Chapter 264 Seven Powers
The black flame flickered on and off.

The black lightning sent out a sizzling arc.

Huang Xing released them and imprisoned them in front of him with his innate qi.

As soon as the flames and lightning came out, they struggled crazily, and a dark and evil atmosphere filled the entire room.


Huang Xing mobilized his innate qi to suppress them, and said sternly, "I know you can understand me, now I'm asking you questions, if you don't answer honestly, I will wipe out your consciousness."

When Black Lightning and Black Flame heard that Huang Xing was about to wipe out their consciousness, they seemed very scared, and they were silent and did not dare to struggle.

Huang Xing sneered, "I will question you separately, if the promises you get are different, no matter who of you is lying, I will wipe out your consciousness together."

He couldn't tolerate the other party's consideration, so he imprisoned the black flame with innate qi and took it back into his body, and then said to the black lightning, "Start with you, I will ask you questions later, and I will ask them later. If the promise is different, you should Know what will happen."

The black lightning moved tremblingly, as if saying that he knew.

Huang Xing began to ask, "Are you from the same place, are you going left, not right?"

Black Lightning moved to the left as expected.

"Are you from the earth or the cultivation world? The earth goes to the left, and the cultivation world goes to the right. If it's not the case, don't move."

Black Lightning moved to the left again.

Huang Xing frowned slightly, this answer was beyond his expectation, he thought they came from the realm of cultivation, even a place higher than the realm of cultivation, but unexpectedly they came from the earth.

"Are you born with your hosts, or do you enter them after they are born? The former goes to the left, the latter goes to the right."

Black Lightning moved to the right.

Huang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. If they were born with Jiu Jie and Li Youwei, it would be too scary. Since they came the day after tomorrow, they are still within controllable range.

Although Black Lightning and Black Flame have self-awareness and can understand his words, they cannot talk to him directly, they can only simply express yes or no.

Huang Xing asked Black Lightning some more questions, and took him back into his body.

Then he released black flames, and asked those questions again in the same way.

They seem to be very afraid of being wiped out of consciousness, and their answers are very honest, and the answers obtained by both sides are completely consistent.

Huang Xing also had a general understanding of their situation.

They are not aliens, but native to the earth. They have been asleep for an unknown amount of time and woke up 30 years ago.

With the same power as them, there are seven paths in total. After waking up, they will go to find their hosts respectively.

They do not look for a host casually, but must meet certain conditions, and enter the host's body within one month of birth.

As long as there is a suitable host for them, they can sense it in the dark and look for the past.

The black flame lives in Li Youwei's heart, and will slowly absorb the power of her heart to strengthen itself, and when it is strong enough, it will be able to replace its own consciousness with that of the host.

The same is true for the black lightning. It slowly absorbs the power of the little monk's meridians. Later, after the little monk practiced, the power of the meridians was more, and he absorbed it faster and became stronger.

If it hadn't been discovered early, the higher the little monk's cultivation base, the stronger he would be, and he could replace the little monk's consciousness with his own.

Huang Xing was a little shocked when he heard that, the little monk could make the black lightning reach the innate strength just by cultivating his strength.

There are still evil powers like the Five Dao. If the hosts of those evil powers have reached the level of innate masters, how powerful will they become?
Even if this evil force has replaced the host, how strong should it be?

But now that the world of comprehension has appeared, the power system has been broken, and those evil forces should not be able to reach the point of being invincible.

And after seeing the Demon Suppressing Tower today, Huang Xing has some understanding of the background of the [-]th National Congress of superpowers.

The Dharma of the seventh floor has already reached the innate level, doubled for each layer, and the Dharma of the No. 13th floor is at least 64 times it.

Such power is too terrifying for the martial arts world.

At that time, the blood alliance was only related to the blood spirit of the blood sacred land. The nineteen superpowers were afraid of him when they did not understand the cultivation world, and listed him as the No. 20 superpower.

In terms of real background, the blood alliance is incomparable with the [-]th National Congress of superpowers.

No wonder Wudiqiang said at the time that as long as these superpowers were not in a war of extermination, no one would know how strong the opponent's background was.

Huang Xing took back the black lightning and black flame, and lay down on the bed to sleep.

As for the other five forces, if he can meet the best, he will subdue them as well.

He always felt that after gathering the seven powers, he might be able to explore the secrets behind them.

The next morning, Master Kong Jian, the abbot of Tianlong Temple, one of the seven temples in the Pure Land of Bliss, received Huang Xing and the four daughters in person, expressing his welcome for their arrival and his gratitude for Huang Xing's treatment of the Nine Precepts.

Master Kongjian is the Lord of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss of this generation.

Originally, according to the title handed down from the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, it should be called "Buddha".

However, a long time ago, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss felt that this title was too arrogant, and no longer used "Buddha" to refer to the Holy Lord of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Master Kong Jian received Huang Xing and the others in person, which is enough to show how high Huang Xing's status is in the martial arts world.

After chatting with Master Kongjian, the little monk took Huang Chen and the others to Xiaowu Temple to meet his master.

The master of the little monk, Master Kongcheng, has reached the peak of innate cultivation, only one step away from the innate, and his strength is even better than that of Master Kongjian.

When Huang Xing saw Master Kong Cheng, he was wearing coarse linen clothes and woven straw sandals on his feet. The meditation room was also extremely simple, and he was two extremes with the little monk who liked to enjoy himself.

"Little monk, Master Kong Cheng is really your master?"

After leaving Xiaowusi, Lu Xiaoke couldn't help asking the little monk.

It is really the contrast between master and apprentice is too great.

"Of course." The little monk said with a smile, "I am the only successor of Master, and I will be the host of this Xiaowu Temple from now on."

Lu Xiaoke looked back at the dilapidated Xiaowu Temple, which was the smallest and dilapidated temple she had ever seen in the Pure Land of Bliss. She said with distaste, "Look at your prospects, you can be the host of a dilapidated temple. What a pleasure."

The little monk said with grief and indignation, "You think I want to be the abbot of this ruined temple. If it weren't for my master and me as an apprentice, the devil would be willing to be the abbot of Xiaowu Temple."

Lu Xiaoke sprinkled salt on his flaunting wound, "My brother will go back to Hucheng in a few days to build a big villa, and then I will ask my brother to build me a water pavilion attic, which is thousands of times more beautiful than your dilapidated temple. "

(End of this chapter)

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