Chapter 238 Invitation

Seeing that Li Youwei's neckline was a little messy, Huang Xing reached out to help her tidy it up.

The frightened big star saw that he stretched out his claws towards him again, his little face turned pale with fright, his whole body was tense, and he dared not move.

Huang Xing gently helped her flatten the neckline, and said in a harmonious voice, "It's okay, I will explain it clearly to them."

Li Youwei sat on the bed in a daze, letting Huang Xing help her tidy up her neckline.

She suddenly felt that the man in front of her was not as scary as she thought, and seemed a little gentle.

Huang Xing helped her tidy up her neckline, looked at the tears left by the rain on her face, opened the LV bag on the side, took out a pack of wet tissues and handed it to her, saying, "Wipe your face."

Li Youwei looked at Huang Xing's gentle gaze, and meekly took the wet tissue to wipe off the tears on her face, then took out the cosmetics in her bag and applied a light makeup on herself.

"Come on, let's go out."

After waiting for Li Youwei to pack up, Huang Xing led her out of the room.

Ji Ran and the others were waiting in the living room, and when they saw the two coming over, they were a little dazed.

Li Youwei wrapped Huang Chen's coat tightly and followed behind him, with her head slightly lowered, looking very nervous.

Lu Xiaoke stared at them dumbfounded, and asked in disbelief, "Brother, you?"

Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen also looked at them in astonishment, wondering what the two of them were talking about in the room for the past 10 minutes, and Lu Xing could "talk" the coat to Li Youwei.

But they believed that Huang Xing would not blatantly throw them in the living room, and he and Li Youwei went to the room to do that kind of thing.

The others also looked at the two with weird faces, Li Youwei's short-haired assistant hurried to her side and shouted worriedly, "Miss."

She is Li Youwei's assistant and bodyguard. Before she came, she had heard that Young Master Lu was a big shot. She didn't dare to get angry, but just glared at Huang Chen angrily.

Li Youwei said softly, "I'm fine."

She was talking to her assistant, but also to everyone.

Huang Xing didn't rush to explain, and told Wang Hu, "Master Hu, go and see Miss Li off."

"Yes, Young Master Lu."

Wang Hu replied respectfully, and left with Li Youwei and her assistant.

After they walked out of the living room, Huang Xing circulated his innate qi, and displayed the black flames in his body in front of everyone.

The black flame was already dying, floating dimly in Huang Xing's hand.

When the girls saw the black flames, their faces were full of surprise, they didn't know what it was.

"Qingchen, Fazi, have you seen this kind of black flame before?"

Both Xiao Qingchen and Fujino Noriko are from famous families, and they are well-informed, if they don't even know about them, they can only wait for Wudiqiang to wake up.

The two shook their heads and replied, "I haven't seen it."

Xiao Qingchen frowned, and said solemnly, "This ray of flame has a breath of death, it seems to have life, where did you get it?"

Huang Xing took the black flame back into his body and said, "I pulled this black flame out of Li Youwei's heart. It was very violent when I first pulled it out, and I refined it for more than ten minutes to become what it is now."

Then explained, "Her clothes were torn by the black flames, so I gave her my coat."

He wasn't lying either, Li Youwei's clothes were torn when she pulled away from the black flame, and it was also considered to be torn by the black flame.

All the girls were taken aback when they heard this, they didn't expect that Li Youwei had such a weird thing in her heart.

They knew that Huang Xing called Li Youwei into the room alone just now to help her get rid of the black flame, their doubts were resolved, and the atmosphere in the living room also eased.

It's just that they didn't expect that the process of pulling away from the black flame was a bit sensual.

Ji Ran said worriedly, "This kind of weird thing, if you put it in your body, will there be any problem?"

Huang Chen smiled, and said confidently, "Don't worry, with my innate true energy suppressing it, nothing will happen."

Seeing that all the girls were relieved, he smiled and said, "Okay, let's go back first and move in tomorrow."

Lu Xiaoke said foolishly, "Brother, I won't go back tonight, I'll just sleep here."

She can't wait to live in this sea view villa.

Huang Xing said angrily, "You live alone in such a big villa, aren't you afraid at night?"

"Who says I live alone?" Lu Xiaoke gave Huang Chen a white look, and said proudly, "Sister-in-law, Sister Xiao and Sister Xiaoying all said to live here at night, brother, you want to live alone Jing Sheng Garden."

Just now, Huang Xing and Li Youwei were "discussing" things in the room, and the girls had already discussed that they would live here at night.

Huang Chen had black lines all over his head, they were really impatient.

You don't need to guess, you know, it must be your sister who encouraged them.

Lu Xiaoke is innocent and innocent, and she is still a girl at heart, and all the girls dote on her very much.

Whatever she wants to do, all the girls will follow her.

Lu Xiaoke continued to prod, "Brother, we're going to have a barbecue on the beach at night, and it's not for you."

"Damn girl, do you deserve a beating?"

Seeing that his younger sister was lawless, Huang Chen rolled up his cuffs and made a gesture of going to teach her a lesson.

Lu Xiaoke quickly hid behind Ji Ran, put his arms around her arm, poked his head out and looked at Huang Xing provocatively.

Ji Ran had nothing to do with the siblings, he smiled helplessly and said, "You brothers and sisters, stop making trouble, let's go back and pack things up."

Huang Xing gave Lu Xiaoke a hard look, and then said to Fujino Noriko, "Fazi, you also come over to help clean up, and then let Lord Tiger arrange an RV to come and load things."

"Yes, sir."

Noriko Fujino replied respectfully, and then called Wang Hu to arrange a vehicle.

Ji Ran interjected, "Fazi, ask Master Hu to ask Miss Youwei if she has time tonight. If you have time, invite her to come over for a barbecue."

Lu Xiaoke also happily shouted, "Yeah, that's great, let Miss Youwei come to barbecue together, it will be lively if there are many people."

Just now they discussed having a barbecue on the beach at night. They planned to invite Li Youwei to have a barbecue after they finished talking with Huang Xing, but when Li Youwei came out wearing Huang Xing's coat, they were all confused, so they didn't mention it.

Now knowing that Huang Xing was helping her to get away from the black flames in the room, he let go of his knots and invited her to come over for a barbecue again.

As soon as Wang Hu sent Li Youwei to the parking lot, he received a call from Noriko Fujino and asked Li Youwei, "Miss Li, do you have time tonight? Young Master Lu wants to invite you to have a barbecue at night."

Fujino Noriko didn't tell Wang Hu that it was Ji Ran's invitation, so he directly invited Li Youwei in the name of Huang Chen.

When Li Youwei heard Huang Xing's invitation, she felt a little nervous and wanted to refuse, but when she thought of his devilish appearance, she didn't dare to refuse, so she pretended to smile calmly and said, "Thank you for my invitation, Young Master Lu. I just have time tonight. I'll go back first, and come back later."

 Well, don't get me wrong

  I'm not Miss
  I'm the most handsome guy in the group
  It was my daughter-in-law who answered the question

  The iPad I'm using doesn't have the answer function

(End of this chapter)

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