Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 261 Continuing the Meridians

Chapter 261 Continuing the Meridians
The pagoda is also known as the Demon-Suppressing Pagoda. In ancient times, the demons from all directions were imprisoned and suppressed, making the demons frightened.

The world of martial arts has been hidden for a hundred years, and the Demon Suppressing Tower has not been opened for a long time, and it has been gradually forgotten by people.

Xiao Qingchen stepped on the golden lotus and the magic lotus and stood beside Huang Xing. The devilish energy was naturally present, and there was a bit of holiness in it.

She stood still and let the boundless Buddha teach her.

But she has no regrets in her demon heart, and the power of the seventh level of Buddhism has nothing to do with her.

The Buddhist suppression is more like a baptism for her, making her demon heart stronger.

The tense atmosphere had disappeared, and Huang Xing returned a Buddhist salute to the three holy monks, and said, "Junior Huang Chen, I have met the three masters, how dare I ask the three masters' names?"

"Amitabha, the poor monk's Dharma name is Xuyuan."

"Amitabha, the name of the poor monk is false."

The white-robed saint monk Xu Yuan, and the gray-robed saint monk Xu Zheng saluted Huang Chen and reported his dharma name.

Xuzheng had a peaceful face, his eyes were closed tightly, and Huang Xing's delusion-breaking eyes could see the terrifying power in his eyes.

If he opened his eyes, this power burst out instantly, and the general innate superiors would be wiped out.

There was also a yellow-robed holy monk who just saluted but did not speak his name.

Huang Xing saw that his mouth also contained extremely terrifying power, if he spoke, one word could end life and death.

With kind eyebrows and kind eyes, Xu Yuan pointed at the yellow-robed monk and said, "This is Xu Fang, the third junior brother. Junior brother Xu Fang practices closed mouth meditation, and he hasn't spoken for decades."

Huang Chen nodded slightly, looked at the little monk, and asked, "Master Xu Yuan, how is Jiu Jie's injury now?"

Xu Yuan sighed and replied, "Jiujie is not in danger of life now, but the meridians in his body are broken and it is difficult to repair. I am afraid that he will not be able to practice in this life."

"If you can't practice, you can't practice." The little monk was very happy when he saw Huang Xing and the others came to see him, and said with a cheerful smile, "Anyway, I also wanted to return to the city for a long time. If I can't practice now, the master will not stop me I'm also vulgar."

Seeing the optimistic look of the little monk, Lu Xiaojian felt a lot better, and said with a smile, "That's right, what's so fun about being a monk, after you return to vulgarity, my sister will treat you to delicious food and spicy food."

The little monk asked with disbelief, "Young lady, do you really mean what you say?"

In the past, Lu Xiaoke was very stingy with him, and always had a big opinion on him eating and drinking with Huang Chen for free, but now for the first time, he wants to invite him to eat and drink.

Lu Xiaoke was unhappy when she heard it, and stared at her. Just when she was about to lose her temper, Huang Xing interrupted her and reprimanded, "Xiao Ke, don't mess around."

He turned to Xuyuan, and said apologetically, "Xiao Ke is still naive, and he speaks childishly, so please don't take offense, Master."

If he said "what's so fun about being a monk" in front of the three holy monks in the holy land of Buddhism, Lu Xiaoke probably dared to say that.

When the elder brother spoke, Lu Xiaoke gave the little monk a hard look, and then stopped talking.

Xu Yuan didn't feel guilty, and said compassionately, "In the past, there was no way to heal the meridians of the Nine Precepts, but now that the cultivation world has appeared, there may be a way to heal the meridians of the Nine Precepts."

Huang Chen smiled and said, "Why wait for the cultivation world to heal Jiu Jie's meridians, I happen to have a pill here, which can help Jiu Jie continue to connect the meridians."

As soon as his words came out, the three holy monks and the young monk all showed shocked expressions.

After all, the three holy monks were masters, and their expressions quickly returned to normal.

The major forces first speculated that Huang Xing was behind a certain power from the cultivation world. After being denied, they guessed that Huang Xing should have accidentally obtained the inheritance left on the earth by the former cultivation world, which is why he became so powerful.

Now that Huang Xing and Xiao Qingchen are strong enough to compete with the [-]th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, they will go to the cultivation world in one month, and they will no longer go to the bottom of where Huang Xing's inheritance comes from.

They already knew that Huang Xing had pills that could quickly heal injuries and instantly burst into cultivation, and there might also be pills that could quickly turn ordinary people into dark energy or transform energy.

Now that Huang Xing said that he has the medicine to connect the meridians, it was unexpected and reasonable.

The little monk said excitedly, "Boss, do you really have a pill that can help me connect my meridians?"

He said that he wanted to return to vulgarity and go back to the city to play freely, but he also knew that he was the only successor of Xiaowu Temple, if he returned to vulgarity, Xiaowu Temple would lose its inheritance.

With a faint smile, Lu Xing took out the continuation pill that he had prepared and handed it to him, and said, "This pill is called continuation pill, as long as your meridians are not withered, there is absolutely no problem in continuing them for you, but you have to take your time." Warm up and get back to normal.”

There are pills in his store that strengthen the meridians, which can quickly restore the meridians of the young monk, but his gold coins are still limited and cannot be used indiscriminately. Besides, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is one of the four holy places, and there will definitely be no shortage of pills for warming the meridians. Now he has a relationship with the realm of comprehension, and all kinds of pills are more powerful.

In fact, even without his Meridian Continuation Pill, he believed that with the strength of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in the cultivation world, he could still help the little monk continue to connect his meridians.

But the little monk was eager to improve his strength to help him, and even gave him the Nine-Turn True Yuan Pill after he went mad, and he wanted to repay this love with his own hands.

The little monk took the pill box and opened it, and the smell of medicine came out. He looked at Xumai Dan and said seriously, "Boss, if you thank me, the little monk will not say anything. In the future, if the boss fights, just call out, and the little monk will definitely help you with all your strength." .”

Huang Chen looked at the three holy monks and said, "I need to guide the medicinal power of the Continuing Meridian Pill. If the three masters have no objections, I will continue to connect the meridians for Jiu Jie now."

In fact, the medicinal power of Xumai Pill does not need to be guided, it will automatically continue to connect the meridians. He said this to take the opportunity to pull the black lightning out of his body while guiding the meridians for the little monk.

The faces of the three holy monks changed slightly, but they soon returned to normal, Xu Yuan said, "Then I will thank Zongshou Lu."

They have already noticed that there is an evil and dark power in the little monk's body, and they want to get rid of it, but that power is attached to the little monk's meridians, as if alive, when their innate qi drives him out, they will die together look.

The three holy monks couldn't get rid of that power without hurting the little monk, so they had to leave the little monk in the Demon Town Tower and let it continue to attach to the little monk's meridians.

Moreover, although that power is evil and dark, it is not harmful to the young monk for the time being. It also warms and nourishes the meridians of the young monk, so that his meridians will not wither when he goes crazy.

"Then let's start now."

Huang Xing walked behind the little monk and sat down cross-legged. He found that when he said that he could help the little monk continue to connect his meridians, the black lightning seemed a little excited. It seemed that it also wanted to restore the meridians to their original state.

 Lu Xiaoke and the little monk are not a couple

  Both are innocent children
  Bickering and bickering doesn't mean love
(End of this chapter)

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