Chapter 237 Black Flame
Li Youwei closed her eyes tightly, her brows wrinkled into a ball.

When Huang Xing's palm touched Li Youwei's heart, the innate zhenqi suddenly exploded, piercing through her heart from the palm, instantly wrapping that ray of dark power and pulling it away from her heart.


Huang Xing raised his hand upwards, using his innate zhenqi to control the dark power with all his strength.

The dark power was like a ray of black flame, as he felt it, with a trace of self-awareness, roaring and struggling in his hands, burning his innate qi.

It didn't expect that Huang Xing would pretend to touch his heart, and pull it out when it wasn't prepared.

Li Youwei suddenly felt palpitations, her heart seemed to stop beating, as if a century had passed.

He secretly opened his eyes, wanting to see what Huang Xing was doing.

I saw him standing beside the bed, with his right hand held up, on which there was a cloud of gas wrapped in black flames, swaying and struggling constantly

Li Youwei watched this weird scene in fear, not knowing what happened.

The dark power is stronger than Huang Xing imagined, and he continuously used innate qi to refine the black flames.

Under Huang Xing's refinement, the black flame gradually dimmed, and it took about 10 minutes before it stopped struggling motionlessly.

Huang Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and retracted the innate qi into his body together with the black flame.

This ray of dark power was not wiped out by him, but was temporarily suppressed.

He turned to look at Li Youwei who was beside him.

When Li Youwei met Huang Xing's gaze, her whole body trembled with fright.

Huang Xing looked at her apologetically, and said softly, "I'm sorry."

He originally thought that Li Youwei had already been polluted in the entertainment circle since her debut seven or eight years ago. If he used this method, she might even flatter him.

But judging from her reaction just now, she was wrong.

Although he did this to save Li Youwei, it also left her with a psychological shadow.

When Li Youwei heard Huang Xing's apology, she thought she had heard it wrong. This devil would actually say "I'm sorry" to her?
He must have some conspiracy!
Looking at Li Youwei who was trembling from his fright, Huang Chen felt a little pity in his heart, and said softly, "You should have seen the black flame in my hand just now."

Li Youwei nodded slightly as she remembered the weird scene just now.

"That black flame was originally lurking in your heart. I did that just now to avoid attracting its attention and to pull it out of your heart in an instant."

Huang Xing explained sincerely, "If I don't use this method, I'm afraid that touching your heart suddenly will arouse its alertness. As long as it resists a little, your heart will burst unbearably."

Listening to Huang Chen's explanation, Li Youwei recalled that when he was bullying her just now, she stopped when she touched her heart.

At that time, she felt that her heart seemed to stop beating, and something left her body.

Could it be that he was really trying to save himself just now?
Li Youwei looked at Huang Xing in confusion. At this moment, his face was three points sincere, three points gentle, three points pity, and finally one point charming.

She already believed a little in her heart, but the shadow of fear remained deeply in her heart just now, and she was still a little scared when she looked at Huang Chen.

Seeing that Li Youwei had calmed down a lot, Huang Xing asked, "Youwei, have you ever noticed that your heart is uncomfortable?"

Unknowingly, his name for Li Youwei has changed.

Li Youwei nodded and said, "I have often felt chest tightness and palpitations since I was a child, but I couldn't find anything wrong when I went to the hospital."

Huang Xing frowned, could it be that this black flame had been lurking in her heart since she was a child?
Now Wudiqiang is asleep, he can't ask what this black flame is, he can only sense that it has a sense of self-awareness, and it carries the breath of death.

Huang Xing stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the phone."

Li Youwei didn't know why he took his mobile phone, but she obediently lifted the quilt, and wanted to reach into her bag to get the mobile phone for him.

There was no quilt to cover her body, and the broken shirt could not cover her...

Huang Xing took her mobile phone and entered his number to call, and said in a gentle voice, "If you still feel unwell during this time, please call me."

He was afraid that after the black flame was pulled away by him, it would leave sequelae to Li Youwei.

Huang Xing put the phone back in his bag, took off his coat and handed it to Li Youwei, saying, "Let's go out."

Li Youwei took the jacket and said shyly, "Turn around first."

Huang Xing turned around, she quickly threw off the quilt, put on her coat and said, "Okay."

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