Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 250 Medicated Bath

Chapter 250 Medicated Bath
Hearing Huang Xing's words, Fujino Fazi's tearful eyes showed shock, and he said worriedly again, "The Shinto Temple has a profound foundation, even better than the Huaxia Holy Land, sir, don't go into the tiger's den lightly."

With stars in his eyes, his eyes were like thunderbolts, and he said confidently, "Since I dare to go to the Shinto Temple, I have the strength to suppress it. Even if I can't destroy it, I will kill him to turn the world upside down."

If the Shinto Academy is only a superficial strength, he has the confidence to destroy the Shinto Academy, but these ancient inheritances are inextricably linked to the cultivation world, and it is inevitable that there will be some power beyond the martial arts world, wanting to completely destroy it , there are still some difficulties.

Fujino Noriko knelt down in front of Huang Xing, knocked his forehead on the ground, said with gratitude and self-reproach, "Let sir go to danger, Fazi deserves death."

"You are my man. If anyone touches you, I will kill him." Huang Xing said domineeringly, "I want all martial arts circles to understand that anyone who dares to touch me, Huang Chen, will die."

He is about to go to the world of comprehension, and the forces remaining in the secular world are still very weak. He wants to frighten the martial arts circles of all countries so that they dare not touch his people.

Of course, the premise is that he can live well in the cultivation world.

If he falls, everything is empty talk.

Therefore, he must become strong, so strong that no one can threaten him.

Noriko Fujino and the Hoshino sisters crawled at Huang Xing's feet, following such a master, they would die without regret.

Huang Xing looked down at them, and said in a warm voice, "Get up first and prepare dinner. Xiao Ke and Xiao Ying will be home in half an hour, and they haven't eaten yet."

"Yes, sir."

The three women replied respectfully, got up and walked towards the kitchen.

Huang Chen took the two girls upstairs, Ji Ran went back to the room alone, Xiao Qingchen followed him into the master bedroom.

Xiao Qingchen had just become Huang Xing's person last night, and Ji Ran kindly asked him to spend more time with Xiao Qingchen these two days.

After Li Youwei's concert is over, they will go to the Holy Land of Bliss to visit the little monk and help him connect his meridians, and then Huang Chen will accompany Ji Ran back to the magic capital for a few days.

She wanted to have one last reunion with her friends before going to the world of comprehension, so that he could be alone with Ji Ran.

Xiao Qingchen and Huang Xing returned to the room, and said softly to him, "I'll take a bath first."

I ate a lot of special delicacies in the evening, and they were somewhat smoky.

Huang Xing gently hugged her and kissed her, and said, "Go."

He looked at the peerless beauty in front of him.

If you gain one point, you will be fat, and if you lose one point, you will be thin;
If you put powder on it, it will be too white, and if you apply Zhu, it will be too red;
Eyebrows like emerald feathers, muscles like white snow;
The waist is like a beam, and the teeth are like shellfish;
With a sweet smile, she pours the world over and harms the common people.

The perfect golden ratio, from the tip of the hair to the toes, there is no trace of flaws on the whole body.

Xiao Qingchen took the pajamas, then picked up a square sandalwood box and walked to the bathroom.

Huang Xing smiled curiously, "What treasure is in the wooden box, do you still need to take it with you when you take a bath?"

Xiao Qingchen opened the wooden box for him to see, and said in a soft voice, "This is a well-prepared medicinal bath medicinal material, soaking it is very comfortable."

In fact, after she took the Xisui Pill, the medicated bath could no longer improve her physique.

She just got used to it and felt very comfortable.

Huang Xing glanced at the medicinal materials in the sandalwood box, he couldn't recognize several medicinal materials, but he could clearly recognize the bright red rose petals on the top.

The scene of Xiao Qingchen soaking in the rose flower bath could not help appearing in his mind, he couldn't help but walk up to her, pinched her little nose jokingly and blamed, "Damn girl, there is such a comfortable medicinal bath, Don't call me along either."

Xiao Qingchen said with a slightly red face, "When I'm done soaking, I'll give you a portion of the medicinal ingredients."

Huang Xing leaned close to her ear, and said evilly, "Silly girl, don't waste it so much, this one is enough."

A faint blush appeared on Xiao Qingchen's face, she knew what Huang Xing meant, and replied in a voice like a mosquito, "Yes."

With a wicked smile on his face, Huang Xing picked her up and walked to the bathroom.

There was a large bathtub in the bathroom, Xiao Qingchen turned on the hot water and sprinkled the medicinal materials into it.


The water in the pool is [-]% full and steaming, surrounded by white mist.

Rose petals are floating on the water, so delicate and beautiful.

The fragrance of medicinal herbs permeates the bathroom, refreshing.

The two entered the bath, and the medicinal effect of the medicated bath penetrated their skin, making them feel comfortable.

Xiao Qingchen rested her head on Huang Chen's arm, and said softly, "Before going to Dongying, you accompany me back to Jianzong. I want to go to Jianzhong to get an ancient sword."

She had a bit of shyness on her face, Jianzong was her natal family, asking Huang Chen to accompany her back was like bringing her husband back to her natal home.

"En." Huang Xing stroked her hair lightly, and said pitifully, "Thank you for your hard work, you have been fighting and killing with me all the time."

On the tenth day of the martial arts tournament, if Xiao Qingchen hadn't teamed up with him, he would have had no choice but to change his plan and delay for a few days until his cultivation had broken through the mid-innate stage before he could fight to the death with the blood alliance.

This trip to Japan, Xiao Qingchen will also accompany him, and the two will join forces again to fight against the Shinto Academy and even the entire martial arts world of Japan.

Xiao Qingchen said calmly, "I practice the way of killing swordsmanship, and I have to keep fighting and killing so that I can sharpen my way of swordsmanship."

"Girl." Huang Chen shouted emotionally, "You think I don't know that you have tens of thousands of sword hearts, but you only choose to kill swordsmanship, all for me."

Jiang Yunxiao once asked her, "Thousands of swordsmanship, why do you insist on killing swordsmanship?"

She didn't answer, but Huang Xing understood that all of this was for him.

Having such a girl is the happiness of his life.

Huang Chen kissed Xiao Qingchen's lips, and hugged her tightly.

They hugged and kissed forgetfully.

The two of them left the bath when the water temperature became cooler.

When they came to the living room, Lu Xiaoke and Luo Xiaoying had already returned.

As soon as Huang Xing saw Lu Xiaoke, he asked angrily, "Damn girl, did you enjoy the car after driving for a day?"

Lu Xiaoke danced excitedly, "Needless to say, it's so cool, they are all over 200 yards, just like flying."

Huang Xing walked over and sat on the sofa, and saw a pile of old toys on the table.

He recognized these toys, they were all treasures they played with when they were young.

Lu Xiaoke put away his hippie smile, and said seriously, "Brother, please help me remember which toys are left by Brother Linbing?"

She and Luo Xiaoying drove the car all day, and they just went back to Hucheng to get them.

Huang Chen looked up at Luo Xiaoying, her eyes were filled with sadness, and she was looking at him expectantly.

He looked down at the old toys on the table, recalled the things in his childhood, and began to pick toys one by one.

Pikachu dolls, tank models, water guns...

A piece of toys was picked up by Huang Chen and put aside, Luo Xiaoying looked at them, tears blurred her vision.

She seemed to see her brother's happy childhood, carefree and full of laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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