Chapter 257 Concert
"Do you think your brother made sister Qiu'er a special guest to sing with Weiwei just to slap that person in the face?"

Lu Xing said triumphantly to Lu Xiaoke, "Sister Qiu'er was invited to be a special guest chorus as a fan at night, and then hyped up Weiwei's approachability to fans, so that the popularity will increase slowly, and Sister Qiu'er sings so well, she won't lower the standard of the concert, it kills two birds with one stone."


After hearing Huang Xing's words, Lu Xiaoke was a little speechless. She didn't expect her brother to have such deep scheming, so she whispered, "Scheming boy."

The three girls nodded in agreement.

Huang Xing rolled his eyes at the girls, and said admonishingly, "What do you know, this is called strategizing."

Lu Xiaoke murmured weakly again, "Scheming boy."

The three girls nodded again cooperatively.

Huang Chen has black hair, other girls dare not contradict him, only Lu Xiaoke dares to sing against him.

No way, I can only say that it is self-inflicted, and it is all caused by oneself.

When Chen Ningbing and the others heard that Huang Chen was thinking of Li Youwei so much, they were both envious and jealous in their hearts.

With such a great person advocating for her, plus Li Youwei's outstanding strength, it's hard not to become the queen of the song.

They didn't understand the relationship between Young Master Lu and Li Youwei.

Judging from the behavior of the two of them, Li Youwei didn't look like she was being taken care of by Young Master Lu.

Is it because Young Master Lu said that his girlfriend, older sister, and younger sister are all her fans, so he spared no effort to praise her?
Seeing the beauties around Huang Xing, the four of them sat aside and didn't dare to strike up a conversation rashly, fearing that it might backfire.

Xia Qingqiu and Li Youwei sang three or four times consecutively on stage, gradually mastering the rhythm, and the voices of the two merged together, giving it a special flavor.

Huang Xing and the others cheered her on and applauded desperately in the audience.

The concert started at 7:[-], and Li Youwei still had a lot of things to prepare. Seeing that the two had cooperated well, Huang Chen asked them to stop rehearsing first.

The two walked off the stage, Li Youwei said to Xia Qingqiu, "Sister Qiu'er, you are already singing very well, as long as you can perform normally at night, you will be fine."

She was also somewhat pleasantly surprised by Xia Qingqiu's singing skills, it was very rare to be able to achieve this effect without professional training.

Xia Qingqiu said worriedly, "I'm afraid that there will be too many audiences in the audience, and the nervous performance will be abnormal."

Huang Chen smiled from the side, "Sister Qiu'er, it's okay, I'll treat you to a meal first, so as to calm you down in advance."

As soon as Lu Xiaoke heard that there was something to eat, he asked excitedly, "Okay, brother, what do you want to take us to eat?"

Huang Xing thought for a while, and asked the girls, "How about going to Yujia No. [-] for a seafood feast?"

"Yeah, long live the seafood." Lu Xiaoke shouted excitedly, "Brother, let's go and eat quickly. We'll be in time for Sister Weiwei's concert after eating."

All the girls nodded and had no objection, Huang Chen said to Li Youwei, "Weiwei, I'm taking them to dinner, you go first."

Li Youwei smiled softly, and said, "Go and eat, I happen to be preparing for the concert."

Without wasting time, Huang Xing called Wang Hu to order a table of seafood first, and then set off for Yujia No. [-] with all the girls.

Seeing Huang Xing leave, Li Youwei felt a little disappointed.

She really wanted to put down what she was doing and go to dinner with them.

But whether he is someone or not, he didn't invite him, so what qualifications do he have to go to dinner with him.

Alas, maybe after the concert, they will not see each other again.

She put away her emotions and started busy with the concert.

The three singers came to the scene one after another. They all knew that Li Youwei was supported by big figures behind her, and they didn't dare to put on airs in front of her. They all praised and encouraged her very gently as seniors.

China's major entertainment media also flocked here, and they all received orders from their superiors not to have any negative news about Li Youwei.

Wang Hu personally went to the scene to sit in town and maintain order.

The security work of the concert is under the responsibility of Tianchen Security, a subsidiary of Tianchen Group.

Most of the brothers who followed Wang Hu in the past were assigned to Tianchen Security Company.

One and a half hours before the start of the concert, admission is open.

Linjiang Stadium can accommodate more than 6 people, and the tickets have long been snapped up.

The news of the support of the three singers spread, causing the ticket price of the concert to double, but still not many people were willing to sell it.

The square outside the concert also gathered tens of thousands of people without tickets, and most of them came for the three queens.

At this stage, in terms of fan appeal, Li Youwei is indeed not as good as the three queens.

Huang Xing and the girls returned to the concert site after having a feast of seafood, and the place was already crowded with people.

All the girls bought color-changing light sticks and came into the arena to cheer for Li Youwei.

At 07:30, the concert officially started.

The colorful neon lights on the stage flickered, and the white mist filled the air, like a dream.

The ethereal singing came out of the white mist and spread to every corner of the scene.

The white mist gradually dissipated, and a girl like an elf appeared on the stage.

Deafening cheers, shouts, and screams erupted at the scene.

Everyone waved light sticks independently to welcome Li Youwei's appearance.

The fans began to hum along to the rhythm of Li Youwei.

Tens, hundreds, thousands.

In the end, tens of thousands of fans sang along with the chorus.

The sound was earth-shattering.

Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke are also Li Youwei's fans, they also waved light sticks and hummed excitedly along with the sound.

All kinds of screaming and singing were perfectly integrated, and the atmosphere of the scene reached the extreme.

After Li Youwei sang a few songs, Chen Ningbing and the others also came on stage to sing to warm up the scene. They are all capable singers, and some of Li Youwei's fans are their fans. The atmosphere of the scene has always been hot.

Especially when the three queens came on stage, the atmosphere of the concert reached its peak. Many people grew up listening to their songs.

Xia Qingqiu also came on stage to sing "Anyone Of Us" with Li Youwei.

She was introduced as a beautiful English teacher at Linjiang University and a loyal fan of Li Youwei.

Many Linjiang University students in the audience knew Xia Qingqiu, and shouted her name excitedly.

Xia Qingqiu appeared very nervous on stage for the first time, his hand holding the microphone was a little trembling, and his singing voice at the beginning was not up to standard.

But as tens of thousands of people sang along, she seemed to be one of them, and she sang along as an ordinary fan. The chorus of the two pushed the atmosphere of the concert to another peak.

Throughout the three-hour concert, a crazy atmosphere was maintained. Li Youwei became the most dazzling star, and her perfect singing made people intoxicated.

Some fans in the audience cried and some laughed.

Crazy screaming, hissing and screaming.

At the end of the concert, they were still immersed in the crazy atmosphere just now.

(End of this chapter)

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