Chapter 242 Beach BBQ (please subscribe)

The barbecue on the beach has officially begun.

Except for Huang Chen, a man, the other ten are all women.

It can be described as a little green among thousands of flowers.

Yu Xin is about 35-[-], exuding a mature intellectual beauty.

Aqi is one year younger than Li Youwei. She has short hair, wears a black T-shirt, and has a heroic look on her face. She has a strength equivalent to the seventh level of strength, and she is among the best bodyguards in the world.

At first glance at Li Youwei's youthful and beautiful dress, Huang Chen's eyes flashed with astonishment.

But he quickly looked away.

The ambiguity in the room in the afternoon was just a last resort to get away from the black lightning.

At that time, he was indeed aroused by Li Youwei's weak and helpless appearance, and he had the urge to make a fake show.

Calm down now, I am lucky enough to have Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen, and I shouldn't mess with other girls.

Besides, he and Li Youwei are people from two worlds. After he goes to the cultivation world, maybe they will never meet again.

When Li Youwei saw Huang Xing's gaze swept over her, she felt a little disappointed.

I thought to myself:

Could it be that the devil doesn't like his attire.

That's right, no matter how youthful and beautiful I dress, I can't compare to Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen.

He should not like to look at himself.

Maybe he prefers his mature appearance, which can arouse his desire to conquer.

She just came up with this idea, and she was taken aback by herself.

Cursing secretly in my heart: Li Youwei, are you crazy?What are you thinking about that demon?
The cool night wind blows, and the lighthouse emits soft lights.

The microwaves are sparkling, and the waves rise and fall with the night wind, making a crashing sound.

The charcoal fire was burning, and all the girls rolled up their sleeves, smiling and prettily doing their own barbecue.

The atmosphere is warm and harmonious, and laughter like silver bells can be heard from time to time.

It was the first time for Xiao Qingchen and Luo Xiaoying to grill, and the heat was not controlled properly, and the mutton skewers were burnt black.

The two looked at the fruits of their labor with wry smiles on their faces, not even daring to speak.

Huang Xing held five or six skewers of golden and crispy mutton skewers in each hand and handed them to them with a smile, "Come and try the skill of grilling the little prince."

Xiao Qingchen and Luo Xiaoying happily took the mutton skewers with smiles on their faces.

"Brother, you are so eccentric, I want to eat too."

Lu Xiaoke pouted at Huang Chen in dissatisfaction, and looked greedily at the mutton skewers in the hands of the second daughter.

Just as the second daughter was about to distribute the mutton skewers to Xiao Ke, Huang Xing stopped him and said, "Don't pay attention to her, you guys eat first, and theirs will be roasted soon."

Except for the two of them who don't know how to grill, the other eight girls have barbecue experience, and their own grilling is almost ready.

Huang Xing turned his head and scolded Lu Xiaoke, "What's the rush, I'll bake more later, everyone of you will have a share."

"Yeah, that's great." Lu Xiaoke jumped up happily, and said to the girls, "My brother's cooking skills are amazing, and the baked things are super delicious."

All the girls looked at Huang Xing one after another, looking forward to his barbecue.

Huang Xing was quite proud, and said narcissistically, "That's right, do you think the title of Little Prince of BBQ is just called casually?"

He occupied a grill by himself, and then put a bunch of skewers on it at one time, covering the whole shelf, and then began to show his skills.

Huang Xing skillfully turned the skewers and pressed the oil, and after a while, the tangy smell of barbecue came out.

A whole row of grilled skewers, every skewer is golden and crispy, which makes your mouth water.

He picked up the seasoning and sprinkled it evenly on the skewers, and the sizzling aroma permeated the air.

"It's baked, you take it yourself, you'll have it soon, but you won't have it soon."

As soon as Huang Chen finished speaking, Lu Xiaoke, who had been waiting by the side for a long time, used both hands, grabbed four or five strings with one hand, and said with a smile, "These are all mine."

The other girls were not as good-natured as Lu Xiaoke, they all picked up two or three skewers in a very reserved manner, and divided up the skewers that Huang Chen baked, leaving only three skewers for him.

He watched the girls eating with relish, and felt very satisfied.

Time passed unknowingly, and Huang Xing roasted vegetables, barbecued meat, and seafood a few more times.

Under Huang Chen's guidance, Xiao Qingchen and Luo Xiaoying also baked excellent and fragrant skewers with their own hands, which made the two girls very excited, happier than breaking through the realm.

While eating barbecue, Yu Xin secretly observed Huang Xing.

She found that Huang Xing was completely different from the playboy image she thought when she came here.

Everything he said and did made people feel very comfortable.

He also never provoked Li Youwei, and treated the three outsiders with courtesy.

Yu Xin sighed in her heart, it seemed that Li Youwei was wishful thinking.

Lu Xiaoke was full, and had already called a few girls to step on the waves.

They took off their shoes and had a great time playing in the shallow water with their bare feet.

Tired of playing, they sat on the beach, looked up at the starry sky with their backhands on the ground, stretched their delicate little feet in the waves, and let the waves wash their little feet with the wind.

On a clear night, the sky is full of stars twinkling with light, embellishing the night with incomparable splendor.

Lu Xiaoke looked at the stars, turned his head and said to Li Youwei who was beside him, "Sister Youwei, can you sing us a song Looking up at the Starry Sky? I used to like to hum this song when I watched the starry sky alone at home."

"Okay." Li Youwei readily agreed, sitting on the beach, looking up at the starry sky, and humming softly.

this day

I start looking up at the stars

the stars are not far
dream is not far
as long as you tiptoe

I believe that there is a hand that gently leads me to you
I believe there is a thread that connects dreams to reality
I believe that there is a fate that will make all the chances come true

I believe that's the day that fate begins to change


The melodious and ethereal singing floats on the beach, accompanied by the sound of the waves into every ear.

Everyone listened quietly, intoxicated by the singing.

A song ends.

The applause sounded.

All the girls couldn't help applauding together, giving Li Youwei a warm applause.

Li Youwei listened to the crisp and loud applause, with a look of sadness on her face.

Perhaps in the future, such applause will never be heard again.

Lu Xiaoke laughed and boasted, "It sounds so good, I really hope that the time passes quickly, and I can go to Miss Youwei's concert in three days' time."

When Li Youwei heard Lu Xiaoke mentioning the concert, the sadness on her face became more intense, and she couldn't help shedding tears.

Seeing Li Youwei crying, Lu Xiaoke asked carefully, "Sister Youwei, why are you crying?"

"It's okay." Li Youwei wiped away her tears with her hand, and said with a forced smile, "It's okay, it's just that I suddenly remembered something and felt a little sad."

"Jingle Bell……"

Yu Xin's cell phone rang suddenly, and she walked aside to answer the phone.

"Yu Xin, did Weiwei offend some important person? The boss just told me to hide Weiwei in the future and not arrange any activities for her."

The caller was Cai Xiaotong, the director of Huayi Company that Li Youwei signed with, and also Yu Xin's cousin.

Yu Xin sighed and told Cai Xiaotong what happened.

She didn't expect that the big man's energy would be so great, and their boss decided to block Li Youwei so quickly.

Yu Xin deliberately walked away to answer the phone, and the voice was not loud, but Huang Xing's ears were so sensitive that he could hear him clearly.

His face darkened instantly.

 If everyone finds it awkward that Li Youwei likes Huang Xing
  You can Baidu "Stockholm Syndrome"

  Although with some protagonist aura

  But there is still a scientific basis
(End of this chapter)

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