Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 248 Leisurely Life

Chapter 248 Leisurely Life

"Brother, I won't go shopping with you anymore, I want to go racing by myself."

After buying the pink Lamborghini, Lu Xiaoke no longer has the mind to go shopping, and is interested in driving a supercar for a ride.

"With your driving skills, you still learn how to drag a car?" Huang Xing looked at her mockingly, and taught him a lesson, "First get good at driving the car."

His younger sister has basically never touched a car, so she only studied for a while when she took the driver's license test, and successfully got her driver's license.

Lu Xiaoke snorted unconvinced, "Brother, don't underestimate people, I am a master of martial arts now, it's no small thing to drive a car."

The effect of Xisui Pill is not only to make her a master of dark energy, but also to achieve the best body functions, which can be compared to a master of energy. With her current reaction ability and control ability, as long as she does not drive herself to death, she will not be able to drive a car. There will be too many problems.

Huang Xing was confused when he was concerned, and he was still not at ease.

Seeing that he was in trouble, Luo Xiaoying said, "I'll accompany Xiao Ke."

As a killer, she has received strict training in driving skills. Among them, she is the best in driving skills.

Only then did Huang Chen nod his head and said, "I'm relieved to have you with Xiao Ke, just watch her and don't let her mess around."

"Yes." Luo Xiaoying was very happy to gain Huang Chen's trust.

Huang Xing said to Lu Xiaoke seriously, "Listen to sister Xiaoying and don't drive like crazy."

"Got it, nagging ghost." Lu Xiaoke muttered dissatisfiedly, "I'm not a child."

Then he pulled Luo Xiaoying into the car, waved cheerfully to Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen and said, "Sister-in-law, sister Qingchen, I went racing with sister Xiaoying, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen also smiled and waved goodbye to them.

Both light bulbs were gone, Huang Xing took Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen to Huadu International Center for shopping.

He is holding a peerless beauty in one hand, and walking on the street can be said to be a showman, with a frightening [-]% rate of turning heads.

All kinds of envious, jealous and hateful eyes cast on them, Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen both blushed a little on their embarrassed faces.

Xiao Qingchen was originally an iceberg beauty who didn't eat the fireworks of the world, but now that she was melted by Huang Xing, she became a little more angry and even more beautiful.

Their beauty is impeccable. They wear hundreds of thousands of international famous brands, and the jade bracelets on their hands are even more suet white jade. At first glance, they look like the most expensive and top-quality jade, which makes other women on the street go crazy with envy.

Naturally, malicious people gossip behind their backs, saying that they are gold diggers, and that two women serve one husband together for money.

When two beauties accompany each other, what more can a husband ask for?

Under the jealousy of other men, Huang Xing triumphantly took his two daughters to various luxury stores for shopping.

The shopping guide in the store still had an impression of Huang Xing and Ji Ran. More than a month ago, this man almost emptied their store because of his girlfriend and sister.

Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen tried on one piece of clothing after another, and each piece of clothing seemed to be tailor-made for them, both beautiful, temperamental, and full of charm.

Every time Huang Xing saw them changing into a new set of clothes, his eyes brightened.

In fact, with their figure and appearance, they can control any style of clothes at will.

Needless to say, just buy buy buy.

In fact, according to Huang Xing's intention, don't try on any clothes, as long as the size is right, just buy them all back.

However, girls' ideas of shopping are different from his. They enjoy the process of picking clothes and trying clothes more.

And they feel that they are about to go to the world of self-cultivation, where they are dressed in ancient styles. They don't want to be too independent, and they can't wear too many modern clothes.

But despite this, they walked around and bought more than 30 sets of clothes each.

Because as long as they tried it on, Huang Xing thought it looked good, so he bought it immediately.

After shopping with the second daughter for a whole day, at around 6 o'clock in the evening, Huang Xing took them to the student street next to Linjiang University to eat various delicacies.

Lu Xiaoke and Luo Xiaoying didn't have that kind of luck anymore, because his sister, that crazy girl, drove the car back to her hometown in Hucheng and said she wanted to get something, and it would probably be eight or nine o'clock at night when they came back.

Huang Xing took the two daughters for a walk on the student street, looked at the familiar long street, and remembered every detail of the past.

 Next update at 12am

(End of this chapter)

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