Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 260 Demon Heart One Thought, Nine Deaths Without Regrets

Chapter 260 One Thought of the Devil's Heart, Nine Deaths Without Regrets
The demonic intent and killing intent on Xiao Qingchen's body were intertwined, and the Slaughtering Demon Sword was invincible and wiped out all the dharma that blocked her.

Huang Xing held her hand, feeling the coldness of her palm.

It was a coldness that ignored everything.

As his warm palm was pulled up, her palm gradually became warm.

Huang Xing took her hand, and secretly rubbed her palm with his index finger.

Xiao Qingchen's small hands trembled slightly, but his face still had an indifferent look of disdain for the world.

At the time when the Buddha and the devil were fighting and killing each other, Huang Chen secretly teased Xiao Qingchen, the big witch, adding a touch of love.

The sound of Buddha resounded throughout the pagoda.





The six-character mantra of Buddhism reverberates, purifies the soul, and suppresses demonic obstacles.

Listening to the Buddha's voice, Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen felt ethereal and clear.

They are about to be intoxicated by it, and the king's sword heart and natural sword heart are stimulated, so that they will not be affected by Buddhism and return to their true nature.

Listening to the rolling Buddha's voice, Luo Xiaoying felt her heart was at peace, soothing the pain hidden in the depths.

Huang Chen was not affected by the Buddha's voice at all. His good fortune is so strong that his Taoism is indestructible and invincible by all dharmas.

Xiao Qingchen walked slowly but calmly.

One step at a time, the magic lotus.

Buddhism could not stop her footsteps, every time she took a step, a black magic lotus appeared on the sole of her feet.

She walked forward step by step, step by step up the spiral stone staircase.

The second floor, the third floor, the fourth floor, the fifth floor...

With each level up, the power of Buddhism doubles.

At the sixth floor, the power of Buddhism has reached an extremely terrifying level.

The demonic and murderous intent on Xiao Qingchen's body became stronger and stronger, and the three girls felt terrified when they were beside her.

Every time she took a step, the magic lotus under her feet had turned half black and half white.

After stepping on it, it exploded with a bang.

The footsteps sounded like thunder.

The fried pagodas are trembling.

The three holy monks are on the seventh floor, feeling the magic is getting closer, their faces are as silent as water.

They seemed to see a unparalleled demon, stepping on the thunder, slowly walking towards the Buddha, and confronting the Buddha.

Xiao Qingchen held Huang Xing's hand tightly, with a gloomy and cold light in his eyes, he walked out step by step firmly.

In this battle between the Buddha and the devil, there is no flash of swords, no blood flowing into rivers.

Some are just a clear mind that goes straight to the heart.

If she loses, her demonic nature will be suppressed and destroyed, and she will not be able to become enchanted to improve her combat power.

If she wins, her demonic nature will be more determined, and her combat power will become stronger after being enchanted.

This is a battle between Buddha and demons, and it is also a sharpening of the Taoist heart.

Xiao Qingchen went to the Buddhist pagoda in order to learn from the devil's mind.

It's just that outsiders don't know that she is also learning another heart of Dao.

Even if it is the Nine Nether Yellow Springs, even if it is the Infernal Purgatory.

Wherever Huang Xing went, she would accompany her.

Huang Xing wanted to climb the pagoda to visit the little monk, so she accompanied him to the pagoda.

On the sixth floor of the pagoda, the voice of the Buddha is rolling, and the thunder is bursting.

Huang Chen took Ji Ran and Xiao Qingchen's hands and walked towards the stone ladder.

Climbing up the stone ladder, the little monk and the three holy monks are on it.

Standing on the last step on the sixth floor, Huang Xing could see the center of the seventh floor, where the three holy monks were sitting cross-legged.

The little monk sat cross-legged among them, his face was pale and he looked very weak.

"Boss, Xiao Ke."

He looked at Huang Xing and Lu Xiaoke at the stairs, with a smile on his pale face, and called out in a weak voice.

