Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 251 Upgrade to Level 8

Chapter 251 Upgrade to Level 8

Huang Xing was picking out toys, feeling very uncomfortable.

Brother Lin Bing, who took care of him and Xiao Ke since childhood, was forced to die at the hands of his own sister.

What a cruel thing.

He didn't blame Luo Xiaoying, because she suffered a hundred times, a thousand times more than himself.

The culprit of all this is Ying Wusai
There was a cold light in his eyes, this trip to Dongpu, he must destroy Yingwuzhai and avenge Luo Linbing.

"These are the toys left by Brother Lin Bing."

Based on his memory, Huang Xing picked out eleven toys that Luo Linbing gave him.

When Luo Xiaoying saw the relics left by her brother, she was already in tears.

The only thing she had left was the dagger with which she killed her brother.

That dagger left her nothing but endless pain.

Every time she sees that dagger, she can't wait to stab it into her heart.

Lu Xiaoke also shed tears uncomfortably, and said choked up, "Sister Xiaoying, let's put these toys in your room together."

Luo Xiaoying nodded, and carefully picked up the toys one by one and hugged them in her arms, like the most precious gift, for fear of breaking them.

She hugged her arms full of toys and went back to the room with Lu Xiaoke.

The atmosphere in the living room was somewhat depressing, Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen were both in a very gloomy mood.

Xiao Qingchen's body reveals a demonic and murderous intent.

She met Luo Linbing once, and she remembered deeply that when Huang Xing wanted to protect her, a vicious dog bit his arm, and it was Luo Linbing who beat the vicious dog away.

She has always been very grateful to Luo Linbing in her heart.

Huang Xing sensed the demonic and murderous intent on Xiao Qingchen's body, and gently embraced her and Ji Ran in his arms, calming down their emotions.

He vowed to protect everyone around him, and never let such a tragedy happen again.

About half an hour later, Lu Xiaoke came out of the room and told them that Luo Xiaoying's mood had stabilized.

Only then did Huang Xing and the second daughter go back to their room to sleep in peace.

Sleeping in the same bed with Xiao Qingchen, it is natural that there is another kind of pampering.

At one o'clock in the night, the beautiful woman next to the pillow fell asleep soundly, Huang Xing used up the refreshed quota, and the sound of the system rang in his ears.

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 8, unlocking the storage space, unlocking level 8 items in the store, and getting a chance to draw a lottery."

Storage space: Real non-living items can be stored in the storage space, and the size of the space increases with the improvement of cultivation.

When Huang Xing saw this passive skill, he was overjoyed, and quickly checked the storage space.

With a thought in his mind, a 100 cubic meter white space appeared.

He couldn't wait to pick up the phone beside him, and as soon as he thought about it, the phone disappeared in his hand and entered the storage space.

After thinking about it again, the phone appeared in his hand again.

The function of the storage space is the same as that of the system inventory, but the system inventory can only store the things in the system.

When Jia Jing introduced him to the world of comprehension last time, she mentioned magic weapons for storage, most of which were in the shape of rings.

At that time, the Void Returning Pill he gave himself was taken out from Jiang Yunxiao's storage ring.

The effect of a storage ring is the same as that of a storage space. The larger the space, the higher the value. Generally, there are only low-level storage rings of 1 square meter in circulation, and 100 cubic meters like Huang Xing are very high-end storage rings.

Although the function unlocked by the upgrade this time did not improve his combat effectiveness, it made it much easier for him to venture into the world of self-cultivation in the future.

Huang Xing checked his attributes:
Host: Huang Chen

Occupation: No. [-] Shenhao in the universe (internship period)

Level: Level 8 (0/12800)

Today's Quota: 12800000/12800000
Gold: 8020
Combat Power: Innate Early Stage
Dao Dharma: Good Fortune Scripture
Martial skills: Crimson Blood Strike, Ten Heavy Waves, Crazy Dragon Slashing Soul, One Finger Quicksand, Tianluo Spear Field
Items: none
Mission: none
Because he completed the task of "Shenhao buys a villa", Huang Xing was promoted to level 8 one day earlier.

The gold coins are enough for him to rise to the innate middle stage, and now he can get 2560 gold coins every day.

The only place he needs to spend gold coins for the time being is to spend 3200 gold coins to buy the 8th-level Continuing Vessel Pill to continue the meridians of the little monk, and then wait to save enough 16000 gold coins to advance to the late innate stage.

Breaking through from the early Xiantian period to the late Xiantian period, this was his confidence to go to Japan and take on the Shinto Temple.

When Huang Xing browsed the level 8 store and the level 9 mysterious store, the efficacy of the pills had been greatly improved.

The various exercises, martial arts, and weapons at level 9 have already exceeded the scope of the martial arts world.

Then came the most exciting lottery, Jiugongge, thank you for participating, money, and level 5 Good Fortune Dan Lu Chen didn't even bother to watch it.

The rest is the 8th-level elixir Zhenyuan Dan, the 9th-level palm technique "Da Kaitian Tearing Hand", and the last one is the 10th-level elixir Shengsui Dan.

Huang Xing looked at the 10th-level Shengsui Pill and felt greedy for a while.

Its effect is to improve the physique of the practitioner.

Throughout the journey of cultivation, physique and understanding are the foundation of a person's cultivation.

Like Xiao Qingchen, with a transparent sword body and a monster's understanding of the way of the sword, he was born for the sword, and he practiced the way of the sword by leaps and bounds.

But for ordinary people with average physique and average understanding, they can get twice the result with half the effort when they practice.

Shengsui Pill can fundamentally improve the practitioner's physique. Although I don't know how much it can be enhanced, it is enough to be called terrifying.

Huang Xing secretly kissed Xiao Qingchen, and then started the lottery draw.

He watched the circle of light rotate, thinking of Shengsui Pill, Shengsui Pill in his heart...

The aperture slowly decelerated, and finally stopped at the level 8 True Essence Pill.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a level 8 True Yuan Pill."


Huang Chen murmured in his heart, could kissing Xiao Qingchen not be as effective as kissing Jiran?

But he was quick to despise himself, and he shouldn't have thought that way.

Whether it is Xiao Qingchen or Ji Ran, having them is his greatest luck.

Regardless of size, regardless of height.

It is also very lucky to be able to get the third best reward, Level 8 True Essence Pill.

True Yuan Pill can quickly replenish innate qi.

As for how much can be added, there is no detailed description.

However, "Brother Qiang's product must be a high-quality product."

Huang Xing believed that the level 8 pill would never let him down.

Satisfied, he turned sideways and hugged Xiao Qingchen into his arms, and fell into a sweet dreamland together.

The next day, Luo Xiaoying was still a little depressed.

She has problems with her vocal cords, and the three girls cannot chat with her.

Ji Ran saw the open-air swimming pool next to the villa, and suggested that everyone go swimming together.

All the girls agreed unanimously, and Huang Xing took them to go shopping first to buy swimsuits.

He looked at the palm-sized swimsuit and felt that waiting in the swimming pool would be extremely glamorous.

Sure enough, after the four girls had changed into their swimsuits, Huang Xing's blood suddenly burst out, and he had the urge to have a nosebleed.

Hot beach, sunny.

Four young and beautiful girls walked side by side.

The tight swimsuits perfectly outline the curves of their bodies.

The best interpretation of what is the face of an angel and the figure of a devil.

Seeing Huang Xing's appearance, Lu Xiaoke smiled flamboyantly, and said with a coquettish voice like a silver bell, "Brother, if you look at it again, your eyeballs will fall out."

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(End of this chapter)

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