Chapter 239 Threat (Updated)
"Master Tiger, I'm going back to the hotel first, goodbye."

Li Youwei stood beside the white BMW and said politely to Wang Hu.

When she came to Jiangjiang for a concert, she did not live in this sea view villa, but in a five-star hotel arranged by the organizer.

Although Wang Hu is only under Young Master Lu, she dare not underestimate him at all.

Mr. Liang told her that Lord Tiger of Beicheng is a powerful figure in Linjiang, even in the whole southern Fujian region, he is a big man who can say nothing.

Although she is Dewey's illegitimate daughter, she also knows that the real big shots are hidden behind the scenes and will not be revealed to the public.

Moreover, the status of an illegitimate daughter means that the relationship between Dewey and her has not been made public.

Dewey didn't care much about her, and she didn't have much affection for him.

She is Dewey's illegitimate daughter, just to deter those who have evil intentions from doing excessive things to her.

Her current status in the music scene is more based on her own strength.

Wang Hu said to Li Youwei politely, "Miss Li, please go slowly."

The other party was wearing Huang Xing's coat, so he couldn't help but make wild guesses, and his attitude towards her became very polite.

Li Youwei can feel that Wang Hu's attitude towards her has changed from before. He was very flat to himself before, but now he is so polite to her, it must be because of that devil.

When she sat in the car, Huang Xing's appearance couldn't help but appear in her mind. At one moment, she was an evil and domineering devil, and at another moment, she gently helped her straighten her collar.

She thought of the black flame that was constantly struggling and refined in Huang Xing's hands, which was originally lurking in her heart.

Maybe without him, I would be burned to death by the black flame one day.

She told herself that Huang Xing's devilish behavior towards her was also to save herself.

The white BMW was speeding, and the roadside scenery kept flashing in front of my eyes.

Gradually, more and more of that gentle face appeared in Li Youwei's mind.

"Jingle Bell……"

She was still thinking about what happened in the villa when her cell phone rang suddenly, it was a call from her manager Yu Xin.

"Hello, Miss Yu."

"Vivi, are you going back to the hotel soon?"

"I'll be there soon, what's the matter, Miss Yu?"

"There's a banquet tonight, come back and prepare."

Li Youwei was stunned for a moment. If a big star like her wanted to invite her to a banquet, she had to make an appointment in advance, and she hadn't been notified before.

Yu Xin asked her to attend this banquet temporarily, it seems that the identity of the other party is not simple.

But she had already promised Huang Chen to go to the beach to have a barbecue at night, so she refused, "Sister Yu, I have something to do at night, so you can help me cancel that banquet."

"Weiwei, what do you have to put down beforehand, Mr. Yang personally called to invite the banquet tonight."

The Yang in Yu Xin's mouth is always Yang Zaitian, the boss of Xinghui Entertainment, the organizer of this concert.

Li Youwei said firmly, "Sister Yu, I'm sorry, I have very important things tonight, so I can't go to the banquet."

Yu Xin knew Li Youwei's identity and temper, and it was useless to persuade her to do things she didn't want to do.

She had also rejected the organizer's invitation before. Although there was no major trouble, there would still be a little trouble.

If it weren't for Li Youwei's high popularity and the identity of Dewey's illegitimate daughter, they would have been hidden by their company long ago.

Yu Xin said helplessly, "Okay, then I will reject Mr. Yang for you."

She hung up the phone and called Mr. Yang.

"Hello, Mr. Yang, I'm really sorry. Weiwei suddenly felt unwell and couldn't go to the banquet at night."

When Yu Xin called him, Yang Zaitian was still chatting with the two young people in Beitang Villa.

He said he was accompanying him, but in fact it was the two young men who were chatting, and he was listening from the sidelines, not daring to interrupt indiscriminately.

Yang Zaitian's cell phone rang, and he looked at the two young men apologetically, went to the corridor outside to answer the phone, and heard Yu Xin decline his invitation.

He is also a member of the circle and knows Li Youwei's true identity, but when he saw the two young people who were chatting vigorously, he said in a deep voice, "Miss Yu, tonight's banquet is hosted by the Beitang family. It happened that I heard that Miss Li In Linjiang, I specially invited her to participate, if Miss Li doesn't come, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble."

After hearing Yang Zaitian's words, Yu Xin felt a little difficult.

She knows that there are some families in various places, which may not have much influence in other places, but they have absolute influence in their local disk.

If Li Youwei insisted on refusing, the concert in Linjiang would be very troublesome.

Yu Xin said tactfully, "Mr. Yang, don't be angry. Weiwei suddenly felt a little uncomfortable just now. If she gets better later, she will definitely go to the banquet at Beitang's house."

Yang Zaitian threatened in a cold tone, "Miss Yu, don't blame me for not reminding you, the Beitang family invited a real big shot this time, and we can't offend them. I just told him that Miss Li will come over at night, so please Ms. Yu should try to persuade Ms. Li, otherwise it will not only be Ms. Li who is in trouble, but you and I will have to go around without food."

Hearing Yang Zaitian's threat, Yu Xin laughed and said, "President Yang, don't worry, I know what to do."

She hung up the phone, rubbed her temples with a headache, and sat in the living room waiting for Li Youwei to come back.

She needs to persuade her face to face about this matter.

When Li Youwei returned to the hotel, the white BMW drove into the VIP passage, where there was a special elevator directly to the presidential suite where she lived, which could avoid being photographed by paparazzi.

The organizer arranged for her a presidential suite with three rooms. She opened the door and walked into the hall with her assistant. Yu Xin was sitting on the sofa and flipping through magazines distractedly.

As soon as Yu Xin heard the sound of the door opening, she quickly got up and looked over and said, "Wei Wei, you are back."

Seeing that Li Youwei was wearing a men's jacket, she froze for a moment, and asked in confusion, "Weiwei, what clothes are you wearing?"

A blush appeared on Li Youwei's face, and she whispered, "This is my friend's, let's not talk about it, I'll go change clothes first."

After she finished speaking, she walked quickly back to her room.

Yu Xin looked at Li Youwei's back suspiciously. As Li Youwei's manager, she didn't know which man she was close enough to wear his clothes.

She asked the short-haired assistant, "Aqi, where did the clothes on Weiwei come from?"

Aqi said perfunctorily, "I don't know too well."

On the way back, Li Youwei told her not to tell anyone about Huang Xing.

Aqi is the bodyguard and assistant sent by Dewey to Li Youwei, who is not restrained by Xin.

She didn't ask any more questions, she sat on the sofa and waited for Li Youwei to come out.

Li Youwei returned to the room, took off Huang Xing's coat and held it in her hand, revealing a large area of ​​pink on her body.

She looked down at the shirt that had been torn in a large piece from the middle, and couldn't help but think of Huang Xing's demonic behavior again.

She thought she would hate him for the rest of her life, but after knowing that he was trying to save herself, she couldn't hate him at all.

Only fear remains.

and his gentle look.

(End of this chapter)

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