Invincible and powerful God system

Chapter 265 Buddha bone relic

Chapter 265 Buddha bone relic
The little monk's own temple was not angry when it was said to be a small ruined temple, and he agreed with a flattering face, "The little monk's small ruined temple is naturally incomparable with the water pavilion attic of the young lady, one is in the sky, and the other is underground."

Lu Xiaoke glanced at the little monk proudly, and felt that the little bald head was much more pleasing to the eye when they met this time.

After the little monk was injured, he lost a lot of weight. He was no longer as chubby as before, but became a bit more delicate.

And she knew that after the little monk was injured, she still didn't forget to ask Xuanyi to send the precious Nine-Turn True Yuan Pill to her brother, and she already regarded him as a true friend in her heart, and no longer regarded him as a gangster who ate and drank. .

Lu Xiaoke tilted his head, and said to Huang Chen coquettishly, "Brother, can you build me a water pavilion at the time?"

Huang Chen looked at her dotingly, and said with a smile, "Okay, whatever you want to build, I will build it for you."

"Yeah, thank you brother." Lu Xiaoke happily threw himself at Huang Chen, wanting to kiss his face.

Huang Xing quickly avoided, and taught, "Buddhist holy land, pay attention to your image."

Lu Xiaoke nodded grinningly, "Yeah, I owe you first, and I'll kiss you when I get back."


Huang Chen was speechless with a black thread.

Lu Xiaohe didn't care whether his brother liked it or not, he happily described the water pavilion and attic to everyone.

The girls were quite moved when they heard this, and they talked about what the villa would look like.

Seeing that the four girls were so excited, Huang Xing planned to discuss with them the style of the villa to be built after returning home, and then invite professional designers to help them design and plan it.

The girls chattered excitedly along the way, and before they knew it, they came to the Demon Town Tower.

The schedule during this period was very tight, after Huang Xing prepared to bid farewell to the three holy monks, he would leave the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss in the afternoon.

He still needs to take all the girls to the Demon City to play for two days, and Ji Ran also has to say goodbye to her friends, and then go to the holy place of Taoism to let Ji Ran formally enter the Taoist sect of Ascension.

Afterwards, Lu Xiaoke will be sent back to the Ice Misty Sect, and then accompanied by Xiao Qingchen back to the Sword Sect to pick up the sword.

In the end, he went to Dongying to "return" the Muramasa Demon Sword to the Shinto Temple.

It can be said that there are six days left, and each day's schedule is very tight.

Stepping into the Demon Suppressing Pagoda again, the Buddha Dharma still gathers to suppress Xiao Qingchen.

She went up to the pagoda yesterday, but the Dharma Dharma could not help her, and this time it was even more calm.

Xiao Qingchen climbed up to the seventh floor together with everyone before the killing intent and demonic intent on Xiao Qingchen's body was revealed.

If it wasn't for the Sanskrit sounds and thunder bursts in the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, everyone would have thought that Buddhism would no longer suppress Xiao Qingchen.

The three holy monks were already waiting on the seventh floor. They were shocked when they saw Xiao Qingchen came to the seventh floor with a restrained demonic intent, completely unaffected by Buddhism. They had never seen such a monster in their lives.

Huang Chen has long been familiar with Xiao Qingchen's monstrous talent.

When he first met her, he jokingly called her a "Saint Seiya".

Because of the same move, the second pass is invalid for Saint Seiya.

"Master Xuyuan, I'm here to bid farewell to the three masters."

After everyone boarded the seventh floor, Huang Xing explained his intention to the three holy monks.

Xu Yuan looked at Xu Fang and Xu Zheng, they both hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

Seeing this, Huang Xing was puzzled, the three holy monks seemed to have made some decision.

Xu Yuan clasped his hands together, and asked solemnly, "Amitabha, yesterday we saw that Lu Zongshou didn't seem to be affected by the Buddha's law of the Demon Suppressing Pagoda?"

