time.

"Don't worry, there's no one." With a wicked smile, Huang Chen pressed Ji Ran against the wall and kissed her little mouth.

With his current strength, as long as someone comes over, he can't escape his perception, and he is not afraid of being bumped into.

Ji Ran struggled twice, then put his arms around his waist and let him pick it.

The two kissed for seven or eight minutes. When Huang Xing heard someone approaching, he let Ji Ran go.

A woman in a floral dress came from the corner, holding the little boy in one hand, and carrying a shopping bag in the other. Ji Ran was already blushing from being kissed by Huang Xing, and quickly lowered his head, for fear of being spotted by that woman.

The little boy was carrying a small schoolbag, walked up to Ji Ran, looked up, and said with a smile, "Pretty sister, your face is so red."

"Ah." Ji Ran was startled suddenly, covered his face with his hands, and blushed even more.

The woman in the floral dress turned around and gently tugged at the little boy, and smiled politely at Huang Xing and Ji Ran.

The woman and the little boy lived next door to them. After they entered the house, Ji Ran bumped Huang Xing with his elbow coquettishly, and complained, "It's all your fault."

Huang Xing asked with a smirk, "Do you want to continue?"

"Stinky rascal." Ji Ran spat lightly and said shamelessly, "Let's go shopping quickly."

Huang Xing took Ji Ran's little hand, clasped her fingers tightly, and said emotionally, "Stay with me at night."

"Yeah." Ji Ran lowered his head and replied in a voice like a mosquito.

On the first night back in Linjiang, Huang Xing cooked the kitchen himself, and Ji Ran helped them prepare a sumptuous dinner for the girls.

While teaching Xiao Qingchen and Luo Xiaoying how to make dumplings, Lu Xiaoke happily told them interesting stories about Huang Chen's childhood, making them laugh like silver bells from time to time.

After an ordinary day, with the most important girls around him eating together, Huang Xing felt very warm.

But he also understands that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. If he wants to be so warm and not be disturbed by outsiders, he can only constantly make himself stronger, so strong that no one dares to provoke them.

That night, Ji Ran missed the appointment and didn't accompany him, because she remembered that she had just arranged in front of the three girls, Lu Xiaoke and Luo Xiaoying had a room, she and Xiao Qingchen had a room, if she went to Huang Chen at night It's embarrassing to sleep in the room.

Huang Chen had no choice but to spend the first night alone in the empty room.

The next morning, Huang Xing took Wang Hu to visit the Chu family.

During his visit to the Chu family this time, Huang Xing mainly helped Mr. Chu heal the old wounds on his meridians.

With his current cultivation level, there is no need to waste gold coins to buy Congealing Pulse Pill to heal Elder Chu's wounds. As long as he uses his innate qi to sort out his meridians, the old wounds can be completely cured.

The Chu family showed a distant attitude when he faced the threat of the blood killing order, and there was a gap between him and him.

But from the standpoint of the Chu family at that time, he could understand the choice of the Chu family.

After all, after getting to know each other once, it was only a matter of lifting his hands to help Elder Chu heal his old wounds.

The Chu family received the news that Huang Xing was coming yesterday, they were both excited and regretful.

They knew that the Chu family had lost the chance to soar into the sky, and Huang Xing was willing to visit the Chu family when he returned to Linjiang, which was already giving Chu God a big face.

The three brothers of the Chu family waited at the gate of the Chu family villa early on, anxiously waiting for Huang Xing to arrive.

The top of the land list, the number one master in China.

Kill the blood Shura, destroy the blood alliance.

The current Huang Xing is not what it used to be. Even if he visits the [-]th National Congress of superpowers, it is enough for their rulers to greet him in person.

The Maserati drove smoothly into their line of sight, and the three brothers of the Chu family immediately stood up straight, with expressions of respect on their faces, watching the sports car drive up to them cautiously.

"Young Master Lu." The three brothers of the Chu family bent down and shouted respectfully.

Huang Xing glanced at them lightly, and nodded.

"Master Hu." The three brothers of the Chu family also respectfully shouted to Wang Hu who was driving.

Wang Hu's resolute face remained calm, but his heart was full of emotion. The Chu family, who used to be high in his eyes, now bowed their noble heads in front of him and called him Lord Tiger.

All of this is because he steadfastly followed Huang Xing. .

On the day when he met Huang Chen for the first time, Chu Tianxiong showed him a clear path, and he walked on firmly, but the Chu family withdrew halfway.

Now that he has become Huang Xing's spokesperson in the secular world, even those unattainable ancient martial arts sects have to give him three points of face.

The three brothers of the Chu family welcomed Lu Chen into the Chu family's villa, and took him respectfully to the living room.

They didn't dare to show their air, let alone talk casually.

Elder Chu was already waiting at the door of the living room. Originally, he also wanted to wait at the door of the villa, but it was Lu Chen who asked Wang Hu to gently remind the Chu family not to let Elder Chu wait at the door.

"Grandmaster Lu."

As soon as Mr. Chu saw Huang Xing approaching, he cupped his hands and shouted with a smile on his face.

Lu Chen said frankly, "Mr. Chu, don't be too conspicuous, just call me little friend Lu like before."

(End of this chapter)

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