Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 235 Superstar Li Youwei

Chapter 235 Superstar Li Youwei
Huang Xing got out of the car and looked up at the woman with sunglasses.

Wang Hu has already told him her identity information, the woman in front of him is a famous star in China, named Li Youwei, Ji Ran and Xiao Ke both like her songs, they are her little fans.

Huang Xing didn't tell them in advance, he wanted to surprise them.

Noriko Fujino and Sister Hoshino opened a car door, and the four girls got out of the car and stood beside Huang Xing.

Li Youwei looked at the four girls beside Huang Xing, a look of amazement flashed in his eyes.

She has always been proud of her appearance, but at this time in front of the four girls, her self-confidence was severely shattered.

The beauty of these four girls can easily crush her.

She couldn't help but sigh in her heart, the young master Lu in front of her is indeed a big shot that Mr. Liang told him not to offend, and every woman around her is a country and a city.

Not to mention the four girls in front of him, even the three women who opened the door for them are comparable to him.

She also has some status in the entertainment industry. She has come into contact with some real big shots. The more she knows, the more she knows that there are some real big shots in Huaxia that cannot be offended.

The Zhengtian Group behind Mr. Liang is one of the top five real estate companies in China, and even he keeps secrets about Young Master Lu in front of him, which shows that this is a real big shot.

Wang Hu pointed to Li Youwei and introduced, "Young Master Lu, this is Miss Li, the owner of the Sea View Villa."

Huang Xing looked at Li Youwei, a strange color flashed in his eyes, his delusion-shattering eyes saw a strange power on the other party, this kind of power was dark and evil, exuding the breath of death.

He didn't find out Li Youwei's cultivation, there are only two possibilities.

The first type is that she is just an ordinary person without cultivation.

The second type is that she is a great power above the Jindan stage like Jiang Yunxiao, who surpasses her own two great realms, so she can hide it from her own eyes.

Huang Xing felt that without the power above the golden core stage, he would be so boring that he had been a star in the secular world for seven or eight years, so Li Youwei might just be an ordinary person.

He remained calm, stretched out his hand to her with a smile and said, "Hello, Miss Li."

Li Youwei didn't expect the big man in front of her to smile as brightly as a big boy, she froze for a moment, quickly reached out to hold his hand, and said nervously, "Hello, Young Master Lu."

"You are... Li Youwei?"

Lu Xiaoke looked at Li Youwei familiarly, but he was not sure about wearing big sunglasses.

Li Youwei took off her sunglasses generously, and smiled sweetly at Lu Xiaoke, "Little sister, so you know me too."

She has been in the entertainment industry for seven or eight years, and she quickly calmed down. If she can make friends with the big shot in front of her, it will be beneficial and harmless.

"Yeah, sister-in-law, it's really Li Youwei."

Seeing Li Youwei's true face, Lu Xiaoke excitedly pulled Ji Ran's arm and shouted.

Ji Ran also liked Li Youwei's songs very much, and his face showed unexpected joy.

She held out her hand to Li Youwei reservedly, and said softly, "Hi, my name is Ji Ran, she is Lu Xiaoke, and we are all your fans."

"It's an honor that you guys like my song."

Li Youwei held Ji Ran's hand, as if she was holding a soft water lotus. This kind of skin that could be broken by blowing bullets made her feel very comfortable even if she held it.

Lu Xiaoke stared at Huang Xing aggressively and said, "Brother, did you already know that the owner of this villa is Miss Youwei?"

Huang Chen looked at Lu Xiaoke and Ji Ran dotingly and smiled, "I want to surprise you guys."

"Hmph." Lu Xiaoke said dissatisfied, "If I had known that the owner of this villa was Miss Youwei, I would have brought her CD here for her to sign."

Then she said to Li Youwei with a smile, "Sister Youwei, can I go back and get your CD to sign for you later?"

Li Youwei smiled and said, "Don't bother, I happen to have a set of original CDs in my car. If you like it, I'll sign it and give it to you later."

"Yeah, that's great, Sister Li is so kind." Lu Xiaoke said excitedly, "Let's go, first watch the villa together, and then go get the CD."

Li Youwei smiled lightly and led Huang Xing and the others into the sea view villa.

The appearance of the sea view villa is basically the same as the VCR that Wang Hu passed on to him. Even visiting the scene in person and blowing the warm sea breeze makes people feel more relaxed and happy.

Li Youwei took everyone around the sea view villa, and the four girls were very satisfied.

All the way, Huang Xing carefully looked around with his delusion-breaking eyes, worried that there was also the breath of death on Li Youwei in the villa.

But fortunately, he checked around and found no such breath of death.

The sea view villa was unanimously approved by the four girls. Huang Xing signed a contract with Li Youwei very readily and spent 2.7 million to buy this villa. As for the subsequent procedures, Wang Hu would naturally help him handle it.

As stated in the information, the sea view villa has never been lived in, and all the decorative furniture is brand new. It seems that it has just been renovated not long ago. Even if they want to move here tonight, it will be no problem.

Huang Xing couldn't help but wonder why Li Youwei was in such a hurry to sell the newly renovated villa.

Li Youwei didn't say much, and he didn't ask too much. Anyway, the procedures for the sea view villa are all legal, and she didn't care about his business for what reason she wanted to sell.

The two parties signed the contract very happily, and Li Youwei went to her car to get a stack of original CDs, signed each one and gave them to Lu Xiaoke.

Lu Xiaoke happily took the signed CD and held it in his arms as if he had found a treasure, and then handed it to Ji Ran to share with him.

When Ji Ran got Li Youwei's autographed CD, although she was not as excited as Lu Xiaoke, she had a sweet smile on her face, and it could be seen that she was also very happy.

Huang Xing looked at the power of death in Li Youwei's body, thought about it, and decided to help her get rid of this power.

He and Li Youwei are not relatives, so they didn't intend to meddle in other people's business, but since she is the idol of Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke, she even gave them signed CDs to make them so happy. .

Li Youwei signed all nine album CDs and gave them to Lu Xiaoke, then put away the fountain pen and said with a smile, "I will have a concert at Linjiang Stadium in three days, I don't know if you are interested in joining us."

Naturally, Lu Xiaoke would not miss the idol's concert, and said happily, "Wow, there will be sister Youwei's concert in three days, we will definitely go to see it."

A hint of doubt appeared in Li Youwei's eyes. Aren't you a fan of hers? Why didn't you even know about her concert three days later?

The news of her concert had already been promoted a month ago.

She didn't know that a month ago, Huang Chen and the others were in danger of a blood killing order, Lu Xiaoke was still practicing diligently in the Ice Misty Sect, and Ji Ran accompanied Huang Chen to live in the world of two people every day, and didn't care much about the news of the secular world.

(End of this chapter)

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