Yesterday, Dharma wanted to suppress the black lightning, but it couldn't penetrate half of Huang Xing's innate qi.

Huang Xing nodded and admitted, "It really doesn't matter."

Xu Yuan said with emotion, "Amitabha, Lu Zongshou's firm heart is really admirable."

The firmer one's Dao heart is, the less influenced by the Buddhism of the Demon-Suppressing Pagoda.

Huang Chen's ability to ignore the seventh level of Buddhism shows that his Taoism is stronger than Xiao Qingchen's.

Moreover, his heart is not a demon, and Buddhism will not suppress him, but treat him as an equal.

Xu Yuan saluted suddenly, and said seriously, "Amitabha, the poor monk has something to ask, and please ask Lu Zongshou to help."

Without much hesitation, Huang Xing said boldly, "Master, it's okay to say, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you."

He wondered in his heart, is there anything he can't do in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and he still needs to ask him for help?
Xu Yuan said, "The poor monk wants to ask Lu Zongshou to try to climb to the top of the thirteenth floor of the Demon Town Tower and get a treasure."

He explained, "Each floor of the Zhenmo Pagoda doubles the Dharma. The poor monk and his two juniors can only climb to the ninth floor. It seems that Lu Zongshou is not affected by the Dharma. Maybe he can climb to the top of the No. 13th floor."

Huang Xing agreed, "I can try to climb to the top of the tower, but I don't know what treasure the master wants me to get."

Climbing to the top of the thirteenth floor is extremely difficult for others, but what he cultivates is the Heavenly Creation Scripture, and all dharmas are invincible, and no matter how strong the Dharma is, it will not affect him.

Xu Yuan said reverently, "Buddha bone relic."

The little monk asked in shock, "Is there really a Buddha bone relic in the Zhenmo Pagoda?"

The Buddha bone relic is not an ordinary relic. It is said that after the death of the real Buddha, the whole body is condensed.

That is the real Buddha in the legend, not monks like them.

Xu Yuan looked at the little monk, nodded and said, "Buddhist scriptures record that Buddha bone relics are stored on the top of the Demon Suppressing Pagoda."

The little monk heaved a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, there really were Buddha bone relics. He thought they were just legends.

Huang Xing knew what he wanted to get, so he didn't waste any more time, and said directly, "Master Xu Yuan, I'm going to try to climb to the top of the pagoda to get the Buddha bone relic."

Xu Yuan saluted and said, "Amitabha, if Lu Zongshou was affected by Buddhism when he climbed the pagoda, please retreat quickly."

They were worried that the Dharma on the last few floors of the Demon Suppressing Tower was too powerful, and Huang Xing couldn't resist it.

"Master, you don't need to worry, you can be free." Huang Xing bowed back to Xu Yuan, and then said to the four girls, "You wait for me here, I will come down soon."

Xiao Qingchen said softly, "I'll go up with you."

She wants to climb the pagoda with Huang Chen, and sharpen the devil's heart with Buddhism.

Ji Ran also looked at Huang Xing tenderly, her meaning was self-evident.

Xiao Qingchen wanted to go up with him, how could she be willing to lag behind.

"Brother, I want to go up to play." Lu Xiaoke also booed, "The Buddhism you talked about doesn't seem to affect me at all."

"Miss sister, you can't go up." The little monk dissuaded worriedly, "From the eighth floor of the Demon Suppressing Pagoda, Buddhism will affect Dao Xin. If you can't bear it, you will become a female monk."

The Dharma on the first seven floors of the Demon-Suppressing Pagoda is very gentle, and there is no harm for ordinary people to bathe in it. That's why Lu Xiaoke and Ji Ran feel that the Dharma has no effect on them.

But starting from the eighth level, Buddhism becomes very domineering and will change a person's Dao heart. Even a young monk has no confidence to bear the eighth level of Buddhism.

(End of this chapter)

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