Chapter 256 Concert
He Li was very efficient in arranging the addition of special guests.

This time Li Youwei's concert has an unprecedented lineup of special guests, and the concert time has also been changed from two and a half hours to three hours.

In addition to the originally scheduled four singers who have a good relationship with Li Youwei, four new special guests have been added in the past few days.

One was Xia Qingqiu who had just been confirmed, and the other three special guests were all queen-level figures.

In order to make amends, the Wang family in the capital used their connections to invite three queen singers as special guests to help Li Youwei.

Almost all of these three singers have disappeared from the screen, and there are two other who are rivals, and now they come to the river at the same time to help Li Youwei, which shocked the entire entertainment circle.

This is definitely not something that Huayi Entertainment or Dewey can do. The paparazzi in the entertainment industry have started to dig out behind-the-scenes information.

As a result, after digging deeper, it was discovered that Li Youwei had terminated her contract with Huayi Entertainment and signed with the little-known Tianchen Entertainment.

Tianchen Entertainment was renamed after Tianchen Group acquired Xinghui Entertainment. It only has one artist, Li Youwei, and it seems that it was established specially for her.

Tianchen Group was established just over a month ago, and it involves a wide range of businesses, mainly in southern Fujian.

The first big donation was to donate 5000 million to Linjiang University, and the second big donation was to acquire Xinghui Entertainment and sign Li Youwei.

The paparazzi soon discovered that the mainstream entertainment media did not dare to spread news that was not good for Li Youwei, and they all praised this concert.

It's really that Huang Xing's reputation is too great, Tianchen Group is a deterrent in front of all major forces in China.

There are some powerful figures behind the major mainstream entertainment media. They know that Li Youwei is an artist under Huang Xing's company, so they dare to report randomly.

Those paparazzi knew that the Tianchen Group's water was deeper than they imagined, and that a big shot with real skills came to escort Li Youwei, so they were too frightened to dig any more news about her.

After discussing with He Li, Li Youwei returned to the lounge, and the four friends who supported her also arrived at the concert.

These four people have a good relationship with her, and they are also first- and second-tier singers, namely Chen Ningbing, Xu Qing, Fan Qiqi, and Liu Jiayi.

After the four of them met Li Youwei, you talked to each other and said enviously:
"Weiwei, you are now popular all over China. The headlines of the major media these days are all about this concert."

"That's right, it's unprecedented for the three queens to help out. Besides Weiwei, who else has such a big face?"

"This concert is hailed as the handover of the Chinese queen, and we, Weiwei, are now the queen of the contemporary song."

"The four of us also benefited from Weiwei's influence this time, and all of them were on the trending searches, and our popularity has risen a lot."

The faces of the four people are full of envy towards Li Youwei, knowing that she is going to soar into the sky now.

They felt a little jealous in their hearts, feeling that Li Youwei's life is really good, not only did she have a good father, but also avoided unspoken rules.

Now that she is being supported by big shots, becoming the queen of a generation is a sure thing.

Li Youwei was a little embarrassed by their praise, and said, "It's not as exaggerated as what you said, I would like to thank you for taking the time to come and support me in this concert."

Now almost the entire entertainment industry is promoting her, and all the media are praising her, and there is no negative news about her on the Internet.

She knew that this was the benefit of having Huang Xing backing her, which made her flattered.

The five of them were still chatting, when Yu Xin knocked on the door and came in and said, "Wei Wei, Young Master Lu is here and asked if you are free, first go rehearse the chorus with his sister."

When Li Youwei heard that Huang Xing was coming, her face showed excitement, and she immediately replied, "I'll go right away."

She said to the four of them, "I'm sorry, I have to go to the scene to rehearse the chorus."

Seeing Li Youwei's excited look, the four of them guessed that Young Master Lu had a close relationship with her, and that he might be the big shot behind her. Liu Jiayi said, "Weiwei, let's go to the scene together to get acquainted with the venue."

Li Youwei couldn't refuse, so she took them to the scene together.

The six people came to the scene, where Lu Chen and the others were already waiting, as soon as Lu Xiaoke saw Li Youwei, he yelled cutely, "Sister Weiwei, let's cheer for you."

"Young Master Lu." Li Youwei walked up to Huang Chen and shouted shyly, then said to the girls, "Thank you for coming to support me..."

The four of Chen Ningbing guessed that Huang Xing was the big shot behind Li Youwei, and they all smiled sweetly and shouted, "Young Master Lu."

They looked at the girls around Huang Xing, all of whom were beautiful and beautiful, and felt ashamed in their hearts.

The four of them are very confident in their looks, and they think that they are not inferior to Li Youwei. They also want to meet Lu Shao, and maybe they can also get into his eyes and get support.

But when they saw Ji Ran and the others, they felt a little desperate.

Huang Xing saw that they looked familiar, they should also be celebrities, and nodded slightly to them.

Then he pointed at Xia Qingqiu and introduced to Li Youwei, "This is Sister Qiu'er, take her to try singing first."

When Xia Qingqiu saw his idol, he stretched out his hand nervously and said, "Miss Li, my name is Xia Qingqiu, and I'm your loyal fan. Please take care of me."

Li Youwei reached out to hold her, and said generously, "Sister Qiu'er, you are welcome, you can call me Weiwei."

Huang Chen joked, "Weiwei, you are so charming. My girlfriend, older sister, and younger sister are all your big fans."

Li Youwei blushed slightly, and said, "Young Master Lu, don't make fun of me, I'll take Sister Qiu'er to rehearse first."

"Go." Seeing that Xia Qingqiu was a little nervous, Huang Chen encouraged him, "Don't be nervous, when the time comes, everyone in the audience will be your students, show your majesty as a teacher, and shock them."

Ji Ran's four daughters also encouraged Xia Qingqiu, "Sister Qiu'er, come on."

Xia Qingqiu adjusted his mentality and followed Li Youwei to rehearse.

Li Youwei explained to her some things to pay attention to on stage, and then the two began to sing together.

It was the first time Xia Qingqiu sang with an idol, but she was still very nervous and her voice trembled a little.

Anyone you think of
Anyone can fall
Anyone can hurt someone they love
Hearts will break
Cos I made a stupid mistake
It can happen to anyone of us
Say you will forgive me

clap clap clap...

As the singing ended, Huang Xing and the girls gave them warm applause from the audience.

Xia Qingqiu felt a little embarrassed when she heard the applause, she knew that she didn't perform well just now.

Li Youwei encouraged, "Sister Qiu'er, your pitch is very accurate, and the tone is very suitable for this song. You have already sung very well. Don't be nervous, let's do it again."

"Yeah." Xia Qingqiu felt a lot more relaxed after being praised by his idol.

For the second chorus, Xia Qingqiu was no longer so nervous, Li Youwei deliberately lowered her voice, letting Xia Qingqiu's voice overwhelm her own.

Everyone in the audience listened quietly, Lu Xiaoke said intoxicated, "Sister Qiu'er sings really well."

(End of this chapter)

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