Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 249 Returning the Muramasa Demon Sword

Chapter 249 Returning the Muramasa Demon Sword

Two years of college life left many memories.

Ups and downs, tastes of life.

Looking back now, it's like a dream.

College life is gone forever.

He took a different path in life.

Huang Xing remembered the first time he brought Ji Ran to Student Street.

This gentle and watery girl had known him since childhood.

Their love is pure as crystal.

Huang Chen quietly walked down the long street holding Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen's hands.

Pedestrians around looked sideways.

After all, in this day and age, it is extremely rare for a boy to lead two girls to go shopping.

What's more, these two girls are peerless beauties.

Even Linjiang's three major school beauties are not comparable to them.

They couldn't help but wonder, who are these two girls, why haven't they seen them before?

Before he knew it, Huang Xing led Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen to Zhang Bo's Mala Tang shop.

I haven't seen you for more than a month, and I don't know how Zhang Bo is doing now?

Zhang Qi was forced by Wang Hu to help in the shop, has anything changed?
The three walked into the store, and the business was still booming.

The door was facing the cash register. As soon as the three of Lu Chen walked in, Uncle Zhang saw them and shouted in surprise, "Xiao Lu, Xiao Ran..."

When he saw Xiao Qingchen who was being held by Huang Xing, he was a little stunned.

Huang Xing took the two girls to the cash register, and shouted with a smile, "Uncle Zhang."

Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen also shouted together, "Uncle Zhang."

Uncle Zhang looked at them with a smile and said, "Xiao Lu, you have become more and more capable recently."

The last time he brought Ji Ran here, Zhang Bo felt that Huang Xing was very capable, and now he brought another big beauty here at the same time, which made him even more incredible.

Huang Chen smiled awkwardly, and introduced, "This is also my girlfriend, Xiao Qingchen."

Uncle Zhang smiled kindly and said to the two daughters, "You can take whatever you want, Uncle Zhang treats you."

Huang Xing said to the two girls, "Go get it yourself, I'll have a chat with Uncle Zhang."

"Thank you Uncle Zhang."

The second daughter thanked Uncle Zhang, and went to get the Malatang ingredients together.

Looking at the almost full shop, Huang Xing said with a smile, "Uncle Zhang, the business seems to be getting more and more popular recently."

Zhang Bo's face was full of smiles, and Lao Huai said comfortingly, "No, if Xiao Qi hadn't come back to help, I wouldn't be able to keep busy."

Seeing Uncle Zhang so happy, Huang Xing was also happy for him.

He was standing by the cash register, chatting with Uncle Zhang, Zhang Qi was helping in the back kitchen, came out with the cooked Mala Tang, and when he saw Huang Xing, he hurriedly shouted in panic, "Young Master Lu."

Zhang Qi looked at Huang Xing in fear. The last time he was beaten up by his fourth brother because he offended Young Master Lu, and later Master Hu ordered him to stay in the shop to help.

He knew that everything was because of the boy in front of him.

Lu Xing patted Zhang Qi's shoulder and said, "Zhang Qi, be filial to Uncle Zhang in the future, and I will let Master Tiger take care of you more..."

Zhangbo Malatang has a unique taste, and it is a must in the student street of Linjiang University. Huang Xing plans to ask Wang Hu to invest in making Zhangbo Malatang a chain store, first take root in Linjiang, and then ask Li Youwei to endorse it and promote it to the whole country.

The taste is guaranteed, the funds are guaranteed, and there are big star endorsements. It will not be a big problem to become the number one Malatang in China.

Zhang Qi was flattered and said, "Thank you, Young Master Lu, I will definitely be filial to my father in the future."

"Xiao Lu, Xiao Qi, what are you..."

Zhang Bo felt that Zhang Qi changed so much because of Huang Xing's relationship.

The second daughter chose the ingredients and came over to put them on the table. Huang Xing smiled at Uncle Zhang and said, "Uncle Zhang, let's find a seat first."


Seeing that Lu Xing was unwilling to say more, Zhang Bo didn't ask any more. He already understood in his heart that when Zhang Qi's prodigal son turned around, it was Huang Xing who was behind his back to help.

