Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 236 I Will Hate You Forever

Chapter 236 I Will Hate You Forever
Li Youwei didn't bother with this matter, she couldn't question Lu Xiaoke, aren't you my fan?Why didn't you know I was going to have a concert?
If it's so low, she can't ask, it's too embarrassing.

She sweetly said to Huang Xing, "Young Master Lu, I'm going back first, and I'll send you the VIP tickets tomorrow."

Huang Chen smiled and said, "Miss Li is not in a hurry to go back, I still have something to talk to Miss Li alone."

Li Youwei was stunned for a moment, the sales contract of the sea view villa had been signed, what else would a big man like him need to discuss with him, and he had to discuss it alone?

She was a little apprehensive, did the other party have any plans for her?

This kind of thing happens from time to time in the entertainment industry.

But looking at Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen beside Huang Chen, she felt a little more at ease.

After some contact just now, she already knew that these two girls were the real girlfriends of the big man in front of her.

With two girlfriends who are so beautiful, they should not have any plans for her anymore.

Li Youwei calmed herself down, and said with a smile, "If you have anything else to do, Young Master Lu, please just say it."

Huang Xing smiled faintly, "Let's talk at the villa."

After speaking, he led everyone back to the villa.

Back in the living room, Huang Xing told the girls, "You wait for me here first."

Then he said to Li Youwei, "Miss Li, come with me."

Li Youwei left behind her assistant and followed Huang Xing to the bedroom.

The four girls looked at each other, puzzled in their hearts, what should Huang Xing and Li Youwei talk about and avoid them?

When the two entered the bedroom, Huang Xing closed the door and stared at Li Youwei.

The dark power on her body was lurking in the heart, and Huang Xing faintly felt that this dark power seemed to have self-awareness.

He didn't dare to act rashly, fearing that the dark forces would resist and hurt Li Youwei's heart.

Li Youwei is just an ordinary person, her heart is very fragile, if she is injured by the dark force, even the Recovery Pill cannot save her.

The lonely man and widow are alone in a room, and the atmosphere is a bit ambiguous.

Huang Xing kept staring at the dark power in Li Youwei's heart, as if staring at the temptation in her heart, looking very frivolous.

Sensing Huang Chen's aggressive gaze, Li Youwei shrank slightly, took a step back involuntarily, and asked with a forced smile, "I wonder what Young Master Lu wants to talk to me about?"

Huang Chen took a step closer, and said frivolously, "Actually, I am also a fan of Miss Li, and I have admired Miss Li for a long time."

Li Youwei thumped in her heart, with a bad premonition in her heart, her nervous heartbeat accelerated, and she forced a smile, "It's my honor that Young Master Lu likes my song."

The man in front of him called himself into the room alone, and told her that he had admired him for a long time, and no matter how stupid she was, she knew what he wanted to do.

Li Youwei tried to keep calm, and said with a polite smile on her face, "If Young Master Lu has nothing else to do, I'll go back first, and invite Young Master Lu and Ms. Ji to watch my concert in three days' time."

She emphasized "Miss Ji and the others" and reminded Huang Chen that his girlfriend was still in the living room outside.

Huang Xing approached Li Youwei, and said with a half-smile on his face, "Miss Li, don't rush away, I still have something important to say to Miss Li."

Li Youwei stepped back in a panic, and asked in a trembling voice, "What else is there for Young Master Lu?"

Step by step, Huang Xing forced Li Youwei to the side of the bed, stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, gently raised it, and said evilly, "Be my woman from now on."

Li Youwei saw Lu Chen's hands and feet showing his true face, no longer pretending to be a snake, shook his head and broke away from his hand, and said angrily, "Young Master Lu, please show some respect."

Lu Chen said evilly, "When we get here, I can't help you."

Li Youwei felt sad when she heard Huang Chen's explicit words. She never thought that she was always cautious, but she still couldn't avoid such things.

Normally, she would hardly be alone in a room with a man, but this time she was alone with Huang Xing, one was because of the other party's status, and the main reason was because the other party's two overpowering girlfriends were by her side, so she didn't believe that he would do it blatantly What.

Unexpectedly, this Young Master Lu, who looks harmless to humans and animals, is actually a demon with a human face and a beast heart. His girlfriend and sister are still in the living room, and she is also a fan of her music.

Li Youwei took a deep breath and said calmly, "Young Master Lu, I am Dewey's illegitimate daughter. I believe you have heard of my father's name."

She didn't like to mention the identity of Dewey's illegitimate daughter.

But she also knew that if it wasn't for the fact that she was Dewey's illegitimate daughter, she would not be able to get out of the mud in the entertainment industry.

The name Dewey is very important in the secular world, and the myth of self-made wealth ranks sixth on the China Rich List.

Huang Xing had also heard of Dewey's name, because Dewey's alma mater was Linjiang University, which was advertised as a pride by Linjiang University.

However, it is said that Dewey is still unmarried, and he is still a diamond king. It is unexpected that Li Youwei is his illegitimate daughter.

Li Youwei was stunned when he saw Dewey's name, and hope arose in his heart. It seems that Dewey's name also has a deterrent effect on this big man.

But she soon despaired, the devil in front of her was only stunned for a moment, then even more brazenly supported her shoulders with both hands, and pushed her down on the bed.

Huang Xing grabbed Li Youwei's lotus root-like wrists with both hands and pressed them on the soft bed, and said charmingly, "No matter whose illegitimate daughter you are, you must obediently accept your fate today."

Li Youwei struggled and begged, "No, let me go, please let me go."

Her voice was crying, and she was struggling weakly. The demon's hands were so strong that her wrists couldn't struggle at all.

Huang Xing put her two wrists together, grabbed her with his left hand and pressed it to the top of her head.

Li Youwei felt dizzy and dizzy suddenly, her whole body was tense and struggling desperately, but her body was tightly pressed, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free.

Her eyes were flooded with tears, and she kept begging, "Please let me go."

"If you do this, how will you face Ji Ran and Xiao Ke later?"

"You have two such beautiful girlfriends, aren't you satisfied?"


"You devil, I will hate you forever."

Desperate struggle.

Powerless sadness.

Li Youwei's mind went blank, no matter how much she begged, Huang Xing still firmly restrained her, not allowing her to resist.

Her whole body was limp and weak, and she looked at the devil who was approaching with tears in her eyes.

On that face, there were three points of evil, three points of domineering, three points of cruelty, and the last point of ferocity.

Li Youwei closed her eyes in resignation, she would never forgive this demon in her life.

(End of this chapter)

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