Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 259 If I Become a Demon, How Can Buddha Help Me

Chapter 259 If I Become a Demon, How Can Buddha Help Me

After a flight of about three hours, the plane arrived at the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

The holy place of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is located among the high mountains in the Hefeng area.

There are towering pagodas, numerous temples, and solemn treasures everywhere.

There are few people here, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get there.

After getting off the plane with the four daughters, Huang Xing felt calm and peaceful, and his whole body relaxed a lot.

Xuan Yi clasped his hands together, "Amitabha, Lu Zongshou, Xiao Jianzhu, all female benefactors, this way please."

No. [-] on the earth list, the first of the world's masters.

The name of Zongshou is the respectful title given to Huang Xing in the martial arts world.

Although Ji Ran and Lu Xiaoke are also the masters of the Three Swords of the Sword Sect, they are not disciples of the Sword Sect, and they have no record to show their hands. Naturally, their status in the martial arts world is not as high as Xiao Qingchen, and no one has used the sword for the time being. call them by the name of the Lord.

Xuan Yi followed the special plane to meet Huang Xing and his party. After getting off the plane with everyone, he led them to the pagoda.

After the little monk Jiujie became mad, he lived in the pagoda, and was treated by the holy monks above the three innate.

The first time I entered the ancient temple, the sun was shining on the high forest.

The winding path leads to a secluded place, and the pagoda has deep flowers and trees.

The mountains are light and the birds are beautiful.

Everything is silent here, except for the sound of the remaining bells and chimes.

All the way to the Buddhist pagoda, Huang Chen felt that the world was solemn and quiet. Looking at the Buddhist temples scattered among the mountains, some of them were simple and simple with blue tiles and white walls; some were resplendent and magnificent.

There are thousands of images of Buddha, which are vividly displayed by these various Buddhist temples.

Lu Xiaoke's lively and active personality was affected a little here, he didn't dare to make any noise, and quietly followed beside Huang Xing, looking left and right with smart eyes, looking curiously at the remote mountain and temple scenery.

The pagoda towered into the sky, Huang Xing and the four girls followed Xuan Yi to the pagoda, and couldn't help but look up at the entire pagoda, shocked by its magnificence.

The pagoda has thirteen floors. The first floor is in the shape of a bowl; For the spire.

"Amitabha, Junior Brother Jiujie and the three masters and uncles are on the seventh floor of the pagoda. Please follow me into the pagoda."

Xuan Yi proclaimed the Buddha's name, and the door of the pagoda slowly opened.

The door of the pagoda is composed of two natural boulders, which slowly separate and make a heavy clicking sound.


Xuan Yi saluted, and led Huang Chen and the four girls into the pagoda.

Inside and outside the tower are like two worlds.

When Huang Xing walked into the pagoda, he instantly felt as if he had passed away.

He keeps his original mind quietly, and everything he sees with his delusion-breaking eyes is boundless Dharma.

Ji Ran, Lu Xiaoke, and Luo Xiaoying all showed solemn expressions on their faces. The Dharma cleansed their bodies and minds, making them feel comfortable and peaceful.


As soon as Xiao Qingchen stepped into the pagoda, she suddenly felt that the boundless Buddhism was suppressing her.

The demonic and killing intent on her also erupted suddenly, and her violent breath resisted the boundless dharma.

She seemed to have become the hell god of death on the martial arts arena again.

Huang Xing and the three women noticed Xiao Qingchen's abnormal state, and their faces showed horror.

After the martial arts competition, she and Huang Xing formally confirmed their relationship, and she became a weak woman by his side, making people almost forget that she was a female devil who wanted to slaughter the world in the martial arts arena.

The three holy monks on the seventh floor of the pagoda noticed the change in Xiao Qingchen, and their expressions changed dramatically.

Even if a heinous person enters the pagoda, the Dharma will only slowly cleanse his body and mind, allowing him to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately.

But as soon as Xiao Qingchen entered the pagoda, Boundless Dharma directly wanted to suppress her.

This means that Xiao Qingchen is a real demon, a disaster for the common people, even the Buddha will not tolerate her.

She is a demon, an enemy of Buddha.

The three holy monks were astonished and at the same time found it hard to understand.

If a person has such a demonic mind, he should have turned into a demon long ago, causing endless slaughter.

Although they had never seen Xiao Qingchen's demon posture in the martial arts competition with their own eyes, they had heard that Xiao Qingchen only had a demon name and did not actually kill.





Inside the pagoda, Sanskrit sounds rang out.

The Buddha's voice, which sounded like a bell, came from nowhere and rang through the entire pagoda.

The black flame in Huang Xing's body also seemed to be frightened by the Buddha's voice, flickering and flickering tremblingly.

Seeing Xiao Qingchen being suppressed by Buddhism, his face darkened, and he asked in a rather unfriendly tone, "Xuan Yi, what's going on?"

Xuan Yi replied nervously, "Lu Zongshou, I don't know why."

He didn't know much about the pagoda, and it was the first time he saw such a vision in the pagoda.

"Amitabha, Sword Master Xiao, please leave the pagoda for now."

A loud voice came, urging Xiao Qingchen to leave the pagoda.

This is a reminder from one of the three holy monks.

When they saw the pagoda suppressing Xiao Qingchen, they almost couldn't help but want to subdue the demon.

But the strength of Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen made them very afraid.

And Xiao Qingchen didn't commit any crime, they had no reason to act.

Xiao Qingchen was unmoved when he heard the words, with a cold blood in his beautiful eyes, he said in a domineering voice, "If I am a demon, what can Buddha do to me?"

She is Xiao Qingchen, even the Buddha cannot make her back down.

out loud.

The Buddha's voice rolled, and the thunder was furious.

When the three holy monks heard Xiao Qingchen's blasphemy against the Buddha, they sat cross-legged with serious expressions on their faces, and two of them proclaimed, "Amitabha, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn your head and you will be on the shore."

The loud voice penetrated from the seventh floor of the pagoda to the first floor, and the Buddha realms on the bodies of the three holy monks opened up and merged into the Buddha Dharma, spreading all over the pagoda.

"I have no pain in my heart, why do I need to look back?"

Xiao Qingchen raised his head slightly, his eyes seemed to be looking at the three holy monks through a wall of mud and stone.

Her voice is domineering, confident, and powerful, making it unquestionable.

Xiao Qingchen's eyes were cold and frightening. She lowered her head and turned to Lu Xing beside her, with a bit of tenderness in her coldness, she said softly, "I will go up the tower with you."

With a faint smile, Huang Chen stretched out his hands to hold Xiao Qingchen and Ji Ran's slender hands, and said boldly, "Let's go."

Xuan Yi had already stood aside in fright, not knowing what to do.

"Amitabha, all donors, please."

The resonant voice of the first holy monk did not stop them from going up the pagoda.

Lu Chen stepped out, and Ji Ran, Xiao Qingchen, Lu Xiaoke, and Luo Xiaoying also firmly followed his steps and walked out.

As soon as Xiao Qingchen stepped out, the boundless coercion of Buddhism surged towards her.

Huang Xing and the three girls beside her were completely unaffected.

Huang Xing's delusion-breaking eyes could see the magic of Buddhism in suppressing Xiao Qingchen.

He held her hand and stayed by her side.

If she loses, no matter if it is a Buddha or a god, he will kill the Buddha and kill the gods.

Xiao Qingchen's face was still cold and cold.

Every time she took a step, the Buddhist pressure on her body became heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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