After eating Mala Tang with his two daughters, Huang Xing said goodbye to Uncle Zhang, and took them all over the gourmet restaurants in Student Street.

When they returned to the sea view villa, it was past nine o'clock, Lu Xiaoke and Luo Xiaoying were still on the highway, and they would not be able to go home until about ten o'clock.

Huang Chen really had nothing to do with this younger sister, so he ran back to his hometown in Hucheng to get things without saying a word.

He, Lu Xiaoke, Xiao Qingchen, and Luo Xiaoying are all from Hucheng, and Hucheng is their root.

Huang Xing planned to go back to Hucheng before going to the world of comprehension, and chose a site to build a Lu Family Villa as their real home.

This is a huge project that cannot be completed overnight.

"Fazi, do you have something on your mind?"

Huang Xing walked into the villa, and found that the faces of Noriko Fujino and Sister Hoshino who greeted them were somewhat gloomy, so he asked with concern.

Noriko Fujino and the Hoshino sisters knelt down, with tears streaming from their eyes, and said, "Sir, the Shinto Temple put pressure on the Fujino family to make Noriko return the Muramasa Demon Sword."

She said tearfully, "If it is not returned within ten days, the Shinto Temple will demolish the Fujino family."

The power of Dongying martial arts world is different from that of Huaxia martial arts world. The Shinto Academy can be said to be the only one in Dongying, and its strength far surpasses Sangong Sizhai and other major families.

Although the Fujino family is the No. [-] family in Japan, the Shinto Temple definitely has the strength to easily crush them.

After hearing this, Huang Xing sneered in his heart and sarcastically said, "The Shinto Temple, the number one force in Japan, is nothing more than that."

They knew that Noriko Fujino had pledged allegiance to Huang Xing, so they didn't dare to ask him for the Muramasa Demon Sword, but asked the Fujino family for it.

This is also a helpless move for the Shinto Temple.

The strength of Lu Chen and Xiao Qingchen in killing Xue Xiuluo and Ye Shisan deeply shocked the martial arts circles of all countries.

To deal with them, at least three innate superiors must be dispatched at the same time.

In terms of strength alone, the Shinto Academy exceeds any of the [-] superpowers in China, and at least five of them are superior innately.

But it was inconvenient for them to come to China to deal with Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen.

It is not a trivial matter for Xiantian to go to other countries, and if more than three are dispatched at a time, if there is an accident, the background of the Shinto Temple cannot afford it.

They calculated that Noriko Fujino would not just watch the Fujino family suffer this catastrophe because of her, so they put pressure on the Fujino family in a roundabout way to let her return the Muramasa Yaodao.

After Fujino Fazi finished speaking, she raised her eyes to look at Huang Xing, with tears streaming down her face, very pitiful.

She knew the strength of the Shinto Academy, and if Huang Xing wanted to resist them now, it was difficult for him to win.

The Muramasa Demon Sword doesn't belong to her at all, so if it is returned to the Shinto Temple, it will be returned.

But now she is loyal to Huang Xing, and every word and deed represents him.

If she surrenders and returns the Muramasa Demon Sword, it means that Lu Chen bows to the Shinto Academy.

But she can't just watch the Fujino family be destroyed because of her.

That's why she was so anxious that she didn't know what to do.

There was a gleam of coldness in the corner of Huang Chen's mouth, and he said proudly, "You ask the Fujino family to tell the Shinto Temple that within ten days, Huaxia Huang Chen will personally bring the Muramasa Demon Sword to Dongying and return it to the Shinto Temple."

Originally, he just wanted to go to Dongying to destroy Yingwuzhai. Since the Shinto Academy also wanted to seek death, he would destroy it together.

 Many people ask if they have forgotten the little monk

  I'm speechless

  You don't take your books seriously
  The Xumai Pill that treats the little monk is a level 8 elixir

  Huang Xing is only level 7 now, and he can't save him even if he goes there
  I will save it naturally when I reach level 8.

  Don't worry, everyone, I put a lot of effort into this book
  All layouts are interlocking
  All the pits are paving the way for the later stage

  You can watch it at ease
(End of this chapter)

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