Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 253 You donated the 5000 million?

Chapter 253 You donated the 5000 million?
"Lu Xing, you can eat."

Xia Qingqiu's crisp voice came from the restaurant, Huang Xing withdrew his thoughts, got up and walked over.

There are four dishes and one soup on the table, all of which are exquisitely presented.

Looking at these dishes, Huang Xing was very heartwarming.

This is what he likes to eat when eating at Mr. Xia's house.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Xia noticed.

He said emotionally, "Thank you, Teacher Xia."

Xia Qingqiu took off the apron on his body, and said with a smile, "You are suspended from school now, why do you still call me teacher, I don't care how old you are, you can just call me Sister Qiu'er."

She explained, "My family used to call me Qiu'er, but my younger brother called me Sister Qiu'er."

Her face suddenly became dark, and she said in a sad tone, "If he is still here, he will be as old as you."

"Your brother?"

It was the first time for Huang Xing to hear Xia Qingqiu mention her brother, but it seemed that her brother was gone.

"I left three years ago." Xia Qingqiu said with red eyes, "I have had leukemia since I was a child, and I have persisted for 18 years, and I finally left."

Huang Chen couldn't bear to shout, "Sister Qiu'er."

When Xia Qingqiu heard Lu Chen calling her sister Qiu'er, as if hearing her younger brother calling her again, tears welled up in his eyes.

Huang Xing looked at her quietly, letting her vent the grief in her heart.

After crying for a while, Xia Qingqiu took out a tissue, wiped away tears, and said with a strong smile, "The first time I saw you, I felt that your eyes were very similar to Xiaotian (brother), and you were also full of optimism towards life. Always have a sunny smile on your face.”

No matter how painful the illness is, Xia Tian is always full of optimism towards life, even if his life is taken away by the illness, he still leaves with a smile.

Because he knows that his family has given everything for him, he is already very happy and content.

Huang Chen said softly, "Sister Qiu'er, you can treat me as your younger brother in the future."

After Xia Qingqiu met him, she took care of him like a big sister, and Huang Chen already regarded her as a big sister in his heart.

Xia Qingqiu stared at Huang Chen closely, and shouted with love in his eyes, "Xiao Chen."

Huang Chen also called softly, "Sister Qiu'er."

Xia Qingqiu showed a happy smile on his face, picked up the vegetables and put them in Huang Chen's bowl, and said lovingly, "Xiao Chen, let's eat first, eat more."

She already loves Huang Xing as her own younger brother.

The two sat facing each other, eating and chatting.

Xia Qingqiu asked curiously, "Xiaochen, what kind of project are you working on now?"

Before Huang Xing came, he didn't want to reveal too much information about himself, so he just asked Master Hu to take care of her secretly.

Now that I recognize her as my older sister, there is no need to hide it, and said, "Our company has quite a lot of projects, and I won't be able to tell for a while. Sister Qiu'er has heard of Tianchen Group, and that is my company."

In fact, he himself doesn't know what projects Tianchen Group is currently operating. He won't take care of worldly affairs as long as they are not related to the people around him.


Xia Qingqiu almost spit out the rice in his mouth, and quickly took a sip of soup to suppress his shock, and said in disbelief, "Tianchen Group is your company? You donated 5000 million?"

Tianchen Group is a company that just emerged in Linjiang. Xia Qingqiu actually doesn't know much about it, but there is one thing that caused a sensation in Linjiang——Tianchen Group donated 5000 million to Linjiang University two days ago.

5000 million is not a small amount, it caused a sensation in Linjiang, and also brought Tianchen Group to the surface, making it known to more ordinary people.

She had actually discovered that Huang Xing had become different from before. He was wearing international famous brands, which cost at least tens of thousands of yuan.

And that day in ktv, Huang Xing showed his skills and knocked down those people by himself.

The next day, his old classmate asked her if she was okay, and told her the identity of Brother Dongcheng Long, who was a big shot in the DC area, but Huang Xing was able to lead her back completely.

From then on, she felt that Huang Xing was very mysterious.

But she didn't expect that Tianchen Group, which donated 5000 million to Linjiang University, was Huang Xing's company.

Huang Chen nodded and invited, "Tianchen Group is still in its infancy and lacks talents in various fields. Can sister Qiu'er come and help expand overseas business?"

He has great ambitions and wants to build Tianchen Group into the largest company in the world. His reputation is only a deterrent, and the specific operation still requires talents from all walks of life.

Xia Qingqiu knew that Huang Xing wanted to give her benefits for nothing.

She is only an English major. Has she ever studied trade? It's okay to be a translator. How can she have the ability to expand her business?

"Xiaochen, my sister knows that I have a few pounds and a few taels, so I'm not suitable for those jobs." Xia Qingqiu said earnestly, "You also said that Tianchen Group is just getting started, and nepotism will only bring down the company."

Knowing that Xia Qingqiu would not accept his benefits immediately, Huang Xing said, "Why don't Sister Qiu'er take up a position as a consultant first, and help translate some materials when I have time."

He said with a stern face, "There are many professors and lecturers in the university who name themselves as consultants of some companies. If sister Qiu'er refuses to agree to this, she will not treat her brother as her own."

As long as she works in the company and gradually comes into contact with some businesses in the future, she will naturally become familiar with it.

Xia Qingqiu hesitated for a moment, Huang Xing had already talked about this point, she no longer objected, and agreed, "This is no problem, but the salary can be according to the industry standard."

Huang Chen happily decided, "Okay, then it's a deal, I'll ask the company's personnel to contact Sister Qiu'er tomorrow."

Ending this topic, Xia Qingqiu asked with concern, "Xiaochen, do you have a girlfriend now?"

When the elder sister always pays special attention to the life events of the younger brother.

When she met Huang Xing, he was still single, but the current appearance of Huang Xing had already overturned Xia Qingqiu's perception, so he became uncertain.

Huang Chen nodded and answered honestly, "I have a girlfriend."

Xia Qingqiu said with a happy smile, "Then when will you have time to bring your younger brother and sister out to let my elder sister meet, my elder sister wants to see what kind of girl she is, and captured such an outstanding boy as my younger brother."

Huang Chen thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow we are going to see Li Youwei's concert. If sister Qiu'er is free, we can come together."


Xia Qingqiu laughed out loud, "My sister is also a fan of Li Youwei, she has already bought the tickets, so we can go together tomorrow night."

"Okay, then we will come to pick up Miss Qiu'er tomorrow evening."

Huang Xing was quite surprised, he didn't expect that Li Youwei's popularity was so high, and Xia Qingqiu was also her fan.

The two chatted while eating, and they finished eating without knowing it.

After parting ways, Huang Xing and Xia Qingqiu drove home.

He likes the sibling relationship with Xia Qingqiu very much, it makes him feel very comfortable.

He thought to himself:

Sister Qiu'er was drunk that night, and she probably didn't remember anything when she woke up.

Maybe she will never know in her life that she once teased her younger brother like a little wild cat.

(End of this chapter)

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