Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 254 Are the 4 siblings all siblings?

Chapter 254 The Four Are All Brothers and Sisters! (seeking subscription)
The writing from Chapter 251 to Chapter 334 is a bit boring. You can skip directly to Chapter 335 to subscribe, without affecting the plot, and the content of the cultivation world is even more exciting: Chapter 330 Go to the cultivation world.


Back at the Seaview Villa, Huang Xing told the girls about Xia Qingqiu.

They heard Xia Qingqiu's story and knew that she took great care of Huang Xing during the two years in college, and they had a good impression of sister Qiu'er before they met.

Then Huang Xing called Wang Hu again, and asked him to arrange a personnel appointment with Xia Qingqiu to discuss the position of translation consultant in the company tomorrow.

Wang Hu learned that Xia Qingqiu was Young Master Lu's god-sister, so he didn't dare to neglect, and planned to arrange it himself tomorrow.

Huang Chen thought of Xia Qingqiu's saying that cronyism should not be allowed at work, and felt that it made sense.

No matter how deterrent he is, companies in the mundane world need truly knowledgeable professionals to manage them in order to operate better.

He reminded Wang Hu that in terms of company management, it is still necessary to introduce and discover real talents, and the former brothers should not be treated badly, and the benefits that should be given should also be given.

After Huang Xing finished explaining, Wang Hu began to report to him what happened in the past few days.

On the second day of the banquet at Beitang Mountain Villa, Mr. Wang from the Wang family in the capital came to Laijiang to apologize in person.

He was not qualified to meet Huang Xing face to face, but Wang Hu brought Fei Changan and Chu Tianxiong to meet him.

Fei Chang'an can be regarded as Ji Ran's natal family, and he is equivalent to a priest in Huang Xing's power.

Apart from Huang Chen and Xiao Qingchen, he is the strongest, and he is able to develop the overseas Ji family in Europe, so his skills should not be underestimated.

Wang Hu knew that his vision was still small, so he respected Fei Changan very much, and often asked him for advice when he encountered problems.

Mr. Wang came to apologize with great sincerity, Wang Mengqi's rights were all taken back, and he was dealt with by the strictest family law.

The Wang family in the capital made many concessions in terms of interests, and once again sought to cooperate with Tianchen Group.

There is also Yang Zaitian's Xinghui Entertainment Company, which was acquired by Tianchen Group at the lowest price, and renamed Tianchen Entertainment Company, specifically to escort Li Youwei in the entertainment industry.

Not only did Yang Zaitian save his life, he also got a considerable purchase fee, and he was grateful to both Huang Xing and Wang Hu.

The next day, he left Linjiang with his family and went to live in other places. Although the scenery in Linjiang was gone, the money was enough to make his family live a very good life.

Li Youwei terminated the contract with the original Huayi Entertainment and signed with Tianchen Entertainment.

Huayi Entertainment was originally forced to give up Li Youwei by the Wang family in the capital, but now that she knows that she is backed by big figures from all over the world, she wisely transfers the entertainment industry resources that were originally given to her to Tianchen Entertainment.

Huang Xing was very satisfied with Wang Hu's handling of both toughness and softness.

He is not a ruthless person, he is not a life and death grudge, he will not kill everyone.

Wang Mengqi and Yang Zaitian just banned Li Youwei, they didn't harm her personally, the crime is not beyond death, and giving them these punishments is enough.

Wang Hu also reported a small matter, the three pink Lamborghinis he ordered will arrive tomorrow.

Originally, with the energy of the car dealership, the goods would not arrive until the day after tomorrow at the earliest. Knowing that Young Master Lu had ordered three more fan Lamborghinis, he contacted him personally and the goods arrived one day earlier.

The four girls knew that the car would arrive tomorrow, and they seemed very happy. They chattered about going to Li Youwei's concert tomorrow by driving one alone.

In the afternoon of the next day, Huang Xing took the four girls to pick up the car, and the boss of the car dealership received them warmly.

When the formalities were completed, the four girls excitedly drove their respective supercars and followed Huang Chen's Maserati.

A beautiful scene appeared on Linjiang Street.

Maserati GC cleared the way, followed by four identical pink Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 supercars, and there was a series of deafening roars as they passed.

Passers-by all looked sideways, showing envious eyes.

Pink supercars are rare in the first place, and it is even rarer to see four identical pink supercars with nearly tens of millions of dollars gathered together.

It's a pity that Pagani Fengshen is still in Shanghai, otherwise, driving that invincible and cool silver-gray supercar to drive the road would be super cool.

Five supercars were speeding along Linjiang Avenue, and Huang Xing brought the four girls to Xia Qingqiu's apartment.

When they drove to the gate of the community, the security guard was a little stunned by the shock, and he was stunned for half a minute before he came back to his senses and opened the gate for them.

Xia Qingqiu was standing under the eaves of the building at this time, talking to a man.

The man was about thirty, wearing Armani clothes, and looked like a successful man.

Holding two tickets in his hand, he proudly flaunted, "Qingqiu, this is the ticket for the second row of the concert. I know you are a loyal fan of Li Youwei. I asked a friend for help to get two tickets. Tonight we Let's go to the concert together."

The concert is divided into an infield and an audience stand. The infield is the closest to the stage, and the first row of tickets in the infield is the best place to watch.

Li Youwei's concert was very popular, and tickets for the infield were very difficult to buy. He was able to get two tickets for the first row of the infield, which was considered a bit of energy.

Xia Qingqiu said politely, "Yuan Jun, thank you for your kindness. I have already bought the concert tickets myself. You can invite other friends to go with your tickets."

Boom boom boom...

A series of roars of sports cars interrupted their conversation.

Xia Qingqiu and Yuan Jun looked over at the sound, and they were surprised when they saw five supercars parked on the side of the road.

This neighborhood is not a high-end neighborhood, and I have never seen a sports car come in.

Now there are five of them all at once, and there are four identical pink Lamborghinis.

Huang Xing and the four girls got out of the car, Xia Qingqiu saw the four girls gathered around him, his eyes showed a look of shock.

Huang Xing drove a sports car, she was not surprised, it was normal to drive a sports car to donate 5000 million to Linjiang University.

What shocked her was the stunning looks of the four girls beside Huang Xing.

An idea suddenly popped up in Xia Qingqiu's mind, these four peerless beauties must all be younger siblings!

When Yuan Jun saw the four women, surprise and desire were also revealed in his eyes.

Normal men would react like this when they saw the four of them.

Yuan Jun quickly looked away in fear. He knew that he was not allowed to look at these four girls. If he kept staring at them, he might cause trouble.

He turned to Xia Qingqiu in front of him, and found that she was still staring at the man getting on and off the sports car. Feeling jealous, he thought bitterly, "I usually dress so high-spirited, seeing the real rich second generation makes my eyes go straight." .”

Thinking of this, Yuan Jun felt a little more confident in himself. He also has a net worth of several million. As long as Xia Qingqiu is a gold-worshiping woman, he will have a way to win it.

He smiled confidently, "Qingqiu, where is the seat of your ticket better than mine? Don't ask for that ticket. Come with me to the first row of the infield to watch the concert."

"Who said Miss Qiu'er's tickets are not as good as yours?"

Yuan Jun heard a clear question in his ears. He turned around and saw a man and four women who just ran down from five super cars walking towards them.

That handsome man looked at him with a half-smile on his handsome face.

Make him feel creepy.

(End of this chapter)

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