Chapter 243
Yu Xin hung up the phone and walked over, sat down on the chair, feeling a little depressed.

Although she was ready for Li Youwei to quit the entertainment industry, she was still very unwilling and uncomfortable to be forced out in this way.

If a farewell concert can be held, it can be regarded as a happy ending.

The girls had had enough of playing on the waves. They carried their shoes and walked back on the soft sand with their bare feet. They sat on chairs to rest, ready to start a new round of fighting.

Huang Xing put the grilled barbecue on the table, and all the girls scrambled to eat it again.

He looked at Li Youwei as if nothing happened, happily messing with all the girls, feeling a little pity in his heart.

"Weiwei." Huang Chen suddenly called out.


Li Youwei froze for a moment like a frightened bird, then answered in a daze, and looked up at Huang Xing.

All the girls also looked at Huang Chen, wondering why he suddenly called Li Youwei.

Huang Xing looked at her calmly and asked, "Is the concert in three days' time canceled?"

Li Youwei lowered her head, not daring to look at Huang Xing, and replied softly, "Yes."

She didn't know why Huang Xing knew about this.

Lu Xiaoke asked excitedly, "Ah, what happened to Miss Weiwei? Why was the concert cancelled?"

All the girls also looked at Li Youwei curiously, waiting for her to answer.

Li Youwei felt everyone's eyes, and couldn't help but shed tears.

Lu Xiaoke hurriedly took out two tissues and handed them to Li Youwei, and said angrily, "Sister Weiwei, don't cry, is someone bullying you? Tell me, and I'll beat him up for you."

No wonder Weiwei cried when we mentioned the concert just now. It turns out that the concert has been cancelled.

Li Youwei took the tissue and wiped away her tears, but did not answer.

Huang Chen said to Xin, "Sister Yu, I heard you answering the phone just now, please tell us the details of what happened."

Yu Xin looked at Huang Xing in surprise. He had already walked a long way to answer the phone just now, and his voice was not too loud. Unexpectedly, he still heard him.

She sighed and told what had happened.

All the girls were very angry when they heard this, and Lu Xiaoke said with righteous indignation, "It's unreasonable, it's too deceitful, bro, let's go to Beitang Villa and beat up that big man from the capital together, and vent my anger on Weiwei's sister."

"Xiao Ke, thank you for your kindness." Li Youwei said in a low voice, "That big man can get my company to block me so quickly, the background must be very strong, you don't want to cause trouble."

Their company is one of the top ten entertainment companies in China, and she is Dewey's illegitimate daughter. The fact that the other party can influence their company's decision so quickly shows that the background is very scary, and she doesn't want to cause trouble for Huang Xing.

Huang Chen looked calm, but said in a domineering voice, "There are not many people in China who can trouble me."

What he said was not an exaggeration at all. All the blood alliances were destroyed in his hands. Except for the nineteen superpowers that made him feel troublesome, other powers were not worth mentioning in front of him.

When Yu Xin heard Huang Xing's calm and domineering words, she couldn't help but look at him in shock.

Those who can say such words are either ignorant and fearless who do not know the heights of the sky and the earth, or they are truly big shots with all-hands-eyes.

Which one would he be?
Huang Xing said to Fujino Fazi, "Master Tiger seems to be going to Beitang Villa for a banquet tonight."

Noriko Fujino replied softly, "Yeah, the young master of the Wang family in the capital came to deliver the invitation in person yesterday, and invite Lord Tiger to the banquet tonight."

Huang Chen sneered, it seems that the big man from the capital that Yu Xin said was Young Master Wang of the capital.

Noriko Fujino asked, "Do you want Master Tiger to teach him a lesson?"

Yu Xin was very shocked when he heard it from the sidelines. Hearing their tone, Master Hu could teach that young master of the capital whatever he wanted.

She didn't know that Master Hu was under Huang Xing, but Li Youwei did. Only then did she understand in her heart why Mr. Liang would tell her never to offend Young Master Lu.

"No need." Huang Chen said in a cold voice, "I'll go to Beitang Villa personally for this matter."

He wanted to tell everyone that Li Youwei was the one he was protecting, and anyone who wanted to touch her in the future had to weigh it carefully.

Lu Xiaoke clenched his fists and said aggressively, "Brother, I'll go there with you and beat that Young Master Wang."

"You stay at home well, he is not worthy of letting us do it."

Huang Xing refused to let Lu Xiaoke follow, and said to the girls, "You guys continue to play first, I will take Weiwei to Beitang Villa, and I will be back soon."

After he said goodbye to the girls, he took Li Youwei to Beitang Villa.

"Why didn't you tell me such a big thing?"

Huang Xing asked warmly while driving.

Li Youwei sat in the co-pilot's seat with her head down, not daring to look at Huang Xing, and didn't know how to answer.

I am not someone like him. When I encounter such a big trouble, what qualifications do I have for him to help me?

Huang Chen said calmly, "If you encounter any troubles in the future, you can come to me directly. If you can't find me, you can go to Master Hu."

His voice was very calm, but with an undeniable domineering tone.

"Hmm." Li Youwei replied in a low voice, with a hint of sweetness in her heart.

Beitang Villa——

The banquet hall is full of guests.

On the main table, Wang Hu was sitting on the main seat as steadily as Mount Tai, on the right was the head of the Beitang family, Beitang Mo, and on the left was a young man in his thirties, who was Wang Shao from the Wang family in the capital.

Qin Yishui and Chu Tianxiong, the third masters of the Qin family, were also at the main table.

At this banquet, most of Linjiang's prominent figures were present.

The reason why Beitang Mo invited everyone to the scene with such great fanfare was because they had two distinguished guests from Beitang Villa today, Master Hu of Beicheng and Young Master Wang of Beijing.

Lord Tiger of Beicheng is no longer what it used to be. It can be said that with Huang Chen's return to Linjiang, Wang Hu's status has also reached its peak.

Any well-informed force in the martial arts world knows that there is such a figure as Lord Tiger of Beicheng.

The prestige of Lu Chen's first master in Huaxia is really strong, plus Xiao Qingchen, the second master of Huaxia, the two people's battle strength can almost be equal to a super power.

The news of the cultivation world has not been disclosed. Except for those in power, the Supreme Elder, and a few elders with real power in the late Xiantian period among the superpowers of the [-]th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the other elders and disciples do not know that there is a cultivation world.

Others didn't know that Huang Xing would go to the realm of comprehension in a month, let alone that he would face the danger of the Son of the Blood God.

All major forces believe that Huang Xing has solved the crisis of the blood alliance. If he forms his own force in the martial arts world, it is very likely to replace the blood alliance in the future and become the No. 20 superpower.

Therefore, many forces are thinking about how to cooperate with Huang Xing.

The icing on the cake is definitely not as good as giving charcoal in the snow.

If you can cooperate with Huang Xing in the early stage of his power development, you can imagine the benefits you will get in the future.

The Wang family in the capital came here with this purpose in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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