Lu Xiaoke felt a little uncomfortable seeing him. The little monk who was still alive and kicking, playing tricks and amusing, now became dying and lost his vitality.

Huang Xing looked at the little monk, and his heart was shocked.

He actually saw a black lightning bolt on the little monk, it was the same power as the black flame he pulled out from Li Youwei's body.

When he was with the little monk last time, he didn't have the eye of delusion, so he didn't know that there was a black lightning lurking on the little monk.

He was a little skeptical that the little monk practiced madness and had something to do with Black Lightning.

The little monk is a person with the nature of a great Buddha. It is reasonable to say that if you practice Buddhist skills, even if you practice hell-suppressing demons, you should not go crazy.

Moreover, the three holy monks have helped him to stabilize the wounds on his meridians. It is impossible to recover, but there is no need to worry about his life. Why should he stay in the pagoda forever.

Huang Xing thought of a possibility. The three holy monks should have discovered the abnormality in the young monk's body, but they couldn't help the young monk get rid of this dark force, so they left the young monk in the stupa.

He pretended not to know anything, and said calmly, "Jiu Jie, your body is not recovered, so don't talk too much."

Huang Xing turned his head to look at Xiao Qingchen, as long as he took another step, the pressure of Buddhism on the seventh floor would be doubled again.

Xiao Qingchen also looked at him and smiled sweetly.

Smile firmly and brightly.

Huang Chen nodded, understood her determination, and took a light step.

Xiao Qingchen also took a step forward.


Her footsteps landed on the seventh floor of the pagoda, with lotuses growing on the soles of her feet.

No longer a black magic lotus.

Nor is it half black and half white.

But the golden lotus.

The sacred flower of Buddhism, the golden lotus springing from the ground.

The Buddha Dharma penetrated from the golden lotus to the soles of her feet, as if it wanted to burn her.

Xiao Qingchen raised his head slightly rebelliously, his cold eyes showed no regrets and firmness, and stepped on the other foot.


The magic lotus rises again.

A golden lotus springs from the ground on the right foot.

Left foot black magic lotus.

This world is a demon, looking down on all living beings.

Do whatever you want, across the world.

If the Buddha blocks me, I will also kill the Buddha.

With one thought in the devil's heart, he would die without regret.

Xiao Qingchen had no regrets, stepped on the golden lotus with one foot, and stepped on the magic lotus with the other, and followed Huang Chen to the little monk.





The sound of the Buddha was furious, and the sound of the Sanskrit moved the sky.

The Zen mind of the three holy monks was greatly shaken, and Xiao Qingchen was besieged by the Buddhist realm.

This woman has a devilish nature, which I have never seen in my life.

If it is not eliminated, there will be endless troubles.

Huang Chen's innate energy also showed, and he looked at the three holy monks with lightning eyes.

If they attacked Xiao Qingchen, he would do so without hesitation.

The atmosphere in the pagoda became solemn and ready to explode.

"Uncle Master, my Buddha pays attention to karma. Since Sword Master Xiao didn't commit any crimes, how could he attack her because of her demonic nature?"

The little monk's weak voice broke the silence.

"Amitabha, I'm the one who waited."

After hearing what the little monk said, the three holy monks took back the Buddhist realm that besieged Xiao Qingchen. The white-robed monk said solemnly, "Sword Master Xiao has such a demonic nature, but he can take it in and out freely. He is a person with great perseverance. Look forward to seeing you in the future." Don't commit murder."

Xiao Qingchen walked towards them step by step, the Dharma of the seventh level could no longer help her.

She said in a cold voice, "If I am a devil, my will is the devil's will."

"Amitabha, if Sword Master Xiao can have kind thoughts in his heart, it will be a blessing for the common people."

The white-robed monk bowed to Xiao Qingchen, then bowed to Huang Chen and the others, "Zongshou Lu, three female benefactors, welcome to the Demon Suppressing Pagoda."

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(End of this chapter)

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